Hmm... I have a gut feeling this belongs elsewhere... perhaps goof off, but it's too much of a seriousness. In any case, I need to vent. I could have done on my site, but then again my lessons wouldn't go to people who'll need it most, which are game-designer-wishers in CAA. So...
Anyways, you might have noticed I don't post much often here. It's not just CAA; in many other forums I'm slowly and slowly posting less and less these days. Must be the amount of work I have to do now. So if you think I died off without saying bye, then you'd be wrong 'cos I still stick around and lurk
As days go by the life gets more complex and complex for me. As soon as I got seriously into lots of projects there are now so many ideas stuck in my head that I can't browse a forum. For example 1/2 of my brain's now filled with PHP coding, other half with multimedia 3D work. And between then are school work.
And from all this I have learnt one valuable lesson. If you haven't finished uni, and you want to get into gaming industry right now, forget it. At least, forget it until you finish all your other necessary works. I found out entering the 3D work industry, along with IT industry, and doing all that while trying to finish high school is a very near impossible thing to do.
So don't despair you can't do what you want now! Wait, and it'll come eventually.
Now where was I... Oh yeah, I was supposed to rant about why I'm not posting enough around CAA.
Well, I should go vote for the Bishouji contest (for my most loved anime girl!), but then again I'm too tired and busy with work. In fact, I have few more pages to type out on my PHP project (a open-source website management package), as well as my studies. And do some mapping and work on cs_cure.
All thanks goes to God (on that note, NEVER pray you get a good result, rather pray that you get exactly what you deserve, and then do your best. Always near perfect marks ) because I got few of the results today and am very, very happy. Nearly topped a class, but that was only half the exam paper so I'm eagerly waiting for results.
And I won the MegaTokyo DeskMate CG contest! Woot! It made my day.
[/rant off]
If you read all that, thanks for reading, if not have a nice day on CAA. Just don't be like me. You'll go through lots of stress. In fact, my friend's nearly giving up high-school because of just school.