Beelzebub ok to watch?

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Beelzebub ok to watch?

Postby Kezz » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:16 am

Hey, I was just wondering is Beelzebub okay to watch because it's about a guy raising a demon lord baby, I've watched two episodes so far and it doesn't bad but I just wanted to know if it's morally ok to watch?
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Postby Atria35 » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:26 am

The honest answer is that it's between you and God. If you feel it isn't against your convictions, and that God hasn't told you to stop, then it should be fine. But some prayer about it shouldn't hurt.
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Postby aliveinHim » Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:25 pm

I wouldn't watch it due to my Christian convictions. Ditto Atria. I don't watch a lot of animes due to my convictions (FMA, Death Note, Vampire Knight, Blood +).
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Postby mechana2015 » Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:32 pm

I personally didn't see anything in it that was any more offensive than say, Inuyasha, content wise. I did find it unbearably annoying though.

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Postby Mr. Hat'n'Clogs » Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:33 pm

aliveinHim (post: 1472690) wrote:I wouldn't watch it due to my Christian convictions. Ditto Atria. I don't watch a lot of animes due to my convictions (FMA, Death Note, Vampire Knight, Blood +).
While I'm unsure how the first three are against your convictions, isn't Blood+ about killing vampires? How could that remotely be considered offensive? I'm honestly curious how.
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Postby TheMewster » Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:32 pm

Personally I wouldn't watch it, but each to his own convictions. Pray about it definitely, and in case you get convicted, wean yourself off of it with other shows with less bad content. God bless!
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Postby Wolf-man » Tue Apr 19, 2011 4:35 pm

Mr. Hat'n'Clogs (post: 1472697) wrote:While I'm unsure how the first three are against your convictions, isn't Blood+ about killing vampires? How could that remotely be considered offensive? I'm honestly curious how.

I can understand it. FMA has a lot of spiritual stuff and it has a this twisted theology of souls and the stuff about the gate. I almost didn't finish because of my convictions. Death Note is really graphic and is all about killing and death plus death gods are a major part of it and they similar to demons. Vampire Knight I am unsure of but her convictions are her convictions. Blood+ is also easy to understand considering the graphic nature of it. She may have a problem with all of that violence and it may have a disturbing feel to her. If that is the case then by all means she should not watch it.
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Postby Atria35 » Tue Apr 19, 2011 4:53 pm

I should probably mention that I'm actually a fan of the Beelzebub manga. A guy takes on responsibility and starts to better his life by taking care of an infant. The fact that he's a demon lord's baby just seems like an extra plot device, since the premise I outlined has been done before (Aishiteruze Baby, for instance).

But that's merely my opinion. And it doesn't go against my convictions.

I completely respect anyone who's opinions and convictions differ from mine.
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Postby mysngoeshere56 » Tue Apr 19, 2011 6:11 pm

I'm not sure if I'd watch it, but I honestly don't know a whole lot about it. As others have stated, pray and follow your convictions. If God doesn't want you to watch it, you'll know.

From my own personal experiences, I've found titles that fellow Christians enjoy that I personally avoid. D.Gray-man, Hellsing, and Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne are anime series that I've looked into, but avoid because I felt the religious content in them was too off for me. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is another one that I don't particularly care for, because I don't really like the fact that they say Haruhi is God. But - as stated before - I do know others who enjoy these shows. While I feel differently about them, I respect the opinions of others. I know that I feel convicted about things differently than they do, and I'm not going to force anybody to follow my convictions.

I also used to be a lot stricter with my content than I am now. When I first started watching anime, I wasn't into most "magic" as a whole, but as I started to learn more about the culture, I grew used to most things and could accept more than I could before.

I'm a fan of FMA and Bleach, but I can understand those who avoid those titles because of how spirituality is portrayed. I *personally* view the spirituality in these shows as fantasy, and not necessarily anything I would take literally. If one were to take it literally, I would recommend avoiding the shows.

As far as Vampire Knight goes, I'm a huge fan. I don't see why somebody would be convicted about spirituality (unless they dislike the vampire genre as a whole), but I can think of another reason why a person would be convicted... (In Vampire Knight Guilty) [spoiler]...In regards to the hints of incest.[/spoiler] But regardless of whether or not one feels they should avoid it for this reason or because of spirituality, people are free to watch what they want and not watch what they don't want. I know other people who don't care for it, and I respect that they dislike it. They're free to hate anything as much as I am to love it (and vice versa).

So, in regards to this particular series, I say that you can watch it if you feel like God isn't telling you otherwise. Pray, possibly watch a few episodes, and go by what you're thinking God is telling you. :)

God bless!
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Postby UniqueAngelStar » Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:11 pm

The anime Beezlebub seems dumb as Bobobo-bobo. I tried to watch a ep. of that and It was a low down for me. Sorry.... :(

Anywho, I think it up to you to decide if you are comfortable to watch it. You should think twice to make your decision.

For animes that interferes with my Christianity, I just watch it if interests me and if it doesn't seems bad and over that to me.
I don't usually take the fantasy stuff seriously; I know it's just made up fictional magic which doesn't seem nothing wrong.
For example, even though I don't like the fact that they considered Haruhi a "God", I still enjoy the series because it's very unique and funny to watch. The music it pretty catchy though. And I don't seem anything wrong with Kamikaze Jeanne, Inuyasha nor FMA, it's just fine to watch. But that's just me.
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