Lengai (post: 1251913) wrote:I know I don't have the right to judge it right now, and maybe I'll pick up one day for kicks. The nonrealistic part of their relationship doesn't have to do with him being a vampire. Real love doesn't function in an obsessive (or at-first-sight) way, and that's sending out a bad message about what love's supposed to be to impressionable girls. Maybe Bella and Jacob would be okay, because as far as I know, they HAD a relationship as friends before he entered the triangle.
Maybe it's not the book itself I hate - it's the hype. Everywhere I look, people are always going on about it's the best thing since sliced bread, that Edward and Bella are this generation's Romeo and Juliet. They kind of aren't? I'm fine when people casually like the book, but you've got people running around defending it as the greatest book ever and flaming people who don't like it (Hasn't happened here, but I've seen a lot of the on DA), then I have a problem.
I think perhaps you and Rawles just interpret things differently. She's someone who's opinion I have great respect for. I'm not copying her opinion as my own, because I already had my opinion when I read that - yesterday. So I don't see her analysis failing at all. It's her opinion, too. And she's read the book(s). Although, I don't know if she read the entire series all the way through. She may have.
Look at Bella's description on Wikipedia.
That screams Mary-Sue to me. If I end up reading it, I'm going to have a hard time standing at the least, Bella.
As for Mary Sues/Gary Stus, they are pretty common and they're a sign of bad writing. I think what makes a Sue depends a lot on context. Tons of characters have Sue-like qualities, which make a character more interesting when handled well.
Just plain funny.Lengai (post: 1251835) wrote:'EDWARDISTHEBESTHE'SAPERFECTSEXYMANPIRE'
I was like, lolwut, Edward and Bella die/kill themselves?! That's going to suck for the fans.Lengai (post: 1251913) wrote:Everywhere I look, people are always going on about it's the best thing since sliced bread, that Edward and Bella are this generation's Romeo and Juliet.
Kuro-Mizu (post: 1252032) wrote:Wee I have only read twilight but I gotta say.
SO FAR this series is ANYTHING but amazing. The writing is actually pretty bad.
Stephanies pacing isn't very good at all. She prattles on and on about things that don't matter (edwards beauty being the main example) when she could be advancing the storyline. Fortunately this means she also pays alot of attention to important scenes and parts but it doesn't make up for the rambling.
ALso their are 5 I counted them FIVE male characters with a crush on bella. And ALL of the character development of these characters is based on their crush on bella. The reader isn't let into any other part of there life and as such they come off as REALLY 2-D. Its like reading about a cardboard cutout male and a fully developed female character fall in love.
All the male characters who don't have a crush on bella we never hear from. Of them though I would have to say her dad charlie is the most developed and hes probably my favorite character so far.
Oh and one of these males go so far as to-
[spoiler]sit in bellas room and watch her sleep (she doesn't know about it)[/spoiler]
Some people defend this saying its beautiful cuz
[spoiler]Bella is edwards entire life. He is so obsessed he doesn't have time for anything else.[/spoiler]
Well thats just a bad character then. No matter how in love you are with somebody other things will ALWAYS get in the way. You will always have other interest etc. Its not healthy if you don't.
Of course their is that brief scene-
[spoiler]Where we find out edward is a musician.[/spoiler]
But it came off as stephanie trying to add more character development but not really caring about it. She's to obsessed with the romance part. It seems like the only part she wants to write about.
After I got past the middle part though (the meadow scene was the worst offender when it came to bad pacing) I actually got pretty into the book. The action scenes were pretty cool but stephanie still had bad pacing (especially the part in the hotel >.<)
OH and about all the negative reviews and people bashing the book?
Well I have to agree with ladyrushia most of the bad reviews are well written. The people holding these views know people will hate them for it so they make sure they have the facts before posting. It seems the fangirls and boys are doing most of the bashing.
Not to say I haven't seen some bad reviews that were just bashing but the majority make good points and are well written IMO
Well thats just a bad character then. No matter how in love you are with somebody other things will ALWAYS get in the way. You will always have other interest etc. Its not healthy if you don't.
Of course their is that brief scene-
[spoiler]Where we find out edward is a musician.[/spoiler]
Stephanies pacing isn't very good at all. She prattles on and on about things that don't matter (edwards beauty being the main example) when she could be advancing the storyline. Fortunately this means she also pays alot of attention to important scenes and parts but it doesn't make up for the rambling.
[/spoiler]avidrkfan (post: 1255028) wrote:I'm with Lengai.
"I've seen fanfiction that's better. "
That pretty much sums up the style of Meyer's prose.
I was incredibly disappointed by Breaking Dawn's ending. All that buildup and then no payoff.
[spoiler]Don't get me started on Renesme either. The sheer physiological impossiblity of that happening is staggering. If Meyer wanted her vampires to procreate she shouldn't have stopped their hearts/blood circulation and made them into animated statues. It's fiction, sure, but if Meyer creates a fictional world then she should have to abide by the rules of the world she created and not break them all in the last book. Rules like: Vampires can't have babies (much to Rosalie's dismay) or All newborn vampires go a little nuts with bloodlust at first.
All in all it was a sadly anticlimactic end to the series.
I did enjoy Jacob's POV though. Once it switched from him back to Bella I noticed a steady decline in the plot.
ChristianKitsune (post: 1254135) wrote:YAH, that's exactly why i liked it too, Kairi! ^_^ I mean it's told through the mind of a 17-18 year old girl, who has NEVER dated... In my opinion Meyer captured her pretty well... I mean I know A LOT of girls who have minds that work like Bella,s obsessive nature and all But why WOULDN'T someone be obsessed with a guy that saves your life? X3
I can't wait till the movie! And BTW for those of you who haven't heard, because Harry Potter 6 was moved back to next year. Twilight will now be released November 21st, instead of December 12. Yaaay!
I've sneaked a peak at some rumored scripts and it sounds SO CLOSE to the book it's not even funny. I'm really excited!
Totally agreed. As much as I've been looking forward to the release of this book... I don't want to read it online simply because, like you said, that's not the way Meyer intended her fans to experience it.ChristianKitsune (post: 1256255) wrote:My views on this are pretty simple: I wanted this book in just that. BOOK form. I don't want to read it on my computer as a cheap transcript. This isn't how Meyer intended it...and i'm just not going to read it until its published...
What happened to her was horrible, but i almost think she is giving up too early. No one should have leaked this onto the internet... what they did to Meyer was terrible, but I just wish she woudln't punish the fans who would never do this to her... we don't deserve that... ._.
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