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Postby rocklobster » Thu Sep 23, 2010 12:18 pm

1. Ever listen to the Beatles? Got a favorite member?
2. Do you like any Marvel superheroes? Which ones?
3. Ever read Elfquest?
4. Do you like Transformers? What do you think of the movie(s)?
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Postby Atria35 » Thu Sep 23, 2010 5:57 pm

rocklobster (post: 1426408) wrote:1. Ever listen to the Beatles? Got a favorite member?
2. Do you like any Marvel superheroes? Which ones?
3. Ever read Elfquest?
4. Do you like Transformers? What do you think of the movie(s)?

1. YES! Um, I like John Lennon :) He was cute!
2. .... I don't know any Marel superheros?
3. Nope.
4. Yeah! I remember watching them as cartoons as a kid! I enjoyed the first movie, and haven't seen the second. I thought the first one was pretty good- I mean, it updated fairly nicely and had great explosions. Wooo!
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Postby rocklobster » Fri Sep 24, 2010 5:45 am

Don't tell me you've never checked out Spider-man or the X-men. Come on, there's movies about them!
1. Favorite church you visited?
2. Ever been down South?
3. Favorite book in the Bible?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby Atria35 » Fri Sep 24, 2010 6:19 am

rocklobster (post: 1426554) wrote:Don't tell me you've never checked out Spider-man or the X-men. Come on, there's movies about them!
1. Favorite church you visited?
2. Ever been down South?
3. Favorite book in the Bible?

Oh! They're Marvel? :sweat: I like Rogue and Storm. THey've always been my favorites.
1. Canterbury Cathedral. It's one of the oldest churches in England. I only went a few times, but I loved it so much! I haven't found one in America that I liked half as much as that one.
2. Yep! I have an aunt and uncle that live in Alabama. I've traveled there a few times to visit. I've also been to Virginia, but I'm not sure that can count as South so much as East. I haven't been anywhere but those states, though.
3. Ummm, none? I like bits and pieces of them all, but I don't really have one book that I favor over another.
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Postby rocklobster » Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:04 pm

1. Ever had a king cake?
2. Favorite kind of seafood?
3. Ever actually play hockey?
4. What was your worst subject in high school?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby Atria35 » Sat Sep 25, 2010 6:25 am

rocklobster (post: 1426639) wrote:1. Ever had a king cake?
2. Favorite kind of seafood?
3. Ever actually play hockey?
4. What was your worst subject in high school?

1. No. I've had Atomic Cake, though! XD
2. Hard to say. I don't think I've had enough to really tell :sweat:
3. No. I don't like pain. And it looks really painful. But I'll watch it any day.
4. Physics! With enough time and enough explanations I could get calculus, but physics escaped me soooo much!
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Postby rocklobster » Sat Sep 25, 2010 12:41 pm

It seems you don't quite understand what a king cake is. Here's the article from wikipedia: click here. They're a popular treat around here in Louisiana.
1. Favorite transformer?
2. What would you do if you met Stan Lee?
3. If you were in Starfleet, what would be your field?
4. Do you play Sudoku?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby Atria35 » Mon Oct 04, 2010 6:10 pm

rocklobster (post: 1426876) wrote:It seems you don't quite understand what a king cake is. Here's the article from wikipedia: click here. They're a popular treat around here in Louisiana.
1. Favorite transformer?
2. What would you do if you met Stan Lee?
3. If you were in Starfleet, what would be your field?
4. Do you play Sudoku?

And Atomic Cake is a local specialty that I adore- Here: (it's described in the last paragraph in the Cuisine section)

1. Bumblebee! Though Optimus comes a close second.
2. Nothing. I'm really not a big fan, so I might say hi and shake his hand.
3. Psychologist of the ship. I'm not really that good with technology. Though..... I might also go with resident biologist :)
4. Nope. I've played a few times, but generally, no.
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Postby rocklobster » Tue Oct 05, 2010 5:53 am

1. Have you read any Isaac Asimov?
2. Favorite banned book?
3. Have you played any Final Fantasy games? Which ones?
4. Favorite hymns?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby Atria35 » Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:52 am

rocklobster (post: 1429230) wrote:1. Have you read any Isaac Asimov?
2. Favorite banned book?
3. Have you played any Final Fantasy games? Which ones?
4. Favorite hymns?

