Paul (post: 1313663) wrote:Well, if you are the type who likes a cup of coffee in the morning like I do, then try making two cups of coffee. One for you and one for God. That way it makes your morning time personal with him. Sounds a little crazy, yes, but it sure broke me into having morning prayer times. The idea here is to establish a routine with God. Once your in that routine (cup of coffee or not), you will soon find yourself in a habit of getting it done.
One of the things Satan tries to do is weasle our time with God away from us. We have to figth to keep it. That's what I do. If nothing else, it sure makes for an entertaining debate over "God's Cup" with the boyfriend or spouse. My wife likes to point out that one day I'm going to do that and that whole cup full of coffee is going to disappear right in front of me. I always tell her that if that happens, then I'm going to stop and tell God, "O.k. I'm listening." It's fun. But atleast I'm praying.
Just and idea.
Paul (post: 1313663) wrote:Well, if you are the type who likes a cup of coffee in the morning like I do, then try making two cups of coffee. One for you and one for God. That way it makes your morning time personal with him. Sounds a little crazy, yes, but it sure broke me into having morning prayer times. The idea here is to establish a routine with God. Once your in that routine (cup of coffee or not), you will soon find yourself in a habit of getting it done.
One of the things Satan tries to do is weasle our time with God away from us. We have to figth to keep it. That's what I do. If nothing else, it sure makes for an entertaining debate over "God's Cup" with the boyfriend or spouse. My wife likes to point out that one day I'm going to do that and that whole cup full of coffee is going to disappear right in front of me. I always tell her that if that happens, then I'm going to stop and tell God, "O.k. I'm listening." It's fun. But atleast I'm praying.
Just and idea.
I'm going to pm you with another idea for art. It's a little lengthy for this post but it's what keeps me busy drawing anime.
RFC (post: 1314201) wrote:I can truly understand this feeling.
This past college semester was the worst I've ever had and now that it's all over I feel drained and uninspired.
But I think I know the root of my issue and the solution. For me, I always get inspiration again when I draw close to Jesus. So if I'm feeling burnt out it's often because I'm not spending as much time with him.
See, I have a hard time concentrating in the mornings so I do most of my Bible reading right before bed. It works out for me because I get to sleep slowly, giving me time to think about what I read and to pray.
Of course this works well as long as I'm not TOO tired when I start reading. And lately I've been staying up later than I should and.... yeah...
So with me, I need to get to bed sooner. I'm not sure this helps anyone else, but there you have it
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