my manga idea

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my manga idea

Postby Hitomi » Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:29 pm

ok i do hope i have it in the right place.
so this is a idea i came up a few days ago and i want to heard what you think about? ok so i have this character who has 2 souls in one body but not like a demon kind of way.
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Postby Midori » Fri Oct 08, 2010 10:31 pm

I've read some stories that are kind of like this. The important thing to decide is: how do the two minds share one body? Do they take turns, where one is conscious and the other not? Do they have to compete over control of the body? Do they ever have a situation like in split-brain patients where one hand wants to do one thing and the other hand won't let it? There are many ways to make this work out.
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Postby steenajack » Fri Oct 08, 2010 10:39 pm

Oo, this idea sounds interesting. I've heard of tons of manga like this, such as Hikaru no GO for a certain extent.
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Postby Hitomi » Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:50 pm

Midori (post: 1430126) wrote:I've read some stories that are kind of like this. The important thing to decide is: how do the two minds share one body? Do they take turns, where one is conscious and the other not? Do they have to compete over control of the body? Do they ever have a situation like in split-brain patients where one hand wants to do one thing and the other hand won't let it? There are many ways to make this work out.

i have a answer to about all of them i think.
1. well the other soul enlorya was a guriden (sp) of these orbs but how she does that is that she lives in the orbs, in which some of them get implanted hitomi's body.
2. they dont take turns. It's more like a fight to who gettes to keep control, if hitomi's mental state becomes weak enlorya will start taking control but this only comes if hitomi is in a real fight and hitomi has used far to much of her powers. Not to confuse you, enlorya lives in the orb and the powers comes from the orb, that does not mean the power come from enlorya tho enlorya can use the orbs to it's fullest. Or something happens that hitomi cant take like sometimes hitomi anger gettes the best of us.
3. kind of in a way like in the first bits of my manga enlorya talks hitomi into doing things, only because hitomi does not have all her human thinking and emotions, but slowly she does and locks enlorya away in a way
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