Lining up what you think you know to what Scripture says in its proper context (to the original audience before comparing what it means for us today) is a good starting ground.
We all go through these periods of "Okay, God, what I want lines up to what Your Word says, why isn't anything happening
now?" And this is part of our problem as humans - we can't see the bigger picture that what God has laid out. (Habakkuk lays this out quite well, when God uses Babylon as punishment for the Israelites, and Habakkuk is crying out to God asking Him "Why would you use
them?" [they're so much worse than the Israelites!!] But what he can't see at that point is that greater punishment will come to Babylon for their misdeeds after He has used them to drive home a point to His people.)
God's ways are not our own. They're almost backwards to ours (Where we, if we were God, might have first punished the Babylonians to drive home a point to Israel that "I am God" but all that would do would serve to have them fear me as God and not serve out of love and humble obedience)
Obedience. If we love Him, we will obey Him, we will follow His commandments (love others.) All spiritual gifts are to edify others. Paul speaks of this in 1 Corinthians (as has already been said) and he specifies that tongues should not be spoken in church unless there is an interpreter. This is because without interpretation of the tongue spoken (whether human or angelic) it cannot edify the body.
So whether or not this is what God wants for you has to line up with what the Word says. We cannot know what God wants for us, unless we first look into what the Scriptures say about it. We must let go of what we want for ourselves and look into what God wants for us for the edification of those around us (Philippians 2 lays this out well)
There will be a period of waiting for the bigger picture, and we may only get small pieces of it at a time, but whatever God has planned for us will line up with the Biblical story. Seek counsel in His word to have a better idea of how to move. It's going to take time, but God will build you up as you learn more of His plan.