PatrickEklektos wrote:And about birth control, well, evil is defined by Scripture. It says nothing about birth control. So letting these people believe what they want about it, as long as its not the sin of taking human life (which is unBiblical), isn't perpetuating evil.
I don't get the compraison to slaver simply for this fact alone. Slavery (in America and Africa) was an abuse to the human being. Birthcontrol or the lack thereof is simply a decision one makes in one's own bedchamber when making love.
TopazRaven wrote:I don't get it, what is so evil about birth control?
Nate (post: 1461085) wrote:The people who oppose birth control do so because they feel that not allowing a child to be born is fundamentally the same as killing a child. They use the story of Onan as support, as well as things like God's charge to Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply.
Nate (post: 1461085) wrote:The people who oppose birth control do so because they feel that not allowing a child to be born is fundamentally the same as killing a child. They use the story of Onan as support, as well as things like God's charge to Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply.
Nate (post: 1461084) wrote:So then you think homosexuality is totally cool and we shouldn't pay any attention to it because we have no right telling them what they ought and ought not do in bed. I totally support you on that!
Shao Feng-Li (post: 1461097) wrote:How did this thread even derail to the Duggars and birth control? I think it's just kind of done now...
PatrickEklektos (post: 1461095) wrote:Homosexuality is a sin defined by Scripture as an abomination to God. Birthcontrol is nowhere mentioned in Scripture. As such, we can make an absolute statement that homosexuality is a sin, but we cannot about birthcontrol. Now I would kindly ask you not to make such thinly veiled accusations to me in the future. It would be much appreciated bro. Thank you.
Shao Feng-Li wrote:How did this thread even derail to the Duggars and birth control?
Nate (post: 1461108) wrote:The same way that looking up "suspension bridge" on Wikipedia led to me reading the article on "William Howard Taft."
Shao Feng-Li (post: 1461109) wrote:Reminds me of the time I started with "hives" and ended up at... well, I don't want to mention it here, but I'm still scarred... D:
Radical Dreamer (post: 1461107) wrote:I think it would be best if we didn't go down the "homosexuality is/isn't a sin" road again here, so for reference, I'll just link this relatively recent thread on the subject. To all, please continue to treat each other and each others' opinions with respect as you discuss this topic further! Thanks!
PatrickEklektos (post: 1461114) wrote:But yeah, so everyone agrees we got off topic, was there anyone reason or anyone who wanted to get back on?
animefanatic777 (post: 1461058) wrote:Well, I dunno how old you are(And that's not me asking) but chances are, you'll find a guy just perfect for you. It is hard.
There's always a guy out there who will meet your standards, it just depends if you meet'im or not. God may have a different guy in plan for you though, we dunno lol You seem like the type of person who is meant to have someone. So I'll have faith that there's someone out there for you :3 I'll pray for you to!
Yuki-Anne (post: 1461147) wrote:No, you won't find a spouse perfect for you. Not ever. Because spouses are not perfect, and should not be expected to be "perfect for you." I know what the heart is behind this, and I understand it, but it bothers me a lot. It's basically the Disney fairy tale repackaged for Christians. It's essentially treating whoever your spouse is like they were made just for you, like their whole purpose in life is to be your soulmate.
I'm just going to come right out and say it: That's nonsense, and if you expect that out of your marriage partner, you're probably going to be disappointed.
Marriage is not this be-all end-all thing that God made us to experience. People are not created specifically to be married. If we were, the idea that God created us to be "perfect for each other" would make sense. But I think God created each person with a specific vision in mind for that person individually. As such, I prefer to see potential mates as they are, not as I think they should be in relation to me.
Yes, it's important to have standards. But why don't you let a person be who they are, who God created them to be, rather than who you expect them to be in relation to yourself?
Yuki-Anne (post: 1461147) wrote:No, you won't find a spouse perfect for you. Not ever. Because spouses are not perfect, and should not be expected to be "perfect for you." I know what the heart is behind this, and I understand it, but it bothers me a lot. It's basically the Disney fairy tale repackaged for Christians. It's essentially treating whoever your spouse is like they were made just for you, like their whole purpose in life is to be your soulmate.
TGJesusfreak (post: 1461081) wrote:I also VERY strongly beleive in being friends with who you date/court first. You learn to respect boundries, you love eachother platonically first, and you learn what irritates you about your friend (then you can decide if you can put up with that for the rest of your life). I just think it's good because it keeps you from being blinded by love.
Hats wrote:"Frodo! Cast off your [s]sins[/s] into the fire!"
Hats wrote:"Frodo! Cast off your [s]sins[/s] into the fire!"
Warrior 4 Jesus (post: 1461185) wrote:I understand your intent but your response sounds rather callous. Poor guys.
FllMtl Novelist wrote:"Do you have a job or are you going to college?"
If the answer is 'no' to both, I'm supposed to say "Well get away from me you loser or my father will kill you".
I'm supposed to ask what his major is. If he says anything that's not Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, or perhaps Business, I tell him to get away from me.
Nate (post: 1461190) wrote:Is "likes math" really something you desperately need in a guy? o.O People who get degrees in other fields can like math too y'know.
Hats wrote:"Frodo! Cast off your [s]sins[/s] into the fire!"
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