Nate (post: 1460423) wrote:I just don't get it. To me it seems disingenuous at best.
You want to shoot people with a gun repeatedly but not be forced to see the consequences of your actions when you do such a thing? If the blood is what turns you off, why would you shoot people? When you shoot people, they bleed. If you don't like the blood, don't shoot people.
That's really my question. Why are you completely fine with wholesale murder of people in a game, but you don't want to see the portrayal of the consequences? Please note that I'm an avid fan of God of War, so I'm completely fine with wholesale murder AND blood and gore. To me, if you're going to accept one, you have to accept the other.
Rusty Claymore wrote:First off, I never murder people in the games I play.
I haven't seen much of GoW, but I believe some of the moves performed by the main would rip his arms off. What about those consequences?
What bothers me is punching someone and having their head explode.
Or punching their arm or femur into pieces. And having those pieces go everywhere and stick around. That's just vile.
At the same time, the german release is clean, but I don't speak german.
Rusty Claymore wrote:Self defense, capital punishment, and Just warfare are pretty much the only sanctioned killing. That's at least what I have gleaned from the Bible anyway.
There was that one time I shot the guy who was about to kill the Sherif. Which brings up the category I missed: Defense of another's life, which kinda falls under the self defense category. Otherwise I'm not hard pressed at all. Fallout is chalk full of things that want to kill you on sight. I don't kill anything that doesn't threaten my life first, or is garunteed to attack(for when I used a stealth char), and in the extremely rare case a quest related request killing. Of course whether you believe me or not, that's up to you.Nate wrote:Last I checked you're not at war in a Fallout game, and I think you'd be hard-pressed to convince me you've never shot an enemy in this game until they shot at you first.
Fish and Chips (post: 1460815) wrote:
I'm not saying M-rated stuff should be stocked to the brim with exploding dudes and crunchy injury physics - and not all of it is - but, if you stand up in the middle of an R-rated film and say, "I can't believe people talk like this!" nobody else in the theater is going to understand you.
Atria35 (post: 1460987) wrote:Bad analogy, since editing a movie, even for one's own viewing in your own home, could potentially be a copyright violation.
could potentially be a copyright violation.
As for the option as a waste of time and money, I don't think it would cost anything and it would take very little time. They wrote the script for the gore, and can easily include one to disable it. Scripting an additional option in a menu would be no intense feat for someone in the business. In fact, for Fallout 3, if you open the script there is already a line variable for gore. If you just change a 0 to 1 it will disable it. New Vegas seems to ignore that scriptline even if you change it though
Rusty Claymore (post: 1461016) wrote:@Atria: I belive copyright violations are for when you market someone else's property. If I edited and then sold or made the edited version available for free, then yes I would be.
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