To Get to Know Each Other Quiz-

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To Get to Know Each Other Quiz-

Postby Chibiringo » Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:05 am

So, I thought since I'm new around here it would be fun to put up a quiz so I could get to know you girls/guys better.:jump:
(Okay, so the "personal" questions you don't have to answer)

Name: Chibi (lol)
Age: 14
Height: 5'
*A litte about yourself*:P
Favorite Color: Green or light blue
Favorite Movie: Enchanted
Favorite Book (no...not manga book): Bible & Looking Glass Wars
Favorite Anime: Spiral
Favorite Disney character: Linguine (Sp?) from Rattatouie (sp?)
Favorite Role Play character: Jaden, Xio or Tusmi *shrug*
Favorite Store: Target
If you had one day to do anything you wanted what would you do: Take as many dance classes as I could.
Do have a pet: Yes two fishys!!
What are their name(s): Jaden and Melvin.
+This or That+:eyebrow:
Choclate or Fruity: Fruity
XD or >.<: XD
Triangle or Heart: Triangle
Japan or New Zeland (only thing I could think of): Japan
Fish or Dog: Fishy!!!


Okay go ahead and do whatever you guys don't have to do the quiz just thought it would be fun! ^_~
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:04 pm

Moved to Who's Who.
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:49 pm

Ooh, okies :) This looks fun ^ ^ I going off of your questions :P

Name: Tskuyomi (you can make a nickname for me if you want :P)
Age: 25
Height: 5'4 or 5'5
*A litte about yourself*
Favorite Color: Blues ^ ^ The lighter shades of blues strikes my fancy a bit more tho ^^
Favorite Movie: Never Ending Story. Although, I'd love to see Enchanted one of these days ^ ^ I love fantasies/fairy tales ^ ^
Favorite Book (no...not manga book): Not really big on reading, but there was a story called "Bound" (Hopes she used the right form of that word o.o).
Favorite Anime: Fushigi Yugi ^ ^ I'm into those romantic comedies ^ ^
Favorite Disney character: Hmmm, prolly Jasmine ^ ^. She's a princess. With a very kind heart ^ ^
Favorite Role Play character: Do you mean as RPG game or.. I'm not sure ^ ^;
Favorite Store: Wal-Mart ^^ To be honest, I have never been to Target in my entire life ^ ^;
If you had one day to do anything you wanted what would you do: Hmmm, I'm not really sure ^ ^ Maybe meet all my favorite VAs :grin:
Do have a pet: Nope ^ ^ We had one dog long time ago that my brother brought home with him from Alaska.. he scared the heck out of me o.o;
What are their name(s): His name was Colonal (sp). He got ran over.. we lived in the country >_>;;
+This or That+
Choclate or Fruity: Waaaaaaaah, must you make me choooooooooose O__O
XD or >.<: Lol, XD of course EX DEEEE
Triangle or Heart: ♥
Japan or New Zeland (only thing I could think of): Japan. I wanna go back and see more then just the Airport Plaza >_<
Fish or Dog: Even tho I have a fear of dogs, I'd choose a dog xD; They're more interactive :P I'm getting better tho :P Besides, the dog that chased me down when I was 3,4, or 5 was a dobermen (sp) o.o;

BTW-I love your avy Chibi ^ ^ t's so kyuuuuuute ♥
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Postby Chibiringo » Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:05 pm

lol. Thanks...she's from Spiral. She's awesome!!!
Role Play character as in like story RP. ^_~
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Postby animewarrior » Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:49 pm

