This is going to sound pretty depressing.
My brother is in this field, both as an artist and as a producer. He has a lot to say about trying to get a record deal, so the following applies to that side of things. Not saying these will happen, but, since the proceeding characterizes the career of an overwhelming majority of aspiring musicians.
If you love music, then expect a difficult journey that is likely to bear little monetary fruit. If, instead, you love the idea of being famous, expect to be disappointed.
If you want to succeed, expect to work all day every day to perfect your craft, churn out new material and promote yourself. Expect to have much if not all of this hard work to go under appreciated, if not downright unnoticed by most people, including people that matter. Expect to eat lots of cheap food. Expect other people to always be looking out for themselves first and being willing to screw you over in order to better their own lot. Expect to want to give up.
If, knowing all of this, you love music enough to say, "I still can't not go into the industry," then expect to be fullfilled in spite of all of the above.