1. YES! I have read Positronic Man. Excelent book, but overall a minor one in the world of his books.
2. Lord of the Rings (yes, this is a banned book somewhere in the US!). But for second place, tie between Brave New World and Catch-22.
3. Nope, though I think my friend is appaled by that and plans to remedy it soon.
4. Um..... none, really. I can count on two hands the number of times I've actually stepped inside a church, and therefore don't know any hymns- we weren't a musical family, and so didn't have a hymnbook, just the Bible.
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Postby rocklobster » Fri Oct 08, 2010 6:05 am

I recommend you try final fantasy 1, 4, 6, or 7. Those are the best, IMHO.
1. Most beautiful song you've ever heard?
2. Most beautiful place you've ever visited?
3. Do baby animals make you go "aww"? (I must admit, I think some baby animals, especially mammals are so cute, especially kittens, puppies, and baby seals)
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby Atria35 » Fri Oct 08, 2010 6:12 am

rocklobster (post: 1429890) wrote:I recommend you try final fantasy 1, 4, 6, or 7. Those are the best, IMHO.
1. Most beautiful song you've ever heard?
2. Most beautiful place you've ever visited?
3. Do baby animals make you go "aww"? (I must admit, I think some baby animals, especially mammals are so cute, especially kittens, puppies, and baby seals)

Awesome, I'll see whether my friend has them!
1. There are a lot- it usually depends on my mood what brings me to tears. But this one almost never fails:
2. The badlands. They were breathtaking.
3. Yes! I love baby animals! Kittens, puppies, foxes, ducks.... they all make me smile and go gooey inside!
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Postby rocklobster » Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:16 pm

1. Why was LOTR banned?
2. Favorite time of day?
3. Favorite Star Wars character?
4. Do you like Care Bears? Got a favorite?
5. Which Osamu Tezuka work is the best? Why?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby Atria35 » Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:51 pm

rocklobster (post: 1429965) wrote:1. Why was LOTR banned?
2. Favorite time of day?
3. Favorite Star Wars character?
4. Do you like Care Bears? Got a favorite?
5. Which Osamu Tezuka work is the best? Why?

1. No idea. I just know that it showed up on the 'classical banned books' list. It could be the violence, it could be the magic.... who knows.
2. Afternoon, because I love to nap in the noons.
3. Leia. Ewoks are number 2.
4. Yep! I always liked Bedtime Bear, though I also liked Wish Bear.
5. I haven't read or watched enough of his work to make a decision- I've only read MW and seen Black Jack, and he had so many more than those!
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Postby Furen » Fri Oct 08, 2010 9:02 pm

Have you ever taken a physic's class? if so what did you like/dislike?
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Postby rocklobster » Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:27 am

1. Did you see "Osamu Tezuka's Metropolis?" It's an anime done by the creator of Akira.
2. Have you watched any of the Star Trek movies made before the prequel that came out last year? Which ones?
3. Do you like Tim Burton? Which of his movies do you like best?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby Atria35 » Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:51 pm

Oh, man! I can't believe I missed these! So sorry guys ><"
Furen (post: 1430100) wrote:Have you ever taken a physic's class? if so what did you like/dislike?
Ugh. Yeah. I took one. In fact, I have to take a few more for my BA. What did I like? Actually doing the various experiments and activities. What did I dislike? Everything else. I just didn't get the math behind everything and ended up with a low grade because of it.

rocklobster (post: 1430158) wrote:1. Did you see "Osamu Tezuka's Metropolis?" It's an anime done by the creator of Akira.
2. Have you watched any of the Star Trek movies made before the prequel that came out last year? Which ones?
3. Do you like Tim Burton? Which of his movies do you like best?