Name: animewarrior
Age: 16
Height: 5'5
*A litte about yourself*
Favorite Color: Blue (any shade) Silver , Black & Purple
Favorite Movie: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (I LOVE IT SO DON'T DISS IT! lol) as well as the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and the Chronicles of Narnia series (Prince Caspian comes out May 16th) and for a romance : A Walk to Remember. oh yeah and the Pirates of the Carribean (sp?) trilogy is cool.
Favorite Book (no...not manga book): Blink by Ted Dekker
Favorite Anime: I have no fav but my favs are: Wolf's Rain & DN Angel
Favorite Disney character: Ariel and Keera (from Lion King 2)
Favorite Role Play character: Riku (Kingdom Hearts series)
Favorite Store: Wal-Mart ^.^
If you had one day to do anything you wanted what would you do: O.o Have a HUGE Party with all my friends and make anime characters real.
Do have a pet: Two cats, a Border Collie/Cocker Spaniel and a purebred Morgan horse
What are their name(s): Cat 1) Black and White Splotched cat named DQ Cat 2) Ball of Orange Fluff that weighs like 15 pounds named Ginger Dog: Named Belle.. Horse: named Coal.
+This or That+
Choclate or Fruity: CHOCOLATE!!! *dances*
XD or >.<: Lol, BOTH!!
Triangle or Heart: ♥
Japan or New Zeland (only thing I could think of): Japan for sure. I SOO WANT TO GO THERE
Fish or Dog: Dog. I want a Husky if I live in the country. I hate small dogs though.
Status: Lurker.... but I'll be around.
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:55 pm


Name: Savannah~
Age: 19
Height: 5' 3"
*A litte about yourself*
Favorite Color: [color="Yellow"]YELLLOOWWWW[/color]
Favorite Movie: anything by hayao miyazaki <3
Favorite Book (no...not manga book): All the clever words on pages, Feed, and harry potter. XD
Favorite Anime: oh gosh. um probably Ergo Proxy. XP
Favorite Disney character: uhh...
Favorite Role Play character: i dont roleplay anymore. l:1
Favorite Store: anything that supplies me with awesome clothes. XD
If you had one day to do anything you wanted what would you do: errrrr buy sugar gliders and visit all my friends who live fars aways. D: hu hu hu hu T3T
Do have a pet: yesssssss, Gizmo, my lovely doggie. I LOVE HEEM.
What are their name(s): Gizmo. like i said above. l:1
+This or That+
Choclate or Fruity: BOTH. :D
XD or >.<: XD!!!!!!!!!!
Triangle or Heart: heart...?
Japan or New Zeland (only thing I could think of): Japan. I'm going there. :3
Fish or Dog: Dog. Dogs are better than everything. but sugar gliders are up there too. :3

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Postby Radical Dreamer » Tue Mar 11, 2008 6:19 pm

Most people on the forums call me by my first name or "RD," depending on how well they know me.
Age: 18, but I'll be 19 in roughly two weeks. XD
Height: 5' 6"
*A litte about yourself*:P
Favorite Color:
I prefer various shades of blue or green, but I also love seeing browns or oranges coupled with blue.
Favorite Movie: Big Fish. Also, The Prestige.
Favorite Book (no...not manga book): The Giver, by Lois Lowry.
Favorite Anime: Baccano!
Favorite Disney character: Lumiere, from Beauty and the Beast. XD
Favorite Role Play character: I don't RP.
Favorite Store: Barnes & Noble.
If you had one day to do anything you wanted what would you do: Fly to California. XD I would also have to hang with Savannah. XDD
Do have a pet: A dog, yes.
What is its name: Shadow.
+This or That+

Choclate or Fruity: Chocolate.
Triangle or Heart: I don't think I have a preference. XD
Japan or New Zeland (only thing I could think of): New Zealand has really pretty landscapes, so New Zealand. XD
Fish or Dog: I'm inclined to say Fish. 8| XDD
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Tue Mar 11, 2008 6:24 pm

Radical Dreamer (post: 1206721) wrote:-Personal-
Most people on the forums call me by my first name or "RD," depending on how well they know me.
Age: 18, but I'll be 19 in roughly two weeks. XD
Height: 5' 6"
*A litte about yourself*:P
Favorite Color:
I prefer various shades of blue or green, but I also love seeing browns or oranges coupled with blue.
Favorite Movie: Big Fish. Also, The Prestige.
Favorite Book (no...not manga book): The Giver, by Lois Lowry.
Favorite Anime: Baccano!
Favorite Disney character: Lumiere, from Beauty and the Beast. XD
Favorite Role Play character: I don't RP.
Favorite Store: Barnes & Noble.
If you had one day to do anything you wanted what would you do: Fly to California. XD I would also have to hang with Savannah. XDD
Do have a pet: A dog, yes.
What is its name: Shadow.
+This or That+

