I think i would be cool to have a Christian Anime Con going though different states each weekend.
I would be glad to help out if I could, not sure with what,but I think I might have some ideas.
Sounds Fun!
Putting on an anime convention is a huge job, so if it was to be done, it would take a lot of time and a lot of money. Securing the venue, getting special guests (VAs, musicians, artists, etc...), and advertising are just a few of the major things that need to be taken care of at least a year in advance.
mechana2015 (post: 1346897) wrote:I would be more concerned about security. An event like that could be a lightning rod for just the sort of people you're trying to avoid. (Anime Expo banned man Faye from the con, but he still stands outside it all day.)
Makachop^^128 (post: 1346901) wrote:Man faye came to sakura con this year O_o
goldenspines (post: 1346879) wrote:Interestingly enough, I believe the folks at Christianmanga.com are planning a christian anime convention in 2010. Though I'm not positive if they are actually going to pull it off. (you can check out their site for more details, such as dates, guests, etc...)
Putting on an anime convention is a huge job, so if it was to be done, it would take a lot of time and a lot of money. Securing the venue, getting special guests (VAs, musicians, artists, etc...), and advertising are just a few of the major things that need to be taken care of at least a year in advance.
The idea is cool, though. And to have a CAA convention would be even better. But unless God calls someone with a lot of money to fund a christian anime con, we may just be stuck with the existing cons (and meeting up with fellow CAAers at them).
Though, I've found, that despite all the weirdness and crazy fangirls/fanboys there are at cons, God can still be found there. ^_^
ADXC (post: 1350856) wrote:Now Corrie's news does give me hope, but I am still skepticle.
ADXC (post: 1350856) wrote:Why do I feel like we've talked about this before? Oh wait...
I am not posting these threads because I am against this. If you read through these threads you will see that I am for this, but having a CAA or Christian anime con would be very tough to do. There are some many things that need to be done and I am not sure how these things may get done.
Now Corrie's news does give me hope, but I am still skepticle.
Radical Dreamer (post: 1350877) wrote:...I think you mean Goldenspine's post--this is my first post in this thread. XD
Anyways, while a Christian anime con might be nice, I think we also need to remember how important it is to reach out to those who don't know Jesus. What better place to do it than at an anime con full of people with whom you could connect based on similar interests alone? Just something to think about. XD It's not that I'm totally against the idea, but I think we often get caught up in trying to create a "sterile Christian bubble" for ourselves, forgetting those who need the love of Christ. I do applaud what Vic Mignogna and Caitlin Glass do at cons with worship services, though--that's very neat, and a great way to bring Jesus to those who need Him!
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