Ingemar (post: 1285867) wrote:In before Fish and Chips protests.
Kaligraphic (post: 1285934) wrote:You know, I think Steve is on to something. Long ago, before the Internet was permanently flooded with noobs, spam, and anonymous, before the stupid memes, even before AOL, newbies used to all join the net at the same time. They were welcomed, trained, and brought up into the culture of the net at that time. Then, they'd help do the same for the next year's newbies.
The system in those days was overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the AOLers joining the net, but we've got a decent member base compared to our new user rate. We could train our newbies and teach them how to make veteran mistakes instead of newbie ones. We could remake them - better, faster, stronger. Or, we could be a breeding ground for anonymous, like so many other sites. We could bounce our noobs around to various other sites, keeping them in their noobish place, making their noobish mistakes until they manage by their own persistence to learn what we failed to teach them. But then, that's what anonymous would do.
We could be better. Or, we could sink into the mire of the Net. It's our choice, after all.
goldenspines (post: 1285884) wrote:Brilliantly said, Steve.
I wish I could speak as an innocent, but I'm guilty of being rather snarky at times]Stephen (post: 1285847) wrote:(Forgive me if this is poorly written as I am running on very little sleep but wanted to address this)
I am kinda going out on a limb on this, this is more as an old member and less as a mod. I would imagine that the other staff would agree with me on this though. Lately it has been brought up many times that people feel a change in the site. I see that as fairly natural really. People change, sites change, etc. But one common theme I have picked up on from members is that people feel that the core member base is very unforgiving and even overly aggressive towards new members and old members alike. I will not claim innocence in this, because I myself have frequently came off as a jerk when moving threads and whatnot.
But I think we really do need to all think a bit more before we post. It is so easy sometimes to sit behind a screen and relish that anominity. But the fact is a real person is reading the posts we post. The snide comments, the crude jokes, that stuff is not going to a machine....It is easy to kinda fall in line with a set attitude. Most sites get that way. Pretty much every site I have ever joined or lurked on has been that way. A core "hardcore" group that have been on the site for ages will smack down new members for new member mistakes.
I don't want CAA to be like every other site. If someone wants sarcasm and crudeness the internet has no shortage of that. So the next time a member asks a silly question, try to treat em with kid gloves okay? I hate to see people feel that CAA is not a welcoming site. People feeling as if they are being bashed and whatnot. But I would also ask that if a person is having an issue with a member/post etc, please bring it to the staffs attention. We cannot help solve a problem that we don't even know exists.
This is not directed at a single person, nor is it some sort of banhammer threat. Just a thought from someone that has been here a real long time.
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
Felix (post: 1287624) wrote:I haven't been very active here recently, partly due to some of the issues addressed in this very thread, but I felt I should chime in here just to say that I have noticed the changes as well. The devolution if you will, at least in terms of moral and social integrity. Though the site has improved in a lot of ways technically and also grown in numbers, I feel we have slid backwards a little in other areas.
But! I'm pleased to see that apparently a good portion of the users here have noticed these things, and can relate to what's been going on! Hopefully, if we all work at it and have more of a conscious attitude toward things... if we're more gracious toward each other and more humble toward ourselves, then we can restore CAA to the welcoming, cheery, and most of all Christian place that it should be.
To me, it seems like a shadow had fallen over this forum. That's a big part of why I stopped coming here regularly. But I'm optimistic now about the future here. Maybe this thread will be a spark that will cause some kind of reformation here. I sure hope so anyway.
I'll be attempting to post here more and stay in touch and help encourage this new attitude!
With love in all things, but mostly in Christ
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