I'm going to make a web comic about CAA this summer.
(i had a whole bunch I was going to say but forgot it )
Anyway, the story will be based off of what happens in the forms, and the people in it.
I was thinking about making it like ".hack" were it's somthing you log into on the computer, but instead of a chat room, more like entering out own little mmorpg type world. [with a head gear peice and computer mic xD]
(So the chat room would be an actual "room")
So when HanaRyuuzaki goes super hyper off candy corn and runs up a tree grabing my legs as I try to fly away in a jet pack, that's what you'll see.
You won't see people sitting at a computer typing.
(Well.......maybe have one person who just chooses to just type)
ANYHOO! I'm a but brain dead right now and don't feel I'm explaining this as well as I could be.
So just list what you would want to look like, and little ideas you may have (I'm fully open to ideas), and anything I need to remember.
(like prince being 6 feet tall!! )