Uniqueness Thread!

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Postby LadyRushia » Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:08 pm

Failariël Silimaurë.
This is my elf name. Why does it have "fail" in it? XDD
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Postby Slytherine » Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:12 pm

1.) I'm a lefty!:rock:
2.) I see a random pink elephant running through my school on a regular basis. Apparently I'm the only one who see's him...:forehead: I have named him Seymour.
3.) I have a secret jazz obsession. <3 early Coltrane!
4.) I've filled over 200 notebooks with my character profiles, plot outlines, and story excerpts
5.) I PLAN on being published before I am legally eligible for a drink (21)
6.) I'm currently playing a guy character in a vampire RPG my friend set up, and my character is dating hers.
7.) I seem really mean, dismissive, and withdraw when you first meet me, but I'm a real romantic at heart.
8.) I'm an only child, and UBER happy about it!
9.) I spent 2 months in a reform school for delinquent children
10.) I had my first enlightened moment with God after reading a really graphic yaoi fanfiction.

[color="Magenta"]"The trouble with real life is that there's no background music." -Anonymous[/color]

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Postby Hana Ryuuzaki » Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:26 pm

[font="palatino Linotype"]My Elvish name is Gilraen Alatáriël Ar-Feiniel...

*sigh* I love LOTR. ((Arwen, FTW!))

My friend is obsessed with Smeagol.

She has a talking doll of him, and a picture hanging over her bed of him...>_>;;[/font]
[SIZE="1"][color="Plum"]WHY GOD MADE J-ROCK: Kamijo[/color][/SIZE]
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Postby Sparx00 » Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:08 pm

"Elendil Arcamenel". Thats my elf name.
"Nob Bulge of Hobbiton". Hobbit name. XD
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Postby LadyRushia » Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:15 pm

Slytherine wrote:2.) I see a random pink elephant running through my school on a regular basis. Apparently I'm the only one who see's him... I have named him Seymour.

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Postby ADXC » Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:32 pm

I heard that my friend tried to read The Silmarillion, but got tired of it. He has read the hobbit, and the trilogy as well so its odd that he didn't finish The Simarillion.

LOTR rocks, just saying.
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Postby Amzi Live » Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:11 pm

Yeah!Tolkien fans ROCK!I'm a big Tolkien fan,so yeah.I read the Trilogy,The Hobbit,and also started reading the Silmarilion,but haven't finished it.
Guess I didn't cause more than the Elves I'm a fan of the Men of Gondor.
Maybe I don't have elven blood,but I'm sure I have Numenorian.Mith can testify to that.:P
I want to read the Children of Hurin really badly too.
~darkelfgirl~ (post: 1217238) wrote:
Did you guys get your elven name from here?:


That's where I got mine.

Cool! Mine is Amras Calafalas :eyebrow: Calafalas?
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Tue Apr 15, 2008 12:30 am

I can roll my tongue/R's really well ^^
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Postby Chibiringo » Tue Apr 15, 2008 10:36 am

sparx00 (post: 1217128) wrote:Hmm...

#1: My Hand is a right
#2: I'm in a band

...Your in a BAND?! Goodness...why didn't ya tell me. -_-

One more thing you guys/girls don't know about me...is I can form my toungue into a three leaf clover. haha! I'm special! XD
[font="Tahoma"]"Therefore, if anyone is in christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." 2 Cor. 5:17[/font]
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Postby Sparx00 » Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:21 am

Well, yeah, but we're not really well known yet. We're playing gigs right now, but we're working on our first CD.
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Postby Roy Mustang » Tue Apr 15, 2008 12:17 pm

yukoxholic wrote:Having to undergo a Thymus transplant sounds so terrifying to me. It's strange but I remember reading about babies born with fatal immune disease in an article months ago and it mentioned survivors who had underwent a Thymus transplant.

The hardest part in the whole thing, hold long the surgery took and after the surgery, my body had a major rejection to transplant.

I read that article. I know that they have done the Thymus transplant on babies with fatal immune disease and adults with aids/hiv over the years and even goes back before the group that I was in had the transplant.

