Shao Feng-Li wrote:I think he was pointing out that "no duh there was looting after Katrina. It's not a nice place."
It doesn't seem that way, though. He mentions that they're not "good" and uses Mardi Gras as an example...Mardi Gras had nothing to do with Katrina, so he's saying even
before Katrina hit, that New Orleans was "bad."
If he was talking about people looting, he phrased it really poorly. And even if he was talking about people looting, he contradicts himself. He says "Let's not get down on 'us' 'Americans' as though somehow the actions of certain people from New Orleans is characteristic of all of us."
To which I say, then why is he getting down on the people of New Orleans as though somehow the actions of certain people from there is characteristic of all of them? That's hypocritical. If I'm not mistaken, KhakiBlueSocks is from that area...and isn't rocklobster from around there as well? I bet both of them would be pretty offended that someone is saying "All people from New Orleans looted and are bad people."
So even if he isn't insulting Yuki or Japan, he's insulting people from Louisiana. And that's just as bad.
No, I'm pretty sure no matter how you read his post, it's pretty rude.