What are you thankful for?

Talk about anything in here.

What are you thankful for?

Postby rocklobster » Fri Nov 21, 2008 4:54 am

With thanksgiving only a week or so away, I was wondering what you people out there are thankful for. Post it here! One catch: it has to be something God gave you.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby Kunoichi » Fri Nov 21, 2008 5:39 am

I'm thankful I'm free from my abuse
I'm thankful that God has given me a wonderful husband
I'm thankful that I might have a baby in my tummy :)
I'm thankful for all the love and support on CAA
I'm thankful that I went through the hard stuff so i could really know the Lord is with me
I'm thankful that God's strength is always there
I'm thankful that Jesus died so that I might be able to be with Him
I'm thankful that I have a roof over my head, food to eat and clothes to wear
I'm thankful for learning that Love is real and isn't sick and twisted
I'm thankful that one day I will be healed
I'm thankful that even in when others may abandon me, God never will
I'm thankful that when others judge me, God will still love me
I'm thankful for having to clean a room, because at least I have a room to clean

There's more but that's all I can type at the moment
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Postby Sparx00 » Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:07 am

I'm just thankful. Because God is great. :)

(If I thanked him for everything He's done for me, I'd have the longest post in CAA history. Not counting the spammers.)
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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:24 am

I'm thankful that God gave me a passion for rock and roll, loving parents who support my passion, and the ability to follow it.

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Postby Purplefire » Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:56 am

I'm thankful that I have a loving husband, two wonderful kids, a supportive extended family and for the love the Father abundantly lavishes on me.
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[color="Magenta"]"Try having pastries as your hair style." ~Purplefire[/color]
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Postby Lilac#18 » Fri Nov 21, 2008 11:58 am

1.I'm thankful to have food to eat
2.I'm thankful for living in a family that loves and cares for me
3.I'm thankful for being around nice people period
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B careful of bad habits u form when ur single. In most cases u'll carry them over into ur marriage! - Damita Haddon

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24When you lie down, you shall not be afraid; yes, you shall lie down, and your sleep shall be sweet. Proverbs 3:24 AMP

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Postby Nate » Fri Nov 21, 2008 12:05 pm

And Lord, we are especially thankful for nuclear power, the cleanest, safest energy source there is. Except for solar, which is just a pipe dream.

Ezekiel 23:20
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Fri Nov 21, 2008 12:21 pm

As corny as this may sound.. My loved ones <33
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Postby Nia-chan » Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:05 pm

Doesn't God give us everything?
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Postby Htom Sirveaux » Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:37 pm

If this post seems too utterly absurd or ridiculous to be taken seriously, don't. :)
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Postby xblack_x_rosesx » Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:49 pm

I thank God that Canadian Thanksgiving was weeks ago and I don't have to see the pesky relatives again =P

Till Christmas.


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Postby KagayakiWashi » Fri Nov 21, 2008 5:37 pm

I'm thankful for:
A God who cares for me and sent His Son to die for me
My family
My wonderful job and boss
Safety in all the driving/woods traversing I do on the job
The opportunity to work with the kids in my church
The wonderful church I go to
The ability to hear and enjoy wonderful music from composers such as Beethoven, Wagner, Igor Stravinsky, Raymond Scott, Frank Zappa, Danny Elfman, and Yoko Kanno
Chai tea
A local Japanese restaurant that serves great food
Some of those are small, but I am thankful for them!
"To be a good listener, you must acquire a musical culture...you must be familiar with the history and development of music, you must listen...to receive music you have to open your ears and wait for the music, you must believe that it is something you need ...to listen is an effort, and just to hear has no merit. A duck hears also." - Igor Stravinsky
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Postby oro! » Fri Nov 21, 2008 5:38 pm

I thank God that everything related to school has worked out, that I have found a Christian group to meet with, and that I have over and above what I thought I would even need. Aleluyah! The scripture is actually true!
"I've learned when you throw mud at others, not only do you get your hands dirty, but you also lose a lot of ground." Ravi Zacharias
"Pride grows in the human heart like lard on a pig." Aleksander Solzhenitzen (so call me on it)
"Zeal without knowledge can lead to chaos." - Bob Rohm
"Why don't we love his truth as much as we seem to love his love?"- Cross Movement, in their song "Check us Out"
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Postby Roz » Fri Nov 21, 2008 6:03 pm

A good life.
Outdoors (nature).

....to name a VERY few.
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Postby Robin Firedrake » Fri Nov 21, 2008 6:13 pm

Hmm... Probably that God made me a might bit more creative then most folks. Even if he did make me a terrible klutz =P
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Postby Smile:) » Fri Nov 21, 2008 6:26 pm

I'm thankful for all the gifts God has given me, for a love that never ends, for my cat Gigi, and I'm thankful for CAA. Most of all I'm really thankfull for my family, they mean everything to me.