1. Yep. Saw it. Didn't understand it. I think I may have been too young to get it (I must have been in late elementary or early middle school when it came out and I borrowed it from the library), but I have plans to watch it again.... someday.
2. Yes, but I forgot which one. It wasn't very memorable, that's for sure.
3. YES! Tim Burton! I love Nightmare Before Christmas, though I have yet to see Sweeney Todd.
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Postby rocklobster » Thu Oct 21, 2010 11:35 pm

1. What is your prediction on how Erin will end?
2. Have you ever watched any of the Tenchi Muyo cartoons? Which character would you ship Tenchi with? (no you can't use the Tenchi solution. He already tried that, proving just why polygamy is always the wrong option)
3. Ever read any Piers Anthony? (he's a guilty pleasure, especially his Xanth novels, which have lots of fanservice, considering that the fans even suggest stuff and he spends entire author's notes crediting their suggestions. Also why the series is such a guilty pleasure, some of the fans are perverts, obviously. But then Piers is a pervert too, apparently.)
4. Ever watch anything on (I highly recommend you check out Atop the Fourth Wall if you haven't. Not only is he funny, but he's usually the cleanest one. He only swears if the comic he's reading has swearing in it or if he needs to emphasize a point)
5. Dead person you most want to meet in Heaven? (don't say Jesus)
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby Atria35 » Fri Oct 22, 2010 5:35 am

rocklobster (post: 1432444) wrote:1. What is your prediction on how Erin will end?
2. Have you ever watched any of the Tenchi Muyo cartoons? Which character would you ship Tenchi with? (no you can't use the Tenchi solution. He already tried that, proving just why polygamy is always the wrong option)
3. Ever read any Piers Anthony? (he's a guilty pleasure, especially his Xanth novels, which have lots of fanservice, considering that the fans even suggest stuff and he spends entire author's notes crediting their suggestions. Also why the series is such a guilty pleasure, some of the fans are perverts, obviously. But then Piers is a pervert too, apparently.)
4. Ever watch anything on (I highly recommend you check out Atop the Fourth Wall if you haven't. Not only is he funny, but he's usually the cleanest one. He only swears if the comic he's reading has swearing in it or if he needs to emphasize a point)
5. Dead person you most want to meet in Heaven? (don't say Jesus)

1. I've already seen the end- because of how busy I've been, I took the day I was sick and marathoned the rest of the series ><" Sorry!
2. Never seen Tenchi Muyo, and I've never been tempted to. I keep hearing aout how good it is, but....
3. Never read him either. But now I'm going to be looking into him!
4. Nope- I'll get in that right away! It sounds good!
5. Erm....I'm a huge fan of Leonardo Da Vinci. I would want to talk to him about his paintings, his inventions, ask him about how he finds the course of human discovery and invention. That would be such a cool conversation! XD
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Postby rocklobster » Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:10 pm

1. So you like Leonardo Da Vinci. Did you buy into the Da Vinci code noise?
2. What do you think of Will Smith (either his acting or his music, take your pick)?
3. Writer who just sets your teeth on edge?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby Atria35 » Fri Oct 22, 2010 3:20 pm

rocklobster (post: 1432590) wrote:1. So you like Leonardo Da Vinci. Did you buy into the Da Vinci code noise?
2. What do you think of Will Smith (either his acting or his music, take your pick)?
3. Writer who just sets your teeth on edge?