We were the first group of kids with aids/hiv to have the transplant done and I check and I was the first one out of the group to have it done as well.

From what I read in other cases, it works. But a person must leave in a healthy environment, which I had one. Sadly the other two in the group did not and why they didn't make it.

I thought of a few more.

I never had a cup of coffee in my life and I don't want to.
I have six major scars on my body
I broke my right hand at PE in the 6th grade
I been to Canada and many of the US states
I also love western history and southwest
My mom's side of the family is, Spanish, Native American, Mexican and Euro mut
My dad's side of the family is all Euro mut. German, English, scottish, Russian
One member of my dad's side of the family was a WWI fighter pilot for German
My grandfather was a mechanic in the Ninth Air Force work on P-47 Thunderbolts and P-38 Lightnings.
My dad was draft in the Army in the 60's, and was a radar operator at the Army base in Okinawa.

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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:13 pm

The Lady wrote:Failariël Silimaurë.
This is my elf name. Why does it have "fail" in it? XDD

XDD Do you want me to answer that?

LadyRushia (post: 1217294) wrote:Image

That guy has to be an SE character. Just look at that ridiculous anti-physics hairstyle.

Man, our elven names are weird. Ancalimon sounds like some Digimon or something.

I don't know what type of elven blood I have. O.O
[color=purple][font=Tahoma][color=royalblue]"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."--[/color]Isaiah 40:31
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Postby USSRGirl » Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:02 pm

LadyRushia (post: 1217294) wrote:Image

XDDD AGGGH. That even made the mighty Temulin laugh. And yeah, DEG, he's SE. XP



1.) I'm a communist Christian conservative meglomaniacal Quaker who attends a Baptist church and votes Republican

2.) I own a scythe

3.) Right-handed

4.) Never had a full cup of coffee and never intend to

5.) Working on writing two novels

6.) Don't eat any shape/form of seafood with the exception of tuna (which I can eat straight outta the can... gotta be in water though).

7.) I adore rodents

8.) I changed my middle name when I was twelve because I wish I was a descendent of Ghengis Kahn

9.) I like moving desert tortoises off the road as a means of public service o.O

10.) I love breath minutes of any kind and eat them excessively

11.) I'm a self-proclaimed Lewisite (whoa, that sounds like parasite >.>;; )
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Postby EricTheFred » Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:11 pm

animedude90 (post: 1217302) wrote:I heard that my friend tried to read The Silmarillion, but got tired of it. He has read the hobbit, and the trilogy as well so its odd that he didn't finish The Simarillion.

No. It isn't odd. Not one bit. The Silmarillion is not for everyone. In fact, it's not for most everyone.

I only recommend it to those who enjoy things like Beowulf, Kojiki, Gilgamesh, that sort of thing.
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Postby USSRGirl » Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:15 pm

>.>;; Don't insult Beowulf fans...
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Postby Shilohan ninja » Tue Apr 15, 2008 5:29 pm

11. I've never read Beowulf, but I'd like to
12. My elven name is Findecáno Ancalimë
13. My hobbit name is Olo Knotwise of Michel Delving
14. I have a crusader short sword, a Guatemalan machete and a hand-made tomahalk from Arizona
15. I'm also a huge fan of LOTR and Star Wars
16. I'm also a huge Monty Python fan, too (Bring me a shrubery!)
17. I'm not involved in any MMORPGs at the moment and I don't plan to, for a while (I see them as a waste of time)
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"[color="SeaGreen"]Speak up for those who never get a chance to choose life rather than those who have rights and use them improperly."[/color] - A good friend of mine
[color="Purple"]Normal is a setting on a washing machine[/color]. -A youth pastor of mine
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Postby LadyRushia » Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:14 pm

Tem wrote:10.) I love breath minutes of any kind and eat them excessively

I didn't know you could eat time. This is quite unique.
Deg wrote:XDD Do you want me to answer that?

Does it mean I would fail as an elf?
Deg wrote:Man, our elven names are weird. Ancalimon sounds like some Digimon or something.

