Seriously, retail customers are crazy. I need to write a rulebook for them.
- Do not place your cart and your body in such a way that you block the aisle
- Do not have family reunions in the middle of the main walkway
- Do not stand two inches away from an employee before asking for help. It's creepy.
- Don't tell the worker you need the yellow Gatorade before your colonoscopy.
- Do not use the speaker on your phone for calls. Everyone has a cellphone now. We're not impressed anymore.
- Please shower before shopping. No one likes the smell of 2 week year old urine. If you're classy enough for pita bread, you're classy enough for soap.
- Don't have a fit when the store is out of gift sets at 7 PM, December 24th.
- Old guys, don't flirt with the young female workers. They really, really don't like it. Also, do not lean over them.
- Ladies, do not use your bra strap to hold your cell phone.
If you guys have anymore, add them to the list XD