Prayer for a friend or two who are barely holding on.

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Prayer for a friend or two who are barely holding on.

Postby WhiteMage212 » Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:09 am

Im not quite sure but this thread will contain somewhat mature topics so click away if you are too young. also ask that if the moderators find this too mature that they can redirect this to the mature thread. thanks for your understanding.

Anyway, here i am again asking for some prayer. The first friend I have a prayer for is well... taking drugs. He told me that what he does is "freeloads" at the park. He said he takes it because he feels depressed. I'm currently helping him at least know that God loves him that other people care for him. Just because i don't live close to him makes it hard to stay in touch and actually hang out with him to get his mind of the addiction. He thankfully has only been taking them for half a month so there is still a chance for him. I just though am cconcerned because he doesn't want to tell his parents even if I urge him that he must. So please keep him in prayer. Im just thankful i Can keep him company so he doesnt feel alone in this world.

Now my second friend is the one that is the bigger trouble. I recently found out that she has attempted suicide. She says that it feels that everyone (except me) has turned away from her. What happened was, was that her ex boyfriend has been finding ways to make her life miserable for breaking up with him. Since he goes to the same church as her, he decided to spread a very bad rumor about her. He said something about that she had kicked him out of a friends house sometime even if it didn't happen. SHe has been a part of the church choir which has kind become a big part of her life. So once he told all the people at her choir, they booted her out at least for now and now no one will talk to her. she has basically been shuned by her entire church. And her brothers arent the most loving ones in the world so that makes it worse. Now a lot of her friends arent talking to her anymore and now it makes her feel alone and she says she cant handle all the sadness and anger in her heart. She said she tried overdoseing last week, got her brothers to try and choke her, and had resorted to cutting as well. today, she actually made a noose to hang her self but thanks be to Gods intervention, she only hit the ground instead of getting hanged. She even told me that she has been carefully planning all her atempts of suicide which has really pulled at my heart.I keep telling her all the love that God has for her but it just seems to not help her in her heart to let go of the suffering. He story sounds very much as if she has hit rock bottom for like the third time I only see her for an hour once a week, so i can only help her through text messages. I feel so helpless right now because i'm watching my friends suffer in front of me and i can't do anything to help other then text encoragement and advice. It feels like shes going to hurt herself again any moment. I Just really need prayer everyone.
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Fri Feb 05, 2010 6:45 am

I will definitely pray for both of your friends and you. If your second friend has really attempted suicide multiple times, then I STRONGLY encourage you to call some professionals and tell her family. She needs serious help. Even if she gets mad at you, at least she will be alive.
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Postby Gelka » Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:02 am

I'd tell their parents. What they're doing is not right and needs to be treated. You have the obligation, as a friend, to try to help but sometimes it comes to a point when telling someone is the only real way to make any progress. With their parents knowing they'll be able to receive professional help and gain the support they need. I will be praying. God Bless you and your friends.
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Postby WhiteMage212 » Mon Feb 08, 2010 8:52 am

Well it's kinda hard to tell the parents when you have never met them. Only reason I haven't met their parents yet is because we only see each other during class. But I am working with a friend to see if she can help me on this part. She has actually met their parents so it would seem a lot more natural for her to say it instead of me. I'm trying my best though.
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Postby Garland » Mon Feb 08, 2010 8:46 pm

I'm sorry about that. This really hits me hard because there was a person who committed suicide this year in my advisory (think small group for school). I wish I could give you some advice, but I am not good at this type of situation. I'm sure this is rather private right now, and I hope and pray that her ex-boyfriend would realize the pain and stop.

The only advice I have is to keep supporting her like you are doing, and I hope this encourages you. I can't recommend this because I don't know the situation and the people involved, but have you tried talking to her ex-boyfriend about what he did? It will probably be hard for him to admit guilt and wrongdoing, so only try it if God leads you to do it.

Also, this scripture may be helpful for you friend. From what you described, this seems to be about how she is feeling.
Psalm 3
A Psalm of David, when he fled from Absalom his son.
1 Jehovah, how are mine adversaries increased!
Many are they that rise up against me.
2 Many there are that say of my soul,
There is no help for him in God.
3 But thou, O Jehovah, art a shield about me;
My glory and the lifter up of my head.
4 I cry unto Jehovah with my voice,
And he answereth me out of his holy hill.
5 I laid me down and slept;
I awaked; For Jehovah sustaineth me.
6 I will not be afraid of ten thousands of the people
That have set themselves against me round about.
7 Arise, O Jehovah; save me, O my God:
For thou hast smitten all mine enemies upon the cheek bone;
Thou hast broken the teeth of the wicked.
8 Salvation belongeth unto Jehovah:
Thy blessing be upon thy people.

I'll be praying.
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Postby WhiteMage212 » Fri Feb 12, 2010 12:26 am

Thanks for the verse garland. So an update.
My friend who was taking drugs has been drug free for two weeks now so I have kept encouraging him to keep the good work. But he still won't tell his parents so that is still a problem. Now for my other friend, that's a little different. I thought she was getting better but I was wrong. I guess she has something inside her that she is longing for but she doesn't know what it is. I haven't heard anything about attempting suicide but my friend upset her and now she's cutting as I am posting this :( I thought I was making progress but now I feel like I keep going in circles with her. It saddens me and hurts me. Just got a text that the one who was taking drugs, ( the one who upset my friend who is the girl) is cutting himself too know. I know tellng their parents is the best thing to do but I don't know either of their parents so I can only support them. So just please pray for them and pray that God can use me to speak to their thirsting hearts and that they'd both change.
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