Choclate or Fruity: Chocolate.
Triangle or Heart: I don't think I have a preference. XD
Japan or New Zeland (only thing I could think of): New Zealand has really pretty landscapes, so New Zealand. XD
Fish or Dog: I'm inclined to say Fish. 8| XDD

bahdlkjfa;sldkfja;sldkjf. YOU DID IT. AHAHHAH.


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Postby jon_jinn » Tue Mar 11, 2008 7:23 pm

Name: Jon_jinn
Age: 15
Height: 5' 5
*A little about yourself*
Favorite Color: Light blue and orange
Favorite Movie: Ocean's 11-13, The Bourne Trilogy, Batman Begins, The Prestige, and Holes
Favorite Book: Holes
Favorite Anime: Cowboy Bebop
Favorite Disney character: Mushu (Mulan)
Favorite Role Play character: None
Favorite Store: Borders
Do have a pet: NONE!
+This or That+
Choclate or Fruity: Fruity
XD or >.<: XD
Triangle or Heart: Heart
Japan or New Zeland (only thing I could think of): Japan
Fish or Dog: Dog
[SIZE="4"]*FASTING FROM CAA (9/25/08 - ???)*[/SIZE]

"Sometimes we don't present the Gospel well enough for the non-elect to reject it."
- John MacArthur

"In the total expanse of the human life, there is not a single square inch of which Christ, who alone is sovereign, does not declare, 'That is mine'."
- Abraham Kuyper

"God the great Creator of all things doth uphold, direct, dispose, and govern all creatures, actions, and things, from the greatest even to the least, by His most wise and holy providence, according to His infallible foreknowledge and the free and immutable counsel of His own will, to the praise of the glory of His wisdom, power, justice, goodness, and mercy."
- Westminister Confession of Faith (Chapter 5, Section 1)

"The wisdom of God has found a way for the love of God to deliver sinners from the wrath of God all the while upholding the righteousness of God!!"
- John Piper

"Grace is the pleasure of God to magnify the worth of God by giving sinners the right and power to delight in God without obscuring the glory of God!"
-John Piper

"The very One from Whom we need to be saved, is the One Who has saved us."
- R.C. Sproul

"All of Christian life is ceaseless worship of God the Father, through the mediatorship of God the Son, by the indwelling power of God the Spirit, doing what God commands in Scripture, not doing what God forbids in Scripture, in culturally contextualized ways, for the furtherance of the Gospel, when both gathered for adoration, and scattered for action, in joyous response to God's glorious grace."
- Mark Driscoll

"Believers do not pray with the view of informing God about things unknown to Him, or of exciting Him to do His duty, or of urging Him as though He were reluctant. On the contrary, they pray in order that they may arouse themselves to seek Him, that they may exercise their faith in meditating on His promises, that they may relieve themselves from their anxieties by pouring them into His bosom; in a word, that they may declare that from Him alone they hope and expect, both for themselves and for others, all good things."
- Martin Luther

"I have to tell you first that I am ready to die. I have put my affairs in order. Your supreme weapon is killing. My supreme weapon is dying, because when you kill me, people all over Romania will read my books and believe on the God that I preach - even more than they do now."
- Dr. Joseph Ton, the exiled Romanian pastor (quoted by James Montgomery Boice)

"The best prayer I ever prayed had enough sin in it to condemn the whole world."
- John Bunyan

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Postby Tsukuyomi » Tue Mar 11, 2008 7:47 pm

Ooooooh, I'd like to change my favorite store :P I ♥ Deb ^ ^ Although, I tend to always put an "S" at the end of it o.o

Yes, the dog my brother brought home was an Alaskan Husky o.o He would chase us all over the place :P He ran up to us as soon as we got off the bus. I jumped on my sister's back in results of that ^ ^
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Postby MomoAdachi » Tue Mar 11, 2008 8:59 pm

