Hug Someone That You'd Prefer to Punch in the Face :)

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Hug Someone That You'd Prefer to Punch in the Face :)

Postby Nikolai Melodie » Sun Dec 20, 2009 3:33 am

Hi there-- it's been a long, long time CAA! I'm poking around a bit over my winter break, and, I decided to share a little something I learned. As some of you know, and, some of you don't, I'm a very serious music student. Out of the three choral ensembles I'm in, two are neighborly, and friendly, but the Advanced Woman's group I'm in is the complete opposite. Our Director brought it to the attention of the group the other day. I think that what she had to say, and what happened of it, might be of some help to you all :)

If you truly love what you're doing, it doesn't matter who you're doing it with--even if your personalities clash beyond belief. You can create a bond just in that thing that you love. Maybe, then, you'll find something new, and likable in each other. It's impossible to achieve any sort of teamwork, in, say, any kind of goal, from putting together a choir, to making positive image of Christ's will on the world, if you're at odds with each other. What kind of an example would that be? Preaching to love your neighbors, then, behind the scenes, bickering like little kids?

It isn't something easy. The idea of just, 'turning the other cheek,' is almost like world peace. We all want it, need it... but it's so hard to achieve, and so far off in the distance because of our world's current state of affairs, that most of us have given up on it. Never loose sight of the love that Christ shows you. It's an extraordinarily difficult thing to live for Him. We're not perfect, by far. We'll make mistakes. But, communication is key. Say you're in an argument; you're not feeling well, you're mad about something else in your life--whatever, and without thinking, you take that out on someone else. Now, you've got two choices. Go on living with some tension between you and that other person for no good reason, or communicate with them. Say, "Hey, I'm sorry, I was having a bad day and..." yadda yadda. Communication is key, in any relationship. Communicate with God through prayer, and your friends with kind words.

After that whole spiel, my Director asked us to stand up, and go hug someone we'd rather punch in the face. Most of the class got up, and did just that. But, I just sort of sat there in my chair. I couldn't think of anybody I wanted to punch, or anyone I was even mad at. Funny thing is? No one came over to hug me, either.

Just some random thoughts. :) I see it as important because, well, we live in the internet age. Sometimes words don't travel well online, or through texts. Just communicate. Before getting angry, stop and ask, "Well, hey what did you mean by..." and, maybe, 'turning the other cheek,' will get a little easier. Thanks for listening :) Peace out, CAA!
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Nikolai Melodie
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sun Dec 20, 2009 10:33 am

Excellent advice! That's kind of a neat exercise your director had you all do. XD I wish it were easier done than said, but it's definitely something to think about and improve upon. XD Thanks for posting! (Also hiiiii long time no see!)
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