Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

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Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Postby MasterDias » Sun Apr 25, 2004 10:43 am

Well, Nintendo has apparantly released the title and some brief information about their upcoming Metroid Prime sequal.

So, who is looking forward to this, besides myself?
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Postby Omega Amen » Sun Apr 25, 2004 11:00 am

I bought a Gamecube last Christmas, and just a few days ago I ordered the first Metroid Prime. I have played the first Metroid Prime a bit before, and I was very impressed.

I am sure the sequel will not disappoint. Therefore, I am also looking forward to this game.
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Postby inkhana » Sun Apr 25, 2004 12:09 pm

Hunted by a mysterious entity and a warring race called the Ing, Samus Aran must explore the light and dark worlds of this doomed planet to discover secrets and augment her suit's weapons and abilities.

You don't suppose the "mysterious entity" is...

[spoiler]..the copy of Samus that the Metroid Prime made in the 100% ending? [/spoiler]

There was a person in a gray suit that didn't really look like Samus in one of those pics...I'm wondering if that's what it is...

EDIT: Suffice it to say, I am TOTALLY looking forward to this game..:thumb:

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Postby Link Antilles » Sun Apr 25, 2004 12:17 pm

I am most definitely looking forward to the game. ^^ Yet, my only problem is... I'm a little skeptical of how the multiplayer will work out.
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Postby inkhana » Sun Apr 25, 2004 12:31 pm

Yet, my only problem is... I'm a little skeptical of how the multiplayer will work out.

I hope it's like multiplayer in StarFox or something like that, where it doesn't have anything to do with normal gameplay, it's just something you can do with your buddies. Maybe if you get 100% items in normal mode you can unlock cool new stuff in the battle arenas, but that's the farthest I'd take the integration.

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Postby Bobtheduck » Sun Apr 25, 2004 2:36 pm

Hmm... Anyone remember the Dark Horse metroid comics? There were other bounty hunters with power suits besides Samus, though that may not be canon...

I still want to beat the first game... I only got to play it for like 20 minutes... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby skynes » Mon Apr 26, 2004 4:14 am

I'm not getting excited about the multi. I'm worried they're going to twist Metroid into another FPS clone. another pathetic poorly done multi with a cack single play because all the resources went into the multi.

Metroid is NOT a multi game! It was never meant to be a multi game! I cannot see a Metroid multi working. I've said in otherp laces it'll turn it into another Turok 2 - First to grab Cerebral Bore wins or in this case- First to grab Plasma beam or Power bombs wins...
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Postby JediSonic » Mon Apr 26, 2004 12:41 pm

I hope not.

I'm not sure that I'll buy this game, since I was never able to finish the first one due to insane difficuly and other factors. Plus it'll be expensive as heck because of the enormous hype that Metroid Prime has obtained.

However, I'm sure i'll rent it at least once :grin: :lol:

When is it scheduled to be released? The site said it had been announced but didnt seem to want me to know what the date is :eyebrow: I sold my copy of MP about a month ago so I'd get good value on it before everyone turned theirs in in anticipation of MP2
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Postby Zedian » Mon Apr 26, 2004 6:11 pm

I love the Metroid series, so much in fact I am getting tempted to purchase a GBA just for the sake of that remake of the original Metroid. I liked Prime a whole lot, but with the multiplayer mode, like some other members commented on. That might resurface the whole face of the game; turning it perhaps into more of a FPS than a straight-up action game.
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Postby MasterDias » Mon Apr 26, 2004 6:54 pm

JediSonic wrote:When is it scheduled to be released? The site said it had been announced but didnt seem to want me to know what the date is :eyebrow: I sold my copy of MP about a month ago so I'd get good value on it before everyone turned theirs in in anticipation of MP2

It doesn't have a release date yet. And we won't have anything definite until E3 comes around in May.

As for everyone's comments about the multiplayer, well, I'll put it this way.

1. Many people didn't think Metroid would well in first-person before Metroid Prime was released.

2.Many people thought Zelda:The Wind Waker was going to be terrible with its cel-shaded graphics.

