That Dude (post: 1385194) wrote:When God made Gelka, he decided to mix bubbles, rainbows, sharks, cupcakes, chocolate chips, puppies, kitties, and fun all into one bunch.
I also have a love for writing, although I have a tendency to become side tracked and start another story before finishing the first.
Maokun: Ninjas or Pirates? (Vikings are not a valid answer, sorry)
EricTheFred: Vikings are always a valid answer.
Now that I've said that, I'm happy to say that I am a firm believer of the Lord Jesus Christ, and all that He has done for me and everyone. God is my best friend, and I love talking to Him. I know that even when bad things happen, and even if everyone I know and cherish abandon me, He'll always be there. I also know of the reality of the spiritual world (like, angels and demons, which are both real, even if we can't necessarily see them) because of certain things that have happened to me.
lol, your post made me very happy
I'm guessing you know who my avatar is...? I didn't make it, just to let you know.
I take shotokan karate, except the town I live in doesn't have a karate club; we go to the next town over, which is about twenty minutes away. A bunch of my Christian friends, including 3 or 4 of my family members, take it, and a couple of my non-Christian friends do as well. I've been taking karate for two years (with my sempai, who is my sensei's wife, we get a great workout before the class), and I'm a green belt, probably testing for first purple in the beginning of June.
I'm glad you like my username. ^^ It was spawned from Anys, which was an alternate spelling of the name Anise, which I started liking. I wanted to try a longer form for Anys, and Anystazya is what I got. ^^
*sigh* yes, the shy thing. Such a bother at times. But I suppose you're right, and I'll only get to know people on here better if I reach out and try new things. ^^
Sadly, I don't. I can think of about 5 anime characters it looks like but most wouldn't fit in the context with the word "trust". Who is it?
Aw man, that sounds so FUN! Karate with friends is always a blast. Keep it up, you will be so glad that you did.
That's neat. I was thinking it was a different way to spell the princesses name.
Don't sweat it . I still don't really like going to Wal-Mart. ^^ But it's a lot better than where I used to be. Think about how far you've come in the last several years (which I'm sure is a lot). Yeah, the people here are great. They don't bite. Well, not very hard anyway.......^^ (jk)
It is a lot of fun! Often very tiring, but worth it. ^^ Do you take karate?
And yes, I've definitely opened up more in the past few years...especially in the last few months since February, I've learned better how to let God take control and don't sweat silly things, because, well, the world will end someday, and when we're all in Heaven, the little upsets that happen here won't matter, because there will be an eternity with God
(and I really like brussel sprouts! And broccoli! And cabbage-both red and green-and asparagus! well, I like those foods when they're not raw ^^)
Used to. Our class lost our room. It is tiring but doesn't it feel good after you finish a killer class and know that you licked it, lol? I love that feeling. I took Tang Soo Do.
There ya go! ^^ You're making progress! And you have the right attitude too, God is the one making it easier for me to keep doing things. I can't do it on my own steam.
Lol, JK! That's great that you like all those healthy foods! I like broccoli....
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