Warrior4Christ wrote:The key points/purposes of marriage ceremony are that it involves the community (people you know), and gives them an opportunity to show their support, approval of the union, and join in celebrating.
K. Ayato (post: 1436514) wrote:This thread's been going all over the place. Anything in regards to the original topic that has yet to be discussed?
Far too often we focus on the “recreation” aspect of sex without recognizing that there is another aspect—procreation. For a couple to engage in sex before marriage is doubly wrong—they are enjoying pleasures not intended for them, and they are taking a chance of creating a human life outside of the family structure God intended for every child.
TGJesusfreak wrote:Marraige in the eyes of God HAS to match that of the eyes of Man.
"Avoid the very apearence of evil"
TGJesusfreak (post: 1436516) wrote:I'm young... and obviously most of you wont care what I say. But I think God wants us to save "IT" for only ONE person in life. That person you should be married to in the eyes of man as well as God.
TopazRaven (post: 1436462) wrote:I don't think I'm really asexual. I mean, I am attracted to men, I just don't personally want to have sex with any of them. I see a guy and sometimes think, 'oh he's cute/handsome/hot/you get the point!' (Now that I think about it, is that considered lusting?) Though in all honesty personality mattes more to me then looks any day! It's not going to do you any good if the guy is great looking but is also a huge jerk now is it? xD
TheSubtleDoctor (post: 1436540) wrote:Aw, what a nice thing to say. You are a good wife =).
Atria35 (post: 1436529) wrote:Or what about divorced couples? They can't remarry and have relations with their new spouses either?
Matthew 5 wrote:31 “It has been said, ‘Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.’[a] 32 But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
Radical Dreamer (post: 1436550) wrote:I don't want to get too far into this, for the same reasons that we closed the divorce thread a few weeks ago, but I would like to point this out:
Emphasis mine, but otherwise, I'll let that speak for itself. XD
Atria35 (post: 1436553) wrote:But divorce happens anyway, so while it would be nice if it were a perfect world....
(I also hold that Jesus wouldn't want women sticking around men who beat them and their kids)
Atria35 (post: 1436553) wrote:But divorce happens anyway, so while it would be nice if it were a perfect world....
(I also hold that Jesus wouldn't want women sticking around men who beat them and their kids)
Atria35 (post: 1436553) wrote:(I also hold that Jesus wouldn't want women sticking around men who beat them and their kids)
I do beleive that paul odes adress some of these things. I never meant people to tak ti like that. Really. I mean that it SHOULD be saved for the right person.Atria wrote:Really? Then what about men and women who's spouses have died? They can't remarry and have sex with their new spouses? Or what about divorced couples? They can't remarry and have relations with their new spouses either?
I'm also agreeing with Nate on the family structure situation- I grew up with a kid who's parents were married- but dumped him with his grandparents to raise him. Marriage doesn't always provide the familial security that we think it does.
Nate, Atria, TG, TopazRaven, and everyone else here have put up some very convincing and thought provoking things. But, I'd hate to see us fighting over this. I don't want to be a backseat mod...I'd just hate for us to fight. I'm glad that the topic is being brought up though. Most Christian sites tend to push this kind of thing away, and it never gets discussed. But yeah, it's good to see what everyone thinks about it.
steenajack (post: 1436574) wrote:Okay, I think there is a little misinterpretation going on what TG said. I don't think he meant that a person can't remarry and sleep with his/her new spouse. I think he was just saying that saving it for someone you marry is important.
I would like to say that I DO believe that saving your virginity for your spouse is important, why? Because it's a very special bond. Reguardless whether the Bible says it's a sin or not, is it even right to disreguard that bond? Sex symbolizes becoming one with someone. The two become one flesh. You're sharing yourself with them, giving them yourself. All of you, mind body and soul. It's a special bond. If you share it with someone, they are stuck to you for life. They'll always be a part of you, even if you break up with them. Okay, so say that two people do love each other, sleep together, then get married and have a happy life. Should their relationship be condemned? No. God loves them, just as much as He loves the couple who actually waited. Does that mean that sleeping with someone outside of marriage is okay? No. I believe that it's worth waiting for. Something you should save for that special someone, or at least whoever you're married to and love VERY much.
That being said, What IS marraige...really? I believe that when two people are joined before God (which can be done anywhere), then I believe they are. Think Adam and Eve, God joined them together and there wasn't a "ceremony" as far as we know. There wasn't a flouncy-white dress, or a wedding cake, or even a legal document. Heck no! They were straight naked in a garden surrounded by a bunch of gawking animals. The bride was the groom's rib for crying out loud! But, they were joined before God, as God as their witness. Cause if God says yes, than who can go against that really? Who can conquer over that and say, "God is wrong!"....No, God joined these people together for a reason.
Now, about whether we are joined with one person or blah blah blah...and all that. Some people do have interesting family trees. I don't think it's wrong to remarry after a spouse has died or you divorced or whatever. I'd say, follow where God is leading you. If He leads you to divorce someone because they are abusing you, then do it. If He leads you to someone new after wards, then by all means take what He has given you. If He leads you to remarry after your spouse dies, then go ahead.
The point is, what you believe is up to you. You have to be the one to choose what you really want/believe in life. Your faith is your own, it's up to you. You don't just believe cause you were "taught" to, you believe because you want to.
Nate, Atria, TG, TopazRaven, and everyone else here have put up some very convincing and thought provoking things. But, I'd hate to see us fighting over this. I don't want to be a backseat mod...I'd just hate for us to fight. I'm glad that the topic is being brought up though. Most Christian sites tend to push this kind of thing away, and it never gets discussed. But yeah, it's good to see what everyone thinks about it.
I agree. I think that this is the most important. I stand corrected on my previous comment.steens wrote:That being said, What IS marraige...really? I believe that when two people are joined before God (which can be done anywhere), then I believe they are. Think Adam and Eve, God joined them together and there wasn't a "ceremony" as far as we know. There wasn't a flouncy-white dress, or a wedding cake, or even a legal document. Heck no!
steenajack wrote:Okay, I think there is a little misinterpretation going on what TG said. I don't think he meant that a person can't remarry and sleep with his/her new spouse. I think he was just saying that saving it for someone you marry is important.
... You know, I have known depressed people who ended up taking prozac or zoloft or what-have-you, and they changed. Changed seriously, like something died inside of them.
Yamamaya wrote:I'm amused by people who think virgins are "losers." First of all, if someone isn't seeking sex, then why do you call them a loser for not seeking it? That would be like calling someone an idiot because they don't play baseball.
Some Guy wrote:saving herself for after she's married is commendable, but realistically how will her wedding night be? she'll not know what pleases her or her new husband. she'll just be laying there, and then say either to herself, or outloud... "D*** THAT HURTS!!!" hopefully she's watched some porn to know what goes where.
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