1. I don't know who it was that did this and I'm not naming names since I don't know any. Therefore, I couldn't possible be dong the exact opposite of what I asked people to do.
2. If they don't feel comfortable talking to me about it, they shouldn't be talking to anyone about it. Plain and simple. It'd be one thing if it was flat out trolling (like placing bad links or something) but not for anything else.
3. I disagree and it's still wrong that it happened, and this isn't about the moderators to begin with... It's about the original person/people involved.
4. "No one wants to hurt you" Considering there have been people [b]I've[/i] wanted to hurt on occassion, I don't agree with that one either, hehe. And I've seen first hand someone who was just annoyed by my personality and set out to destroy me who was a Christian. I know this is so because they admitted it to me later.
5. Then, if I annoy you(-tachi(and by that I mean a general "you", I wish there were a difference betweena plural you and a singular you like in Japanese)), come to me or shut up. Anything else is wrong.
6. no comment
There we go.
To knives: I'm not leaving from this if I leave... My lonliness really holds me here. Even if I wasn't upset, a standard social life or perhaps a full time job would keep me from coming on, though. And I may have the latter pretty soon: More Janitorial work :
To most everyone: Thanks for the support, and I think what I said applies to everyone... No one should be talked about behind their backs ever.