Elfmon digivolve to. . .Darkelfmon!
Think of the odd crossover possibilities. LOTR + Digimon. Where's the podcast thread? XDDD
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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Tue Apr 15, 2008 7:21 pm

USSRGirl (post: 1217506) wrote:XDDD AGGGH. That even made the mighty Temulin laugh. And yeah, DEG, he's SE. XP



1.) I'm a communist Christian conservative meglomaniacal Quaker who attends a Baptist church and votes Republican

2.) I own a scythe

3.) Right-handed

4.) Never had a full cup of coffee and never intend to

5.) Working on writing two novels

6.) Don't eat any shape/form of seafood with the exception of tuna (which I can eat straight outta the can... gotta be in water though).

7.) I adore rodents

8.) I changed my middle name when I was twelve because I wish I was a descendent of Ghengis Kahn

9.) I like moving desert tortoises off the road as a means of public service o.O

10.) I love breath minutes of any kind and eat them excessively

11.) I'm a self-proclaimed Lewisite (whoa, that sounds like parasite >.>]

Woot! Points for me. XD

New things about Temulin. Gotta add that to the biography.

Hey, we must be kind of related, Shilo (you know, the Ancali- at the end of our elvish last names).

Temmy wrote:10.) I love breath minutes of any kind and eat them excessively

Wow, Rushia, I didn't see that till you brought it up XD. Shanked by the grammar ninja!

The Lady wrote:Does it mean I would fail as an elf?

No, I was just kidding XD

The Lady wrote:Elfmon digivolve to. . .Darkelfmon!
Think of the odd crossover possibilities. LOTR + Digimon. Where's the podcast thread? XDDD


Hrm...hobbits digivolve to dwarves who digivolve to men who digivolve to elves?
[color=purple][font=Tahoma][color=royalblue]"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."--[/color]Isaiah 40:31
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Postby ich1990 » Tue Apr 15, 2008 8:51 pm

1) I have re-shingled over two dozen houses, including one during temperatures that exceeded 140 degrees.
2) I have shot, gutted, skinned, quartered, diced, cooked, and eaten a deer, all in the same day.
3) I was home-taught all the way through school, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
4) I started taking classes at college when I was 13 (consequence of #3), and have been going ever since (gah! free me!).
5) I am notoriously cheap (I prefer "frugal"). It *hurts* to spend money (might be a consequence of how I earned it, see #1 and #9).
6) I consistently buy games 5+ years after they are released (consequence of #5).
7) Reading is my favorite pastime. The library is my home away from home.
8) I have read over 100 star wars books (consequence of #7, or is it the cause?).
9) My dad buys houses that should be burned and then has me help clean/fix them. Proof attached below (you don't want to know what the bathroom looked like).
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Tue Apr 15, 2008 10:13 pm

ich1990 (post: 1217618) wrote:1) I have re-shingled over two dozen houses, including one during temperatures that exceeded 140 degrees.
2) I have shot, gutted, skinned, quartered, diced, cooked, and eaten a deer, all in the same day.
3) I was home-taught all the way through school, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
4) I started taking classes at college when I was 13 (consequence of #3), and have been going ever since (gah! free me!).
5) I am notoriously cheap (I prefer "frugal"). It *hurts* to spend money (might be a consequence of how I earned it, see #1 and #9).
6) I consistently buy games 5+ years after they are released (consequence of #5).
7) Reading is my favorite pastime. The library is my home away from home.
8) I have read over 100 star wars books (consequence of #7, or is it the cause?).
9) My dad buys houses that should be burned and then has me help clean/fix them. Proof attached below (you don't want to know what the bathroom looked like).

Oh wow, and I thought my room was messy >_>;

I've eaten chicken feet and live to tell the tale \o.o/ It's actually pretty good ^^ I loves it. My mom makes this salad type thing out of it. Well, I guess that's what the word would translate to ^^
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Postby GeneD » Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:05 am

I can see why they wanted to burn that house! I would to.

