LadyRushia (post: 1363660) wrote:Moved to anime.
Also, you should probably use spoiler tags. Here's how to use them:
[*SPOILER]The very last scene in the anime that made you cry buckets of tears.[/SPOILER*] Only without the stars.
yukoxholic (post: 1363792) wrote:Haibane Renmei
[SPOILER]Kuu's day of flight and the afterward with Rakka cleaning her room while talking aloud to her, when Rakka's sin-bound and cutting off her feathers, and when Reki tells Rakka that she never really cared about her and was just using her for her own absolution.[/SPOILER]
Wyntre Rose (post: 1363910) wrote:Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles:
[spoiler] Syaoran's heartbreak at Sakura not recognizing him when she first wakes up after her memories have been scattered - and Fai and Kurogane's kudans shielding him in the rain...
Fai...almost everything that happens to, or is revealed about him during and after the Tokyo acid arc. Especially when he is made to stab Sakura, and when he realizes he didn't kill his twin after all...
Kurogane's past revealed in the Recort Library incident. Doesn't quite hit Fai levels of woobieness, but geez...if you didn't find Kurogane sympathetic up until this point, you will once you watch/read this arc...
Methinks we need to get the Tsubasa cast some serious counseling. There's more, I know, I just can't think of them right now. [/spoiler]
rocklobster (post: 1364230) wrote:I have all of you beat. I present the saddest anime ever:
Now and Then, Here and There
" wrote:[color="Black"]when Mirai finds out that that Yuki really died in the hospital[/color]
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