Both games turned out extremely well.
Don't judge something about the game before the game is actually released...
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Postby Ashley » Mon Apr 26, 2004 6:57 pm

*mutters* I will only buy it if it isn't as INSANELY difficult as the first one...perhaps my aching will be allieviated and WindWaker 2 will be released.
*stares at MP1* So beautiful, and yet so mind-numbingly difficult. O the hours I wasted on you. Why must you torment me so?!
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Postby skynes » Tue Apr 27, 2004 2:03 am

Firstly - Wind Waker WAS TERRIBLE! But not because of the Cel Shading. It was the game itself. 6 dungeons.... too much sailing.


I will only buy it if it isn't as INSANELY difficult as the first one

Difficult? I found it rather easy... sure Meta-Ridley gave me a couple of problems my first time through but I didn't find the game too difficult. Super Metroid was harder.
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Postby Link Antilles » Tue Apr 27, 2004 9:10 am

Wind Waker Terrible?! O_o Well, I guess everyone can't like an awesome game, but yes.. the Sailing was tedious and the game wasn't as long as some of the previous Zelda games. That's not enough to make it a game terrible. Here's an example of terrible...

Anydangway, back to Metroid Prime 2....

Well, I was looking around Gamespot today and I saw that Metroid Prime 2 is scheduled to ship November the fourteenth this year. Yet, this might be due to change... knowing Nintendo.

Hmm... I've found most Metroid games to be relatively fun, but not at all hard. Except, Metroid Fusion... it was overall a good game, but it's flaws ripped it down from awesomeness. I found the game to be very trial and error like, along with just frustrating at times. Can't say I'm looking forward to a Metroid Fusion sequel. I want another one like Zero Mission. It would be sweet if they release Super Mission for the GBA.
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Postby inkhana » Tue Apr 27, 2004 1:34 pm

Hmm... I've found most Metroid games to be relatively fun, but not at all hard.

Yeah, this is kinda what I thought...Metroid games are just difficult enough to be challenging, but I don't want to devote three months of my life to defeating a game...>.< MP wasn't that hard to me, but it was one of the hardest Metroid games (in my estimation). Although...that was in the days before sequence breaking, etc...( ;) @ skynes)

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Postby skynes » Wed Apr 28, 2004 4:47 am

No Metroid I on the NES! THATS HARD!!!! The recent ones have paled in difficulty in comparisson to it.

Ink: Even without Sequence Breaking I can still do Metroid Prime in 6hrs or so.

Link: Wind Waker WAS terrible! I'm comparing it to other Zelda games though. OOT at 11-12 dungeons, LTTP had 12. ALL the Zelda GB games had 8 at least.

Majoras Mask had 4.... Wind Waker had 6.... thats pitiful. Both those games sucked IMO. WW had too much sailing around and not enough dungeons. I would much preferred hunting down the triforce parts if each bit was in a full sized dungeon. But no....

For anyone that understands - I have started a 15% Zero Mission game on hard. I'm at Mother Brain. Beat her twice before but die on the escape (its a bit hard to jump up the shaft in 1 minute without High Jump ;))

Super Metroid on GBA would ROCK! They would have to do a full revamp not just a port. After Zero Mission a port wouldn't cut it (as well as not enough buttons on the GB)
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Postby MasterDias » Wed Apr 28, 2004 12:07 pm

skynes wrote:Link: Wind Waker WAS terrible! I'm comparing it to other Zelda games though. OOT at 11-12 dungeons, LTTP had 12. ALL the Zelda GB games had 8 at least.

Majoras Mask had 4.... Wind Waker had 6.... thats pitiful. Both those games sucked IMO. WW had too much sailing around and not enough dungeons. I would much preferred hunting down the triforce parts if each bit was in a full sized dungeon. But no....

Your opinion...
Personally, I thought Wind Waker was a great game.

Anyways, I'll probably pick up Zero Mission sometime this summer as I am a Metroid fan.
I am looking forward to finding out more information about Metroid Prime 2.
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Postby Mr_Anderson » Fri May 07, 2004 11:59 am

yeah, i don't have a gamecube and none of my friends have prime, so i only got 2 play the demo at the store :( it was pretty goud graphics and gameplay from what i played, my friend beat fustion in three hours, he is super good at it and i can barely beat the first boss : lol :
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