Star Wars Trilogy-Preorder Today!

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Star Wars Trilogy-Preorder Today!

Postby cbwing0 » Mon Apr 05, 2004 7:51 am

Here is the link:

It won't be released until September, but it's already ranked #1 in sales, so you might want to preorder your copy now if you don't want to be on a waiting list a mile long.

It is also only $41 right now (quite reasonable, if you ask me), and will almost certainly go up once it is finally released.
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Postby Stephen » Mon Apr 05, 2004 8:42 am

Meh, knowing Lucas a week after it comes out he will release a better verson lol. I will wait, I have waited this long...I don't feel the need to preorder it...I am willing to bet most places get lots and lots of copys in. Little places like walmart, or dvd centered stores like Suncoast....all i have to say about this whole Star Wars DVD....its about freaken time. Also I wonder if when Ep 3 is out on dvd if they will do a 6 dvd boxset....hmmmmm
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Postby Link Antilles » Mon Apr 05, 2004 9:15 am

Well, I'm probably going to reserve it at Best Buy or some other generic electronic retail store.

I hear they're removing the part in the cantina where Greedo shoots first and leaving the scene like the original where Hans shoots first (I hope this is true).

Anyways, I can't wait!
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Postby Zedian » Mon Apr 05, 2004 7:08 pm

It took long enough to get a DVD take on the wide-spread phenemona called Star Wars -- good ones that is. I don't know if I'll pre-order I'll wait a bit, I'm not THAT much in a hurry.
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Postby kaji » Tue Apr 27, 2004 9:56 am

LOL, :lol: its about time.
I was begining to think they were going to wait untill the last installment hits shelves and sell all six as a DVD set.

For once, Im glad I was wrong. :lol:
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Postby bigsleepj » Tue Apr 27, 2004 10:21 am

I'm not going to buy the new Star Wars DVDs because Lucas is only going to release the original trilogy in the new Special Edition formats, which I hate. I don't mind it when directors add a scene or two, I don't mind it when they touch up a badly degraded bit of film...but I HATE it when they actually go and try to top themselves by adding idiotic Computer Generated Special Effects that don't fit and don't even look realistic. The old models look better. There is SO much gratuitous CGI in the Special Editions that I want to throw up. A lot of it has been added to make everything more humorous but it only suceeds in taking away from the majesty of the original. Yes, I used the word 'majesty'.

Sure, the original special effects for Star Wars are old and unsophisticated compared to today...but when you look at the Death Star you say "wow? how did they do that? Is that a model or a painting." Today, you say "oh look; great CGI. And don't even try defending the Special Editions; that's like trying to defend Leonardo Da Vinci for adding a moustache to the Mona Lisa after he had stopped working on it for a decade.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Tue Apr 27, 2004 2:48 pm

Hmm... I liked the special editions. I like that they were finally able to do a scene with Jabba that they felt the need to cut out originally. I like the fact they were able to show more of the city in the clouds. I didnt' think the CG was sickening... I like taht they cleaned up the "aura of the force" around the stop motion stuff like the Rancor... I like all of those things. I also like that the special edition had the torpedos (or whatever they were) actually maneuvering into the hole, because long before they came out, the SNES game had that happen. I like that they were able to make the transition between ep 3 and 4 a tiny bit easier... We all know that if they hadn't done that, there would be no way anyone would have accepted that the Anakin story became the Luke story... They allready look very different, but at least with the special editions, the transition won't give the average person a stroke...

I heard they were getting rid of the blood when Luke cuts off that one thing's arm in ep 4. The reason? It has become canon that Light Sabers cauterize wounds... So, they are changing things to fix plot holes as well... Sorta like how Tolkien Rewrote the Hobbit. Do you think Tolkien was wrong for doing that? I don't. It was tolkien's story, he could honestly do whatever he wanted to it.

It's Lucas' story, he can do anything he wants with it. So he's a hopeless perfectionist and a bit crazy... So what? It's still his right to do whatever he wants with his franchise. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby bigsleepj » Tue Apr 27, 2004 4:38 pm

Hmmm. You defended it very well indeed. (tips hat :thumb: ) But it does not change my point of view.

Bobtheduck wrote:Hmm... I liked the special editions. I like that they were finally able to do a scene with Jabba that they felt the need to cut out originally.

There are two reasons why I don't like the part with Jabba and Han talking and both come down on the same line (1) It doesn't fit. Jabba, as a CGI character in an old-fashioned type special effects movie, stands out like a sore thumb. The scene was cut in the original Star Wars because they did not have the money to put in a stop-motion Jabba the hut in the of the stand-in. If they had done it today with a stop-motion figure then I'd have complained less, but it still doesn't make up for complaint no 2. (2) The scene just doesn't fit into the Star Wars Trilogy. It shows Jabba the Hut as a stern father rather than a merciless gangster. He already sent one bounty hunter to get him (who Han kills) and doesn't want to trade with Luke for the release of Han in Return of the Jedi. If Jabba was such a "stern father" in the Return of the Jedi he would have probably bargained with Luke...but no, he's a merciless gangster. Which is why this scene doesn't fit.