1. Nope. I read it, and thought it was funny since it was a decent thriller but REALLY badly researched history.
2. Acting- I love him as an actor. His music makes me want to cry.
3. Ernest Hemmingway, the ..... No, I'm wrong. I can read him. Barely. The ones that I really dislike are the guys who wrote the Left Behind series. THOSE guys drive me batcrackers. I hate that series.
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Postby rocklobster » Sat Oct 23, 2010 5:25 am

1. What do you think of the LOTR movies?
2. What's your opinion of the Harry Potter movies?
3. Merlin vs. Gandalf, who would win?
4. Did you ever watch Gargoyles? Got a favorite character?
5. Favorite Ninja Turtle?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby Lilac#18 » Sat Oct 23, 2010 1:17 pm

[color="Plum"]Would you like to get married and have kids someday?
FKA Selenite
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Postby Atria35 » Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:06 am

rocklobster (post: 1432764) wrote:1. What do you think of the LOTR movies?
2. What's your opinion of the Harry Potter movies?
3. Merlin vs. Gandalf, who would win?
4. Did you ever watch Gargoyles? Got a favorite character?
5. Favorite Ninja Turtle?

1. LOVED them! Yes, I thought they cut some stuff out of the movie versions that really should have been there (bu that's why I own the extended version dvds! XD ), but overall, they made the world Tolkien created accessable to all.
2. The third one was the best. And I loathed the sixth. The others are okay adaptations, but I think they could be better.
3. Gandalf. "You... Shall Not... Pass!"
4. YES! I loved Elisa the best. She was an awesome character.
5. Michealangelo. Cowabunga, dudes!

Selenite (post: 1432817) wrote:[color="Plum"]Would you like to get married and have kids someday?

Yes. I could never be a stay-at-home mom, but I would love to get married and have kids someday :)
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Postby rocklobster » Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:18 pm

1. Have you read any mythology from Hinduism or Shintoism or other polytheistic religions that are still being practiced?
2. Did you ever read Judy Blume? Which ones?
3. Ever listen to any symphonic metal (i.e. bands like Nightwish, Dragonforce, Evanescense)?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
--Jeremiah 1:5
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Postby Atria35 » Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:18 pm

rocklobster (post: 1433100) wrote:1. Have you read any mythology from Hinduism or Shintoism or other polytheistic religions that are still being practiced?
2. Did you ever read Judy Blume? Which ones?
3. Ever listen to any symphonic metal (i.e. bands like Nightwish, Dragonforce, Evanescense)?

1. Oh, yes. I have a high interest in any and all religions. Shintoism is my favorite to read about, but Hinduism has many fascinating religious practices. I also enjoy reading about smaller-scale polytheistic religions, such as the one that was indigeionus to Hawaii.
2. Judy Blume! One of my favorite childhood authors. I read a lot of the 'Fudge' series. That was my favorite, since I knew what it was like to have a younger brother. Freckle Juice was also a great book.
2. Nightwish and Evanescense are the only ones I listen to (that I know of- I might listen to others occasionally, but I don't know who they are). But Nightwish almost always gets a double-take from me because I mishear their lyrics all the time.
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Postby armeck » Mon Oct 25, 2010 2:54 pm

do you like owl city?
Just some punk kid that likes techno music
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Postby Atria35 » Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:04 pm

armeckthefirst (post: 1433131) wrote:do you like owl city?

Are there people who don't? o.O" But yes, I'm a huge fan! XD
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Postby rocklobster » Tue Oct 26, 2010 5:33 am

1. Have you seen any of the Walden movies that weren't based on Narnia, like Holes or Bridge to Terebithia?
2. Favorite dinosaur?
3. Since Halloween is coming up, what's your favorite horror film?
4. Ever read or watch Dune? (If you haven't, I highly recommend checking out the David Lynch movie. There are varied opinions on it, but I found it enjoyable. Besides, it's the first time Patrick Stewart himself ever starred in a movie. Granted, he plays a small role with only four scenes, but still. Oh, and track down the director's cut. It makes waaay more sense. The theatrical version cut way too much out and leaves too much head-scratching.)
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby Midori » Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:38 am

Have you ever studied a programming language?
Do you know any HTML? (not a programming language)
What do you think about really dark chocolate, like 99% dark?
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