goldenspines wrote:Its only stealing if you don't get caught.
Etoh*the*Greato (post: 1341860) wrote:Dinosaurs would have to have been warmblooded, so calling them reptiles is a bit of a misnomer.
Etoh*the*Greato (post: 1341902) wrote:HASN'T MICHAEL CRICHTON TAUGHT US ANYTHING?!
Uh, I mean...
Peanut (post: 1341853) wrote:Even though this is a serious topic...I can't manage to shake the image of McDonalds actually selling McNuggets made from Dinosaur meat...well at least they wouldn't be any less healthy then what they already serve...
Etoh*the*Greato (post: 1341880) wrote:I'm gonna side with endothermic, simply on the basis that supporting a weight that huge would require a fairly active system. A lot of calories to be burnt, and the time to take in that heat would far outweigh any available time to collect food to keep the system going. It's all topheavy (no pun intended). The system would fall apart.
(Yeah, Alan Grant! I got yer back!)
Davidizer13 (post: 1341874) wrote:That debate remains unsettled. Pterosaurs would have to have been warm-blooded, due to the metabolism required for flying, but the others are still up in the air to whether they were endothermic or ectothermic.
Etoh*the*Greato (post: 1342178) wrote:The thing about Mammoths is that they still existed on the North American Continent in regions like Florida even up to the rise of the Egyptian Civilization. Now comes the hard part with the cloning Scenario. Even if we were to potentially clone them, we'd have to invent a way to vaccinate them against the whole flipping world! They are creatures of another age. We'd have War of The Worlds all overagain. They'd be dying of diseases left and right because they'd suddenly be brought in to a world that just simply wasn't meant for them. They weren't raised here, they weren't acclimated here. They didn't develop in the biological environment we have now.
Etoh*the*Greato (post: 1342178) wrote:The thing about Mammoths is that they still existed on the North American Continent in regions like Florida even up to the rise of the Egyptian Civilization. Now comes the hard part with the cloning Scenario. Even if we were to potentially clone them, we'd have to invent a way to vaccinate them against the whole flipping world! They are creatures of another age. We'd have War of The Worlds all overagain. They'd be dying of diseases left and right because they'd suddenly be brought in to a world that just simply wasn't meant for them. They weren't raised here, they weren't acclimated here. They didn't develop in the biological environment we have now.
sdzero (post: 1342251) wrote:I don't know...cloning always seemed an unidentified typed of animal cruelty to me. They have to go through a lot mistrails before they get one clone right.
Bobtheduck (post: 1342166) wrote:Was that intentional?
Etoh*the*Greato (post: 1341902) wrote:HASN'T MICHAEL CRICHTON TAUGHT US ANYTHING?!
Uh, I mean...
Nate (post: 1342568) wrote:So if they succeeded in this, would ya eat it?
I know I would. Char broiled dinosaur covered in gravy. Side of curly fries. I bet they'd call it the Dinosaur Special.
Bobtheduck (post: 1342757) wrote:I'd totally eat dinosaur nuggets... After about 5 years of it being available to make sure no weird problems arise from it.
Etoh*the*Greato (post: 1343249) wrote:Well, what about the fact that your now a ten story fire breathing nuclear monstrosity from the deep ocean?
... Well, that's just awesome!
Esoteric (post: 1343919) wrote:It's a good thing they are only a foot tall and have the IQ of tree stump, otherwise chicken attacks could be a serious problem.
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