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Postby Locke » Fri Apr 02, 2004 8:06 am

All Nintendo needs is more Final Fantasy. It's all its lacking in my opinion, not enough RPGs!

and FPS

say whats the current genre thats ruling the cube?
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Postby madphilb » Fri Apr 02, 2004 5:50 pm

Kirby simply has failed to translate well to 3D, like most platformers.

XBox also has some that are PC/XBox exclusive (Morrowind, Deus EX: IW, Theif 3), but you may/maynot want to count those.

GT made an appearance on the XBox I believe, as an early launch title (and one version made it to the N64 as well). Frankly I've never cared for GT, but that's just me.

Project Gothem Racing is XBox only (and kicks butt)

Ninja Gaiden is a rocking game (with a few bad camera angles at times), and XBox only.

The DOA series is only XBox now.

Anything new from Rare will be XBox only (wish they'd hurry up!)

Fabel (if it can live up to the hype) is XBox only.

Just thought I'd throw a little gas on the fire.

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