Yay, I love these kinds of threads! :)
Name: Kae-Leah
Age: 20
Height: 5'7"
*A Little About Yourself*
Favorite Color: Barbie Pink
Favorite Movie: Alice In Wonderland(Disney)
Favorite Book: Right now its the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld
Favorite Anime: Sailor Moon(Dubbed) and Peach Girl(Just Like My Sig Says:sweat:)
Favorite Disney Character: Ariel and Alice(of course!)
Favorite Role Play Character: I'm not a big RPer, maybe someone from Kingdom Hearts?
Favorite Store: Probably Borders or maybe Target
Do You Have A Pet?: Nope
*This Or That*
Chocolate Or Fruity-Fruity, definately! Starburst and Skittles are some of my favorite candy!
Triangle Or Heart-Heart! I'm soooo girlie.
Japan Or New Zealand-Japan, although NZ kinda rox too!
Fish Or Dog-Fish, though I do love dogs too!
Non-Christian Anti-Hentai Grrl
#1 Dubbed Sailor Moon Fan!
#1 Peach Girl Fan!

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Postby christianfriend » Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:39 pm

What a good idea to make a short quiz like this! :D

Name: Olivia (Libby) :3
Age: 15
Height: 5'2"
*A litte about yourself*
Favorite Color: Green/ Blue~
Favorite Movie: Phantom of the Opera
Favorite Book (no...not manga book): Harry Potter
Favorite Anime: Gankutsuo
Favorite Disney character: Pluto
Favorite Role Play character: o.o no clue sadly.
Favorite Store: Hot Topic
If you had one day to do anything you wanted what would you do: Spend the day with my friends I've yet to meet face-to-face :D
Do have a pet: Nope!
What are their name(s): :( no pets.
+This or That+
Choclate or Fruity: Fruity!
XD or >.<: XD
Triangle or Heart: <3
Japan or New Zeland (only thing I could think of): New Zeland
Fish or Dog: Dog~
[font="Lucida Console"][align=center]“The [color="Magenta"]best[/color] kind of [color="Magenta"]friend[/color] is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.â€
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Postby GeneD » Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:14 am

Name: GeneD, well "D" is also my nickname in real life.
Age: 21
Height: As high as the top of my head.
*A litte about yourself*
Favorite Color: Orange and green
Favorite Movie: LOTR trilogy, PiratesOTC trilogy, Cowboy Bebop: Knocking of Heaven's Door, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.
Favorite Book (no...not manga book): Anything by Terry Pratchett.
Favorite Anime: Bleach and Cowboy Bebop (at the moment)
Favorite Disney character: None really.
Favorite Role Play character: Mmm not sure.
Favorite Store: Any book store, any DVD store that sells anime.
If you had one day to do anything you wanted what would you do: Go visit a friend in Australia, who i haven't seen in 4 years, visit the people I've met over the net (mainly here) and go to the moon if there's still time.
Do you have a pet: 2 dogs
What are their name(s): Gina and Vetkryt (note: the last name is not an English name XD)
+This or That+
Choclate or Fruity: Choclate
XD or >.<: XD
Triangle or Heart: Triangle
Japan or New Zeland (only thing I could think of): Japan, because the culture is totally different.
Fish or Dog: Cat.
I don't know what broke to make you like this, but I must be broken too if I'm standing here praising your destructiveness. -Rock (Black Lagoon)

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Postby mechana2015 » Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:34 am

Name: Mechana (Paul)
Age: 23
Height: 5' 8"
*A little about yourself*
Favorite Color: green... dark blue
Favorite Movie: Hot Fuzz at the moment
Favorite Book (no...not manga book): currently... Book of Lost Things
Favorite Anime: Ghost in the Shell: SAC
Favorite Disney character: Mulan
Favorite Role Play character: I don't.
Favorite Store: Best Buy
If you had one day to do anything you wanted what would you do: Travel to a gathering of CAA members that I haven't met before... or at least a few new ones.
Do have a pet: Nope. Landlords have a cat and a dog.
What are their name(s): Pezita and Carlotta... I think...
+This or That+
Choclate or Fruity: Chocolate
XD or >.<: XD
Triangle or Heart: Heart
Japan or New Zeland (only thing I could think of): New Zealand
Fish or Dog: Dog

