Bobtheduck (post: 1234773) wrote:I've never played a Star Ocean game, but I know they have quite the dedicated fanbase... SE only makes SO like EA made Rock Band or like Activision made Call of Duty... It's actually another company that made the Star Ocean games, Tri-ace I believe they're called. They're also making "Infinite Undiscovery" another RPG on the 360.
I hope this game hits the PS3 also, since the entire series has been on playstation until now, but as they got their start this gen working on Infinite Undiscovery, I won't count on it.
Nate (post: 1234948) wrote:I don't know if I'll get this or not. It all depends if they fixed the Item Creation system. If it's still broken like it was in 3, then forget it. :\
Also, *spoiler about the major plot twist in SO3*
[SPOILER]even though this is supposed to take place before Star Ocean 1, I don't know if I can play another Star Ocean game knowing that the entire universe is just an MMORPG.[/SPOILER]
animedude90 (post: 1235451) wrote:Actually I liked the item creation in SO3 and I don't think it was broken.
animedude90 wrote:If I did find one of them I probably could play it on my PS3(My PS2 is broken.) but I wouldn't be able to save.
I'll admit though that creating a certain item was very hard to do based on it being for random chance
but please don't say the whole game was garbage.
animedude90 wrote:The reason I can't save is because my PS3 won't allow me to save PS1 games(Same when a while back when I would play them on the PS2.).
I do have a PS1 memory card, but I think it's broken.
(Because if you had a brawny person fighting, then would be usually low on MP. While mages would have tons.).
When you say plot-twist you mean when it was like part 4 of the game, right? Im not sure what to say about it. I did think it was a little weird though.
Just that particular voice was the worst character voice ever.
DavidC wrote:it's more towards 'everyone here missed the entire point of so3'
helpful tip:try not to fall asleep during the second half of it
DavidC (post: 1271775) wrote:the definition of a troll is 'anyone who disagrees or otherwise not in sync with the local populace'
DavidC (post: 1271925) wrote:it's a misguided attempt to get you to use your brain for once
DavidC (post: 1271952) wrote:apparently 'contributing meaningfully and productively' involves spoonfeeding
DavidC (post: 1272049) wrote:i apologize if i misinterpret your post here,but this sounds childish to me
i'm sure you can see how i came to that conclusion without my needing to point it out,as much as i see how you've all came to the troll conclusion (incorrectly)
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