That Dude (post: 1385194) wrote:When God made Gelka, he decided to mix bubbles, rainbows, sharks, cupcakes, chocolate chips, puppies, kitties, and fun all into one bunch.
yexy wrote:Thanks! I do have a question....some of my posts are disappearing. o_o One in the original artwork forum and one in the post your pic thread. Do I need to have a certain post count before I can post there or something?
LadyRushia (post: 1313684) wrote:Welcome to CAA.
So just be patient for a bit and you'll be good to go.
That Dude (post: 1315197) wrote:Hello there Yexy! What part of Canada are you from? Saskatchewan? (I believe that's where Dot's from that's why I'm asking...)
yexy (post: 1315202) wrote:I'm actually from the US, but yes, I moved here to Saskatchewan in '07.
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