So, I was up last night at about 3:30 AM arizona time after a long nights worth of homework and studying for a test and on the way home, I saw something odd. The entire horizon lit up with a bright flash of light as though lightening had struck far away.
Odd thing is, there wasn't a cloud in the sky as I could make out the stars REALLY well, and there wasn't much weather to my knowledge around Flagstaff either. I thought it was my imagination but saw it happen about 3-4 more times after that. I remember seeing these in the past at night and I was wondering if anyone else here knows what these flashes might be?
They cover about 1/4 of the horizon and they are very fast in terms of occuring. They literally light up a clear sky with white light in that segment of the sky. Personally, I'm stumped as to what it could be, so I'm wondering what my fellow CAAers have to say as far as plausible explanations.