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Postby yukoxholic » Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:39 am


[color="Pink"]Name: Aki or Laki (La-key)[/color]
[color="YellowGreen"]Age: 22. [/color]
[color="Pink"]Height: 5'5"[/color]
[color="Pink"]Alitte about yourself:[/color]

[color="YellowGreen"]Favorite Color: Peach because it's peachy :D[/color]
[color="Pink"]Favorite Movie: The Secret That Cannot Be Told (不能說的秘密) and 1 Litre Of Tears (1リットルの涙)[/color]
[color="YellowGreen"]Favorite Book (no...not manga book): The Chronicles of Narnia and Kino no Tabi (the light novel)[/color]
[color="Pink"]Favorite Anime(s): Ichigo Mashimaro, Princess Tutu, Haibane Renmei, and R.O.D. (plus T.V) (Yes, I added an "s" with parentheses so I could list more than ONE!)[/color]
[color="YellowGreen"]Favorite Disney Character: It's a tie between Ariel and Meg.[/color]
[color="Pink"]Favorite Role Play Character: Molly Hayes![/color]
[color="YellowGreen"]Favorite Store: F.Y.E. or Journeys.[/color]
[color="Pink"]If you had one day to do anything you wanted what would you do: I'd catch a flight to Japan than hop on a bus to Nagano and visit the Matsumoto Castle (dubbed: "Crow Castle") because it's so beautiful than I'd head to the Togakushi shrine to take pictures of Sugi trees. I am such a tourist.[/color]
[color="YellowGreen"]Do you have a pet: Yes, a parakeet and a cat, odd mix I know. >__<[/color]
[color="Pink"]What are their name(s): Sinclair (Sunny) and B.W. (Black and White)[/color]
[color="Pink"]T[/color][color="YellowGreen"]h[/color][color="Pink"]i[/color][color="YellowGreen"]s[/color] [color="Pink"]o[/color][color="YellowGreen"]r[/color][color="Pink"] T[/color][color="YellowGreen"]h[/color][color="Pink"]a[/color][color="Yellowgreen"]t[/color]

[color="YellowGreen"]Chocolate or Fruity: I like chocolate on my fruit![/color]
[color="Pink"]XD or >.<: XD[/color]
[color="YellowGreen"]Triangle or Heart: [color="Red"]Heart.[/color][/color]
[color="Pink"]Japan or New Zeland (only thing I could think of): Japan.[/color]
[color="YellowGreen"]Fish or Dog: Fish.[/color]
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Postby goldenspines » Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:07 am

Name: Goldie
Age: 17
Height: 5'7" (roughly)
*A litte about yourself*
Favorite Color: Dark royal blue, or some kind of aqua marine.
Favorite Movie: LOTR: Return of the King.
Favorite Book (no...not manga book): Anything that catches my interest.
Favorite Anime: Kino no Tabi
Favorite Disney character: Basil (Great Mouse Detective)
Favorite Role Play character: None.
Favorite Store: Borders or Barnes and Noble
If you had one day to do anything you wanted what would you do: Have a party and get CAAers to come.
Do have a pet: I have two cats.
What are their name(s): Blackie and Patches (very original, I know)
+This or That+
Chocolate or Fruity: Chocolate
XD or >.<: XD
Triangle or Heart: Heart
Japan or New Zealand (only thing I could think of): New Zealand.
Fish or Dog: Neither; cat.
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Postby Chibiringo » Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:28 am

