What are the coolest in-game worlds you’ve ever seen?

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What are the coolest in-game worlds you’ve ever seen?

Postby Link Antilles » Wed Mar 17, 2004 10:20 pm

So, what are you favorite worlds to look at or explore in the world of Video games?

I really liked Halo. You know, it was just cool being on a ring world. It's kinda like looking up in the sky and seeing the other side of the world. I found myself easily distract by that in the game.

Morrowind is a treat to explore. The only problem I had with Morrowind was I got sick and tired of constantly, and I mean CONSTANTLY, being attacked by oversized rats and bats. I'd be on my way somewhere, lose most of my health battling some rodent, then have to sleep the rest of the day to recover. Let's get real here ~ I have an axe. A very large axe. Not to mention steel armor. How much of a threat would these creatures truly be? Otherwise, great game.

Kotor, All can say is: Hey, I'm a Star Wars fan and it's a freaken' blast exploring worlds in the Star Wars Universe.

.... My all time favorite...........

Super Metroid and Metroid Prime....... you just have that sense of mystery.....I just loved.... the detail, hidden goodies, and variety. Can't wait for the next one.

Anyways, how about ya'll?
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Postby CDLviking » Wed Mar 17, 2004 10:51 pm

I like the worlds of Final Fantasy. Each one is unique and engrossing.
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Postby madphilb » Wed Mar 17, 2004 11:08 pm

I'll see you Halo, Morrowind, and KotOR and raise you:

Azurak - Xbox action/adventure game.... some pretty good looking places here, esp. for a fairly early release on the XBox.

Beyond Good and Evil - Very pretty game.... some of the caves are fantastic with all the glowing stuff and the outdoor environments are very pretty as well.

If you want I'll throw in a Serious Sam as well, though you don't get to spend too much time looking at the enviornments, they're still very pretty at times.

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Postby Bobtheduck » Thu Mar 18, 2004 1:43 am

Silent Hill 3... The rooms are small, but very interesting...
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Postby cbwing0 » Thu Mar 18, 2004 6:56 am

I was also impressed by the world of Halo. Not just the outdoor environments, but the structures, especially the archives(?), where you fight the flood and follow the little robot.

Other notable worlds:
1.Aranna (Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna)-Pretty standard stuff, but very well done, especially in the forest/jungle areas.

2.Diablo II's world-The music is what makes this one great, particularly in the desert and jungle sections. Wandering through tombs is also pretty cool.

3.Ragol (Phantasy Star Online Series)-Being a Sony fan, I was disappointed when this jumped from my beloved Dreamcast to the despised Gamecube, but the worlds are still impressive. Pioneer 2 also deserves honorable mention, because it reminds me of Blade Runner. The Factory and Temple levels are my favorite, although none are bad. :thumb: If anything would make me buy a GC, PSO is it (of course I would need the money first, not to mention time to play :sweat: )
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Postby Technomancer » Thu Mar 18, 2004 7:55 am

1.Arcanum- The world is huge, and there are lots of little hidden places and sidequests to explore. Plus the game concept is really cool.

2.Fallout 2- Not as large as Arcanum, but still very good.
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Postby Vyse » Thu Mar 18, 2004 8:01 am

Lets see... most Metroid worlds, FF5, FF7, and FF9's worlds, the world from Skies of Arcadia, Lunar 1 and Lunar 2's worlds, and all time period's from Chrono Trigger ^_^
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Postby shooraijin » Thu Mar 18, 2004 8:16 am

I'm going to pull an oldie out here -- the original Unreal had some exceptional environments in it. Rendered with lo-count polygons, to be sure, but some of them were very well designed (especially within the limitations of the graphics engine).

I also liked the original MDK's environments a lot (the sequel really lacked the soul of the original game and wasn't as ethereal/otherworldly).

System Shock 1 and 2 had some good environmental design as well, particularly SS2's well rendered (and sometimes foreboding) corridors.
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Postby skynes » Thu Mar 18, 2004 8:18 am

Ahh Super Metroid and Metroid Prime the elegancy of the worlds.

Super Metroid - The atmosphere. The dark creepy corridors (especially in ghost ship) the watery lairs of Maridia, the biotech surroundings of Tourian

Metroid Prime - The amazing design of Chozo ruins and Chozo elders halls. Incredible.
Space Pirates bases, so dark and industrial. totally suits them.
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A whole lot of games

Postby PumpkinKoRn52 » Thu Mar 18, 2004 9:09 am

Super Metroid and Halo like you said. But also Killer Instinct and Soul Calibur 2, the 2 best fighting games in the world. I liked red faction cause you could blow up everything. All Metal Gear Solid games are good. But who could forget the most fun fast paced action shooter for the snes: Contra 3. And all the donkey Kong games. And Goldeneye. And Red Alert 2. And c&c Generals. Man, I like a lot of games. :thumb: :eh:
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Postby Htom Sirveaux » Thu Mar 18, 2004 11:23 am

Amateria in Myst III: Exile. It's just so surreal and pretty. Plus that "giant marble ride" is pretty cool. I'd like to play any Myst game in an IMAX theater. That would just be the ultimate gaming experience for me.
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Postby kaji » Thu Mar 18, 2004 11:39 am

All the Myst worlds are very nicely done.

