Need help picking souviners

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Postby WhiteMage212 » Sat May 02, 2009 7:53 pm

I bet I spelled the title wrong,but that's okay. Anyway,I live in California , but I am vacationing in Verginia (spelled that wrong too) and need to buy gifts for my teachers (by the way, I'm homeschooled). I need help picking some gifts so help me out here. first gift: I have a music teacher who is nice and i want to return the favor. So what should i give him that's not to wierd but something casual. he's gone to d.c. before me so something that has something to remind him of what it was like thier. (he was a political science major doing an intern ship their and loved it thier.) So suggest something that a man will like (he's christian). gift two and three: i have a english and math teacher who are woman and probly would like stuff that's related two the state. (thier christian also).
last but not least, gift 4, 5, and 6. i have my youth teachers that i have been with me for awhile, so i need to find something for them. gift four is for a woman, gift five is for a guy and gift six is for a woman, man and child (basicly a family). i would thank you guys so much if all of you could help me (i would give you all cookies if i could ^_^). my budget is 70 dollars so start giving idias. (make that maybe 60 if you guys can please, i don't have a job, i just got money to buy stuff for me and them). I got to go to bed and won't be on here for a while like a few days so post while i'm gone. i'll check on this as soon as can. thanks and God bless!^•^

by the way, thier in thier 40's. also a little fun loving (espesially my music teacher
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Postby minakichan » Sat May 02, 2009 9:27 pm

Hmm, whenever I've gotten teachers gifts, they're usually like glassware and mugs or chocolate. I guess they aren't very original gifts, but it makes it easy because anyone can use them....

Stuff like nice stationery (really nice pens, classy expensive notebooks) might be good too. Sorry for not being much help.
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Postby Roz » Sun May 03, 2009 6:55 am

I love Virginia. Lucky you.

You can often find little things "state related" for not a lot in gas stations along the road. Like little glass things, mugs, key chains, etc. Or wherever you're staying might have a souvenir shop close by. For the women, unless you have heard otherwise chocolate is probably a pretty safe bet if you can't find anything else. :)

Or, just bring them a piece of beautiful Virginia home with you! :)
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Postby Reon » Thu May 07, 2009 9:33 pm

Along with Roz said about little souvenirs in gas stations/shops, you should get a postcard with the Virginia title on it - on the back writing about how thankful you are for them being in your life and taking the time to teach you. Encouragements like these when really heartfelt can really be great little gifts further down the road when they question whether or not they've accomplished anything or are just feeling down.
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Postby WhiteMage212 » Fri May 15, 2009 11:23 pm

thanks guys, i just came back from my trip and it was awsome! i love D.C.!
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