video game casting call!

Projects or project ideas in the works

video game casting call!

Postby abbyjenna » Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:10 pm


I am creating a first-person shooter/RPG combination video game.
the characters are as listed here:

kyo muromeshi: a japanese man with a very big attitude. being a former member of the yakuza, he has a very short fuse... but can be sweet to those he trusts.

devin kerrigan: a irishman with a very hyper- active, bouncy personality. usually very calm( in a still very joyful way), but when provoked, can have one heck of an explosion. he usually hangs out with kyo to "look cool".

froniel lawton III: a british man who is very regal and does not
like to get his hands dirty. aside from that a born leader. has
a former fiancée, who does not seem to understand YET that it was not his choice to leave her.

cass rothstein: a german man he speaks partial english( meaning that he'll talk to you in german thinking he's speaking english.).
a very joyful man who acts kind of like either al from fullmetal alchemist, you could also compare the way he acts to that of italy from axis powers hetalia.

these are the only characters available!

thank you!
Posts: 94
Joined: Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:31 pm
Location: hurst TX

Postby abbyjenna » Thu Nov 04, 2010 9:22 am

very well, although i still need an animator... my parents and i are going to get the agreement with IGN looked at by a lawyer... so, over all i think it's going very very well. do you have a skype, gmail or yahoo???

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Joined: Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:31 pm
Location: hurst TX

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