I really like the world of Vanadiel. Now if only I had both the time and money to get my own copy of FFXI........
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Postby CDLviking » Thu Mar 18, 2004 11:55 am

Almost forgot Deus Ex for it's almost completely interactive environment and cool atmosphere.
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Postby Kkun » Thu Mar 18, 2004 11:57 am

Devil May Cry has an awesome world design. At least..Mallet Island has a nice design. The whole gothic thing looks really sweet in that game. I also liked Kingdom Hearts' world design..it was really nice, with the Disney stuff melded with a Final Fantasy-esque world.
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Postby Namu » Thu Mar 18, 2004 2:03 pm

I really enjoyed the worlds of Final Fantasy (as in VII through X) and Kingdom Hearts. So beautifuly detailed, they were.
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Postby Mr_Anderson » Thu Apr 22, 2004 4:06 pm

Halo and Unreal Championship 2 and Halo 2
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Postby skynes » Fri Apr 23, 2004 2:44 am

Metroid Zero Mission. Some of the areas are incredible!
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Postby glitch1501 » Fri Apr 23, 2004 11:07 am

definatly ff8 i love that world, and definatly beyond good and evil and finally farcry

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Postby esuteru » Thu Apr 29, 2004 1:22 pm

Gothic 2 - you just want to explore every little corner...and such a huge world(it's similar to morrowind).
Suikoden - "now where is that character..."
Castlevania : symphony of the night - just too cool...
FF7 - "wait,in that one CG-art pic there was that frog,you think you could get it to join the group?We need to explore more carefully.."
Tomb Raider - wuaah...
Saga frontier - just beautiful graphis...until you had to play it through with several other characters too B-)
Sagafrontier 2 - such backgrounds...
Legend of Mana - beautiful fantasy world^^b

And many others I don't remember just now:D
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Postby PotBelliedCow » Thu Apr 29, 2004 5:06 pm

I remember playing Zelda: Majora's Mask and I did more wandering around Termina than fighting in the dungeons ^_^ I still do, actually, hehe

More recent though:
-FFX-I spent a lot of time gawking...
-Kingdom Hearts-different disney movies incorporated on each planet...it was perfect.
-Zelda: Wind Waker (heh I'm a zelda fan, o well) a good world compared to other games, but being a zelda game it could've been better...still fun to sail around (begins to hum pirate song)

Eh? :eh:
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Postby Kireihana » Thu Apr 29, 2004 6:01 pm

Yeah, I explored everywhere in Wind Waker (completing my map and all..) It's a cool game and the style is just so original.

Also, I have to say I think the Rayman games all have really cool worlds. Wierd, but whimsical, sorta. And then my brother has this Lord of the Rings game for PC (not the official movie game, though) that has the most gorgeous graphics I've ever seen for a PC game. Too bad it's really short...
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Sat May 01, 2004 7:12 pm

I would say when it comes down to it, ALL the zelda worlds are fun to explore. Especially Ocarina of Time. I also really enjoyed the world of Seiken Densetsu 3. BEST use of graphics on the SNES. (I'm a sucker for bright colorful graphics.) And can't forget Resident Evil and Dino Crisis.
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Postby AZheng » Sun May 02, 2004 2:31 pm

There's one in particular which really sticks in my head. I remember playing FF7, and watching the sequence right before Weapon attacks Junon and the cannon blows its head off. As soon as the shutters came up over the city and the artillery came out of the streets, I realized that Junon was the coolest place in FF7, without any doubt :-).

I also liked The Under from that Gamecube game Colosseum...it was just cool to see a city built underneath a warehouse and shrouded in darkness, except for the seedy neon signs everywhere.
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Postby TwilightApostle » Sun May 02, 2004 5:49 pm

I really like the world of Lufia. There's a lot to do, and each game takes place in the same world, but on different continents.

Also, Arc the Lad II's world was pretty interesting. It was almost anachronistic at times, but I think that's why I liked it.
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Postby Sieg9986 » Tue May 04, 2004 11:44 am


It owns so much, it has the best in game world i've ever played in. Such an awesome game, if you like 3rd person action/adventure rpgs, you'll love it!
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Postby Gypsy » Tue May 04, 2004 7:15 pm

Hyrule and Spira are my favorite video game worlds.
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Postby Sieg9986 » Thu May 06, 2004 11:46 am

sometimes I just sit here and stare at Gypsy's Sig for 20 minutes.
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