And a lot of other thing that could never fit in this thread alone.
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Postby Sanderson » Fri Nov 21, 2008 6:34 pm

I'm thankful for my great parents (R.I.P. dad), who have always supported me, been there for me and always had my back.
I'm thankful for my great family.
I'm thankful for my great friends.
I'm thankful for having a roof over my head, food to eat and clothes to wear.
I'm thankful for my physical and mental health.
I'm thankful for my hobbies and passions that keep my life interesting and give me things to look forward to.
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Postby Hitokiri » Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:43 pm

Hmm...well I guess I am thankful that this Thanksgiving will be fun and interesting; compared to last years. Four of the Japanese exchange students will be coming back with me to my parents house from Wendsday to Sunday.

Oh and I am thankful that I am alive.
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Postby Midori » Fri Nov 21, 2008 11:04 pm

I'm thankful for God's steadfastness, as well as his infinite variety and creativity.
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Postby KhakiBlueSocks » Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:11 pm

[font="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="4"][color="RoyalBlue"]I'm thankful that I can be thankful! As odd as it may sound to you, it makes perfect sense to me.[/color][/SIZE][/font]
Joshua: Hebrew -The LORD is Salvation

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Postby RobinSena » Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:07 pm

Anime. ;)
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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:46 pm

KhakiBlueSocks (post: 1271808) wrote:[font="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="4"][color="RoyalBlue"]I'm thankful that I can be thankful! As odd as it may sound to you, it makes perfect sense to me.[/color][/SIZE][/font]

Doesn't sound odd to me - I'm thankful for my sentience, emotional capacity, and free will, too. ^_^

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[color="Indigo"]"I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you . . . stranger."[/color]

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Postby Tsukuyomi » Sun Nov 23, 2008 8:19 pm

We had an early Thanksgiving today. Everyone was happy and smiling, so I'm very happy for that ^__^
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Postby Gabriel 9.0 » Mon Nov 24, 2008 2:38 am

I'm thankful to be on the right path thanks to God
Given the opertunnity to honor and promote his name in the media industry
Marry the right lady and start a family one day under his guidance:
To be alive, and away from what my father unfortunately did.
And many, many other wonderful things:). Praist the Lord:D
Some of my favorite scriptures.

A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;
There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

Hebrews 4-4
1Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.
2For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
3For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world.
4For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.

James 4
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

Revelation 22:14
Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
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Postby Akikaze » Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:32 am

I'm thankful for - a God that will love me no matter what I do. And thankful for all that he's done for me.
- being able to live another day
- My Mom and Dad
- My younger sister/best friend
- My older sister and younger brother
- Shelter, food and clothes
- Books
- My dogs
- Literacy
- Homeschooling
- Music
- Laughter
- Rain
- Chai tea and coffee
- Nature
- Animals
- Different cultures and languages
- Family businesses
"For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness."
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Postby Cognitive Gear » Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:49 am

I'm thankful for God's mercy towards a fool like me.
Add to this all of the stereotyped things to be thankful for.

Oddly, I'm thankful that I caught mono. Doing so was not a fun experience, but it really forced me to slow down and rethink a whole lot of things that had been wandering around my mind for the last six months.
[font="Tahoma"][SIZE="2"]"It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was us, what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things."

-Terry Pratchett[/SIZE][/font]
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Postby Osirilen » Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:53 am

I'm thankful for the few people in my life right now who at the very least pretend to care, without them I really don't know what I might have done over the course of the past few months.
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Postby MoonRock Dragon » Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:20 am

I am thankful for having kind loving and understanding parents who care about me deeply.(the most importent one)
And the other things I will put on a list.
1.the diamond I found in 10 ton of cole.
2.The sites I am on which are,
Yugioh etc
CAA which stands for cars and automobiles (It's not this site) XD
Anime Planet
My Anime List
Anime database
3.The friends on the sites I am on.
4.The gift of five senses.
5.And one of the most importent ones except the one about my parents.Which is how to know how christians treat each other with respect and trust and will not try to brain wash you and force you to agree with them and how Christian anime alience treats all people equal and how it is not a popularity contest with mod's who are two faced and twist the words of other less popular members until the whole chat go's aginest the unpopular members just because the mod said so (which most sites do).I do think I have found the 1 jem in this dark and damp cave.
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Postby goldenspines » Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:09 pm

Oi, this thread has taken a depressing turn. Let's see if I, with my limited skills, can perk it up.

First of all, I'm thankful for bananas, caramelldansen, and the unofficial CAA chat thread. All of which make me laugh. :D

Most important though, I'm thankful for this life God has given me and all the wonderful opportunities and circumstances He's given to me to experience, which includes(but is so not limited to) coming to CAA and meeting and hanging out with some awesome people here.

Lastly, I'm thankful for all the good things and the bad things that have happened in my life, they've made me who I am now in Christ, and I wouldn't trade them for the world.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:38 pm

I'm thankful for my salvation, for God's grace, for friends and family and that I'm (almost) finished uni for the year.
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