Number1GaaraFan wrote:I've heard a lot that guys shouldn't get married until they are 20 or older.
getting married at 18 is a bit rushed, and you wouldn't really be able to attend collage or anything
ADXC (post: 1406221) wrote:Mature? XD Nah, that's not how it is with all guys. Many guys are just immature for a good part of their lives(Frat houses anyone?), I know plenty of them and they are like 19 and no better off than when they were 14.
Nate (post: 1406069) wrote:I dunno if I'd go THAT far. I'm not opposed to them dating, if they want to that's fine, but it needs to be their decision, not "Well some dude on the internet said we should."
ADXC wrote:@ Nate- What if your said "spiritual gift" was celibacy?
ADXC (post: 1406431) wrote:@ Nate- What if your said "spiritual gift" was celibacy? XD Because a few years ago, that was my number one gift when I took the spiritual gift inventory test.
Hats wrote:"Frodo! Cast off your [s]sins[/s] into the fire!"
ADXC wrote:Well, Paul was one of the greatest missionaries.
ADXC (post: 1406221) wrote:Don't be playing the stereotype that guys mature later on and girls mature earlier, because from what I remember I was always a behaved person(Aside from my kid years.) because my parents punished me right while many of the other kids were hardly being punished for what they did wrong. And they turned out to be even more immature.
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