Help with Miyavi lyrics translation.

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Help with Miyavi lyrics translation.

Postby jazz » Mon May 05, 2008 1:08 pm

Hello people! I have a question for all you J-rock fans out there. Does anyone know if the lyrics from the Miyavizm C.D. are "good". I'm having trouble finding translations to them online and my Japanese isn't good enough to translate the whole thing :sweat:

I have the C.D. and like it myself, but I have a Japanese friend who wants to hear it and I don't want to give her something offensive or dirty or anything like that.

Any knowledge on the lyrics would be most appreciated. ^^
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Postby yukoxholic » Tue May 06, 2008 3:05 pm

I used to have all the English lyric translations for that album but unfortunately I cannot find them at this time. I do have a few for you though that I will PM you with. Also, Miyavi is known for his eccentric, outspoken, sometimes risque or taken out of context lyrics. I believe there are a few songs on that album which may be questionable to your friend but it really depends...

PapaMama would be one of those songs which could be taken out of context for some. It's a song about how he doesn't really like his gene-pool and wishes never to become like his father, mother, sister, brother, etc. However, he does swear in that song and he does ask in the song if "in the mountains" that was where he was conceived (that is not the actual line though. XD ). He also asks God if he's done something "bad" in order to deserve these parents of his. The song ends with him wanting his mother to embrace him again and not be so cold.

Some people may not be so keen about the swear and the line about how/where he was conceived.

There are a lot of great songs on that album though. Freedom Fighters being one of them. I love that song and how it's about the freedom of everything. The freedom of speech, thought, look, religion, etc and how we as people abuse those freedoms. It's an awesome song.

I think there is only about 3 songs on that album which are in question. I actually haven't listened to it in quite some time though but I am trying to translate the rest of his lyrics for you!

Hope this helps!
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Postby jazz » Tue May 06, 2008 4:29 pm

Thank you very much. I've had the album for awhile and have always liked it myself but there seems to be an absence of lyrics out there for it. At least I cannot ever seem to find them if they are out there. I think PapaMama was the only song I was ever able to find lyrics for and I do remember it being worded weirdly but I didn't find it too offensive (unless, like you said, taken out of context in some way).
I truly appreciate your help, that is very kind of you.
*goes off to read PM*
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