Hey guys! I was just wondering how my fellow artists (and writers) who have characters gave them their names.
Do you all do research to see what names mean, or just go "Hmmm that sounds cool!"
Please post your favorite characters, and if you can the meaning of their names! It might be fun to see just what they mean
For me, I do a little bit of both:
For the 4 that I draw the most, Brendan, Valerie and Kyle, and Fayth. I didn't really do any name meaning searches, I named them when I was younger, and before I really cared about that.
But just for fun, here's a bit of background in how I named them.
Brendan: I can't remember the source of why I named him, haha! I just thought it was a REALLY fun name... It's funny but a girl in my church had a baby and named him Brendan. I always joke about someday making him dye his hair blonde with blue tips XDDD She'd probably kill me if I did that though
Name Meaning: Little Prince- BWHAHA what? Brendan? A Prince? LAWL
Valerie: Actually, when I was in the 9th and 10th grade I was working a short story for a contest, and she was the star. I got her name, because in French Class Valerie was the name I chose for myself. (We had to have a French name in that class XD) And I thought it would be cool to implement some of me into her. We're both passionate about Art, and all that Jazz.
Name Meaning: Strong. Brave( French meaning, which is what I follow)
Kyle: hehe I just liked that name... Dunno why XD It just sounded like a cool, serene character's name. And that's kinda what Kyle is....
Name Meaning: A place. A narrow place. Or a straight (river)
Fayth: Originally, I had her name spelled the traditional way: Faith. But later, I decided to change the spelling a bit...it's a twisted between Fay, and Faith. I've always liked Fay... I dunno why. So it was fun to mix-n' match the two.
Name Meaning: Faithful. (ooh that's a hard one)
So how about you guys?