I've eaten most types of African venison, including warthog (which is very nice). I've also had crocodile before.
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:24 am

GeneD (post: 1217659) wrote:I can see why they wanted to burn that house! I would to.

I've eaten most types of African venison, including warthog (which is very nice). I've also had crocodile before.

Hee hee, it's weird, but my parents are always saying how it'll be cool to eat such things u_u/ They make it sound so yummy, but yet it sounds so strange ^__^
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Postby Sheenar » Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:23 pm

I've eaten fried alligator, calamari, and escargot. All really good, actually. Escargot is a little chewy, but tasty.
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

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Postby LadyRushia » Wed Apr 16, 2008 5:28 pm

I've also eaten goose intestines and barbequed lamb tendons. Yum.
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Postby USSRGirl » Wed Apr 16, 2008 5:42 pm

Bah! I'd like to see you eat minute! >.>;; I think besides soul eating and time eating, the weirdest things I've ever had would be seaweed (yum), eel (GAAH! >.<), okonomiaki (I swear they were trying to poison me... and at a Bible study no less! *tsk tsk*), and banana pizza (of course it's good - it's my own recipe! :grin: ). Other than that I'm not too adventurous when it comes to food. :sweat: I always wanted to try escargot though. Intestines... not so anxious to experience. o.O

~darkelfgirl~ wrote:New things about Temulin. Gotta add that to the biography.

>.O Heywaitaminute, WHAT ARE YOU WRITING OVER THERE?!!! Oh man, this is gonna resurface as blackmail material once I try to run for president, isn't it?

o.O Hmmm.... *looks at DEG's number 4 on her list of uniqueness*

.... uh....

*wonders why she hasn't commented on anything weird she's tried yet*



*Stares at monitor*


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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:44 pm

Im ugly. (But thats not really unique because there's a lot of ugly in the world not to say that y'all are.)

I doubt that you are. However, you did remind me of a hilarious (though sadly unquotable due to profanity) Frank Zappa quote.

1. I recognize that this is not really a thread for unique things about yourself. Rather, it is primarily a thread for unusual/random facts about yourself.[/pedantry]

~_~ That said . . .

2. I try to always use proper grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation, even when using instant-messaging programs.

3. I would consider it a compliment if someone told me my hair looked like a girl's. I consider girls to generally take notably better care of their hair than guys. At least, it looks that way.

4. I used to play piano, currently playing 6-string guitar (a Fender Telecaster and a Taylor acoustic) as well as electric bass (a Dean Metalman V, but I'm planning to buy something decent over the summer). I would like to learn to play the baritone saxophone, organ, and some form of synthesizer unit like a Korg Kaoss Pad 3 (I'm going to buy a Kaossilator this summer to fool around with)

5. I love to sing, but tend to refuse to allow anyone to hear me singing, unless there are others singing among whose voices I can hide.

6. Despite the hassles, I would like to have a pet octopus, squid, or cuttlefish someday. I would have to have a rather secure aquarium, however, as particularly octopi are known to be, due to their lack of a skeleton, rather adept at squeezing out of aquaria in search of food. Also, there is the whole issue of picking the thing up and moving it to maintain the tank. I think I shall acquire a small pet cephalopod.

7. My favorite color is purple.

8. I am incapable of maintaining any sense of time's passing when I am located in a bookstore or library. Only intervening obligations or physical needs can ensure my return to the rest of the world.

9. I am currently studying Koine Greek, the language of the New Testament. In my current class, I have personally translated seven chapters of the Gospel of Mark from the original language into English, and can read a little of the New Testament in the original Greek unaided.

10. I only speak English, but I have an interest in learning Japanese, German, Russian, and Esperanto. Whether I shall accomplish these goals is uncertain.

11. Despite having absolutely no intuitive grasp of art or music, they are my primary interests, and I would love to be a recording musician and visual artist.

12. Despite spending all of my life living in south Florida, I abhor hot and muggy weather. I also have a relatively elevated resistance to cold, although this may be due to my body type.

13. Though I am a cynic of the first order, I am an idealist/romantic at heart.

14. Though I cannot dance at the moment, I have an intense interest in learning how to do so, and will take lessons this summer and next semester.

