In Defense of Theological Discussions

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In Defense of Theological Discussions

Postby familygibbs » Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:27 pm

I’ve been a member of CAA for a while now and I was quite happy to find a group of Christians online who have created a forum dedicated to sharing their enjoyment of anime and manga in a godly manner. There are numerous good things about this site. I do, however, have one major complaint. Why are theological discussions not allowed? What good reason does CAA have for banning them?

I understand that some people have been hurt in the past and debates have tended to come to a standstill because of pride issues or misunderstandings. But in avoiding this problem, CAA has gone to the other extreme. For instance, a discussion on whether a certain anime character displays Christian characteristics is locked because it bordered on a theological topic. Isn’t this going overboard? What is a Christian Anime Alliance if members cannot discuss how anime could be interpreted from a Christian worldview? What is the real difference between CAA and other anime forums when the theological implications of anime shows (and there are plenty) cannot be analyzed? I know I have encountered plenty of religious ideas and worldviews in anime that I would love to discuss in a forum, but cannot because of these rules.

Therefore, I would like to present my case as to why supervised theological discussions should be allowed on CAA and how they should be supervised.

Let me start with a round-about question. Why did Jesus come to earth? The automatic response would be “to save us from our sinsâ€
A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell.

C.S. Lewis

Salvation is from our side a choice, from the divine side it is a seizing upon, an apprehending, a conquest by the Most High God. Our "accepting" and "willing" are reactions rather than actions. The right of determination must always remain with God.

A.W. Tozer

The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

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Postby Radical Dreamer » Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:36 pm

CAA finds that theology debate (and politics, for that matter) often does more to tear our community apart, rather than build it up. As per our rules, theology discussion/debate is redirected to Theology Web, or is encouraged via PM only, and only if both parties wish to continue discussion. Thanks for understanding!
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