To Get to Know Each Other Quiz-

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Postby Reba » Sun Mar 30, 2008 8:36 pm

Name: Rebaa.
Age: 15
Height: 5'4
*A little about yourself*
Favorite Color: Black, Pink, White, Orange, Yellow, Green.
Favorite Movie: Phantom Of The Opera.
Favorite Book (no...not manga book): Bible & Phantom Of The Opera.
Favorite Anime: Ah! My goddess.
Favorite Disney character: Sleeping Beauty,
Favorite Role Play character: I'm not too sure, Lol.
Favorite Store: Target&Wal-mart
If you had one day to do anything you wanted what would you do: Go to Paris, Sing at a coffee shop, Hangout with all my awesome friends, Drive, Go to a concert (or two).
Do have a pet: One cat.
What are their name(s): Smokey.
+This or That+
Chocolate or Fruity: Fruity
XD or >.<: >.<
Triangle or Heart: Heart
Japan or New Zealand (only thing I could think of): New Zeland
Fish or Dog: Dog[/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"]A blue, black shade of love.

Sent from above.

[align=center]My hands are tied to worlds
And this I know.
Your breath's like wine,
And just like clouds, my skin crawls.
It's so divine, the sky it glows with fields of light.
Did you know that I love you?
Come and lay with me.
I love you.
And all this day, I will love you.
You make me feel alive,
and I'll love you
Until the end of time.[/SIZE][/align]
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Postby KeybladeWarrior » Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:36 am

Name: Key
Age: 21
Height: 5'7" or 5'8"
Favorite color: silver and black
Favorite movie: (so many I will just name two) Tokyo Godfathers and Batman Begins
Favorite book: MobyDick and Scarlett Letter
Favorite anime: Rurouni Kenshin. Great action and comedy mixed into one!
Favorite Disney Character: Donald. Ducks are cool!
Favorite roleplay character: Sanosuke?
Favorite store: Hastings and Borders!
If you had one day to do anything you wanted what would you do:....Kiss a certain girl under a clear starry night sky.
Do you have a pet: nope
What are their name(s): none
+This or That+
Chocolate or Fruity: Chocolate
XD or >.<: XD and >D</
Triangle or Heart: Triangle
Japan or New Zealand: Japan. I want to see Edo Castle!
Fish or Dog: Fish. I dont like dogs...
@)}~`,~ Carry This Rose In Your Sig, As Thanks, To All
The CAA Moderators.

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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:11 pm

Name: Alasse Ancalimon (according to the Elven name generator thingy)
Age: 17
Height: 5'4''
*A litte about yourself*
Favorite Color: Green and lots of it
Favorite Movie: Lord of the Rings
Favorite Book (no...not manga book): see above
Favorite Anime: .hack//anything
Favorite Disney character: oh--Pocahontas and Ariel. I was a die-hard Pocahontas fan when I was six.
Favorite Role Play character: ?? Mine? Mirzen Shadowtail. The neko full of awesomeness.
Favorite Store: Claire's (jewelry paradise. Except their metal rusts).
If you had one day to do anything you wanted what would you do: Skydiving in Ireland
Do have a pet: Unfortunately, no. My last pet (a dog) was poisoned by a jerk.
What are their name(s): n/a
+This or That+
Choclate or Fruity: Fruity
XD or >.<: XD
Triangle or Heart: Heart
Japan or New Zeland (only thing I could think of): Japan (can't I have both?)
Fish or Dog: Dog. A fish can't defend you or save your life. It doesn't pay attention to you when you're talking to it, nor does it roll over. I can eat it.
[color=purple][font=Tahoma][color=royalblue]"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."--[/color]Isaiah 40:31
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Postby Sparx00 » Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:29 am

(I thought your nickname was hyou sparx...) AWW! *huggles Amai and Hyou/Ryou!* X3 GAHH!
Hmmm.... We sould get that cleared up. :lol:
You wish you could shred like me.
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Postby Fish and Chips » Mon Apr 07, 2008 2:33 am

Name: Fish and Chips, as in "The late Fish and Chips."
Age: Difficult to say, it changes annually.
Height: Third story in Summer and Winter, first in Fall and Spring.

-A Bit About Me-
Favorite Color: Hunter green.
Favorite Movie: The Shawshank Redemption, The Prestige.
Favorite Book: Catch-22, To Kill a Mockingbird.
Favorite Anime: Baccano!, Giant Robo OVA.
Favorite Disney character: I'm fond of that peculiar "D" of his.
Favorite Role Play character: Leroy Jenkins.
Favorite Store: All of them. Capitalism, man.
If you had one day to do anything you wanted what would you do: Stuff.
Do have a pet: I hate animals.
What are their name(s): Except at 220 degrees for two hours.

-A Pinch of This, a Dash of That-
Choclate or Fruity: Haven't we invented Chocolate fruit by now?
Triangle or Heart: Triangles are where it is at.
Japan or New Zealand: In what, the cage match of the century?
Fish or Dog: Well I'll have the chicken then.
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Postby TalKeaton » Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:37 am

Name: Tal Keaton, shortened from Talon. It's a character of mine I use as an alias.
Age: 20
Height: 5'10

-A Bit About Me-
Favorite Color: Green... *see hat*
Favorite Movie: Lord of the Rings trilogy...
Favorite Book: The Singer trilogy by Calvin
Favorite Anime: FMA, FLCL
Favorite Disney character: Probably Beast.
Favorite Role Play character: Ness from Earthbound.
Favorite Store: Gamestop
If you had one day to do anything you wanted what would you do: Giant family gathering.
Do have a pet: Jedi, an Australian Cattle Dog
What are their name(s): See above

-A Pinch of This, a Dash of That-
Choclate or Fruity: Fruit.
XD or >.<: O_o
Triangle or Heart: Triangles. They have three angles.
Japan or New Zealand: Japan FTW.
Fish or Dog: Um... dog?
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:33 pm

Fish and Chips wrote:Favorite Role Play character: Leroy Jenkins.

This is the first decent answer to this question I have seen. If only I had thought of it.
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