Bobtheduck wrote:I like taht they cleaned up the "aura of the force" around the stop motion stuff like the Rancor... I like all of those things.

Well, I don't mind that. That's clean-up jobs.

Bobtheduck wrote:I heard they were getting rid of the blood when Luke cuts off that one thing's arm in ep 4. The reason? It has become canon that Light Sabers cauterize wounds... So, they are changing things to fix plot holes as well... Sorta like how Tolkien Rewrote the Hobbit. Do you think Tolkien was wrong for doing that? I don't. It was tolkien's story, he could honestly do whatever he wanted to it.

That's where I disagree. My view is faulty and probably incorrect and intolerable but I still think my point is valid in a sense. When Tolkien rewrote chapter five in "The Hobbit" (the only chapter he rewrote) he did it so that he could make Gollum fit in better with "The Lord of the Rings". (doesn't mean I like it).

As for the lightsaber bloody-arm thing, although bloody violence doesn't really fit in the Star Wars universe I don't think the change would be missed too much (although I dissaprove in principle). But to "fix it up" is hardly going to fill in a plot hole. Speaking of plot-holes, why doesn't Qwai Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson) in Episode 1, when he dies, dissapear like Obi-Wan Kenobi or Yoda? Or the other fallen Jedi in Episode 2? Obi-Wan dies in combat and dissapears, Yoda dies in bed and dissapears. Why not Qui Gon Jinn? You could argue that Darth Vader can't because he's more machine than man, but it's still a plot hole.

Bobtheduck wrote:It's Lucas' story, he can do anything he wants with it. So he's a hopeless perfectionist and a bit crazy... So what? It's still his right to do whatever he wants with his franchise.

Well, that's where I disagree. An artist should know when to stop. Would Star Wars have been half as enduring if George Lucas had made 9 movies instead of three in the "Luke Skywalker" part of the saga? It's too complex a question to answer, even if you want to say in good faith "yes". But the problem with the new CGI additions is that they are all unneccesary. The movies were magnificent already, why should adding to them make them better? These additions do little but add to the mythology of Star Wars but have just been put in to make people go "wow" an extra time where it was unnecesary. Tolkien didn't, like Lucas, add gratuitous scenes where there were none, he just perfected a certain chapter concerning Gollum to make the Lord of the Rings, which he was busy writing, into the masterpiece it is. Lucas, however, is adding unconvincing CGI where there wasn't in a trilogy which was already finished and made it's way into the annals for cinema. If he had fidgeted while the others where in production it might have been excusable, but it's 20 years later and all he wants to do is to show how great his CGI is by trying to one-up himself. When I'm talking about the CGI and the additions I'm not talking about clean-up effects, or adding that scene where Luke meets an old friend in the rebellion. I'm talking about that ring-blast when the Death Star explodes or that giant lizard throwing the storm-trooper from it's back in order to produce a cheap laugh. Or exchanging the original song that the Ewoks sing at the end of Return of the Jedi with an idiotic instrumental piece that doesn't seem half as jovial. As I said, Leonardo Da Vinci did not tamper with his paintings, nor did Michealangelo or even Salvador Dali. An artist must know when to stop or else he'll eventually end up with a terrible mess that no one wants...
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Postby Kireihana » Tue Apr 27, 2004 7:25 pm

Good grief. I'm not going to debate... I'll just say that I like the special editions, and did not find them sickening. I think the "new" Star Wars movies went more for the impressive CGI look, instead of the rich dialogue and characters that the original Trilogy has- that's where its riches lie, not necessary the improved/unimproved effects.

I'm probably not gonna get the dvds because my brother already has the special edition VHS trilogy, and I don't really want to see how they made the movie because I like to wonder about all that stuff, especially since most of it was done more than 20 years ago.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Tue Apr 27, 2004 7:35 pm

Well, I don't think I was trying to change your opinion (though maybe I was, subconciously... who knows) but you got one thing wrong. The reason Yoda and Obi Wan died like they did was because they died when the time was right. They gave up their lives. Qui Gon's death was accidental. He didn't give up his life, he had it taken from him. When the Jedi gives up their life, they're body fades away. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Savior_Sora » Tue Apr 27, 2004 10:18 pm

I don't really vare for the little details...the story was great and the plot was just awesome. Sorry if I insult anybody but if putting CG in an old movie really messes you up? GET OVER IT. What's done is done so why bother...Sorry I'm just not in a good mood...

And reason why I'm al for this is cuz it's finally on DVD :D!!!
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