15. I prefer old-school roller skates to inline skates. The flexible trucks provide a nuanced feel that I like, and they have an old-school aesthetic that I prefer.

16. I am right handed, but wish I was left-handed.

17. My eyes tend to appear either blue or green depending on lighting and what I am wearing.

18. I have been home schooled for my entire schooled life with the exception of a Christian preschool and, of course, college.

19. I use a Mac (and love it), but I am by no means a Mac fanatic and am more than aware of the platform's shortcomings. As such, I become particularly angry when people assume that I am a stereotypical Mac fan and taunt me based on it.

20. Despite being a very peaceful and non-violent person, I have a high interest in weapons, particularly melee weapons and small arms. I am familiar with many common pistols, rifles, and shotguns and can name a few defining characteristics of said weapons and the mechanical actions that they use.

21. I absolutely love to go shopping, and could spend truly heinous sums on clothing and accessories were I able/allowed to.

22. I tend to significantly prefer the friendship of women to men for purely platonic reasons. I simply find them easier to relate to.

23. My musical tastes are highly eclectic. I will enjoy classic rock, blues, funk, techno, soundtracks, experimental, jazz, swing, J-pop/rock, and pop. Basically, I don't care what genre a song is in, as long as I like it. However, I dislike country, bluegrass, rap, and hip-hop.

24. I dislike seafood in all forms, but will eat a shrimp or two at a Japanese steakhouse.

25. I have a theory that wars would be better if they were still fought with melee weapons, particularly swords. I'm still thinking about it.

26. Though I am completely, utterly apathetic concerning the matter, my mom told me she'd support my marrying a Japanese girl, saying we'd "make pretty babies". She's a tad hung up on this grandchildren thing.

27. I am related to a British knight on my mother's side.

28. I wish I had the resources to acquire a doctorate of some sort so that I could put "Dr." before my name. XD

29. I spent five years in competitive speech and debate, competing two years at the national level, and spending two years as a student coach. I am still rather inept at speaking on my feet.

30. I have a significant desire to own a motorcycle someday.

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Postby Hana Ryuuzaki » Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:31 pm

GeneD (post: 1217659) wrote:I can see why they wanted to burn that house! I would to.

I've eaten most types of African venison, including warthog (which is very nice). I've also had crocodile before.

[font="Palatino Linotype"]Crocodile and alligator is yummy...:thumb:

I've personally had ((In the weird food section)):

Raw Octopus{}
Chitlins *shudders*
Chicken gizzards

Tripe is very good. It's cow stomach. It has a slightly chewy texture, but not too bad.


Raw Octopus=Actually, it was Spicy Raw Octopus. Very, very chewy.

Chitlins are the spawn of Satan. *gags*
Chitlins are pig intestines. Never, never eat them. >_<

Gizzards are...okay. Not what I crave but I'll eat them.

Headcheese.........is basically whatever's left over from the pig mixed with cheese.
Everything from jowls to...the behind.

Oh, and I messed up on my Elvish Name.

It's actually Eruva Nosteruionwen.
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Postby LadyRushia » Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:17 pm

Raiden no Kishi wrote:25. I have a theory that wars would be better if they were still fought with melee weapons, particularly swords. I'm still thinking about it.

Agreed. Swords have a more epic quality to them (mooaaar epikkk).
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Postby Roy Mustang » Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:32 pm

I just thought of a few more.

Where my love in hobbies are, trains, anime, high and college football. I also have a hobby and love for airplanes.

Me and my dad got to work on a DC-3 and that fully flyable.

I have seen the Blue Angels and Canadian Snowbirds air team. I haven't seen the Thunderbirds yet, but have a sign artwork poster by them. That was giving to me, when I was sick years ago.

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Postby Hana Ryuuzaki » Fri Apr 18, 2008 12:19 pm

[font="palatino Linotype"]Really?!

I love the Blue Angels!
They're so cool to see in the air flying around!

hahah, you would get along with my Dad pretty well....>XD[/font]
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