Yukoxholic! I just got done with 1 Litre of Tears...I cried my eyes out seriously. Like you cannot watch one episode and not cry. It's crazy.
Goldenspines...XD That's great. I think I named one of my fish a long time ago...blacky. Yeah, my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins never let me down for my original names. ¬_¬
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Postby jaems-kun » Wed Mar 12, 2008 1:45 pm

jaems (no capitals)
Age: deathly old
Height: short
*A litte about yourself*
Favorite Color:
green, probably
Favorite Movie: A Goofy Movie
Favorite Book (no...not manga book): Frankenstein, or Plato's five dialogues
Favorite Anime: One Piece
Favorite Disney character: no idea... possibly lilo.
Favorite Role Play character: eh?
Favorite Store: depends what i'm after... probably
If you had one day to do anything you wanted what would you do: I have everyday to do what I want and I still don't do much.
Do have a pet: many fish
What is its name: fishes... one is named markus, another gimpy. the rest I call whatever I feel like... usually profanities.
+This or That+

Choclate or Fruity: probably fruit for the sake of variety, though I often just mix the two
XD or >.<: I enjoy asian style smilies, but "XD" has a distinction all its own.
Triangle or Heart: heart? get the best of both round and pointy!
Japan or New Zeland (only thing I could think of): Japan for sake of familiarity.
Fish or Dog: fish. I'm not as allergic to fish.
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Postby yukoxholic » Wed Mar 12, 2008 3:01 pm

Chibiringo (post: 1206837) wrote:Yukoxholic! I just got done with 1 Litre of Tears...I cried my eyes out seriously. Like you cannot watch one episode and not cry.

I know! It's so sad. :waah!: It became one of those, "Why did I even bother watching this movie!?" and than the "OHMYGOSH! How could I NOT have watched this movie!?" kind of deals :D Though I know you're talking about the TV series (I've seen both) they each end the same way. ^__^

It's touching and heart-breaking all at the same time. Such a great movie/show with lovely (Ryō Nishikido is so HOT! :drool:) actors/actresses.
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Postby Chibiringo » Wed Mar 12, 2008 3:34 pm

[quote="yukoxholic (post: 1206872)"]I know! It's so sad. :waah!: It became one of those, "Why did I even bother watching this movie!?" and than the "OHMYGOSH! How could I NOT have watched this movie!?" kind of deals :D Though I know you're talking about the TV series (I've seen both) they each end the same way. ^__^

It's touching and heart-breaking all at the same time. Such a great movie/show with lovely (Ryō]

OH YEAH! He is soo cute! ^^
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:31 pm

jaems-kun (post: 1206851) wrote:XD or >.<: I enjoy asian style smilies, but "XD" has a distinction all its own.

There is such a thing o.o? I'd like to see some ^ ^
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:55 pm

Name: Annette
Age: *points to the left* XD
Height: About 5'8"
*A litte about yourself*
Favorite Color: Blue, red, teal
Favorite Movie: This question is too hard. @_@
Favorite Book (no...not manga book): The Secret Garden
Favorite Anime: Hajime no Ippo
Favorite Disney character: Uh...that's a tough one. I think I'll go with the Genie.
Favorite Role Play character: I don't role play.
Favorite Store: Hastings.
If you had one day to do anything you wanted what would you do: Well, it depends on whether or not I have any dang money.
Do have a pet: No.
[s]What is its name: [/s]
+This or That+
Choclate or Fruity: Chocolate.
XD or >.<: XD
Triangle or Heart: Uhhhhhhhh...
Japan or New Zeland (only thing I could think of): Japan. Not that I have anything against NZ, but I've wanted to go to Japan for so long...
Fish or Dog: Depends. Are we talking about for eating or for pets? XD
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:17 pm

ShiroiHikari (post: 1206953) wrote:-Personal-

Age: *points to the left* XD
Fish or Dog: Depends. Are we talking about for eating or for pets? XD

Laugh Out Loud, Shiroi XDD

Wow, I've never noticed we were the same age ^ ^
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Postby jaems-kun » Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:24 pm

Tsukuyomi (post: 1206942) wrote:There is such a thing o.o? I'd like to see some ^ ^

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Postby Tsukuyomi » Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:08 pm

jaems-kun (post: 1206992) wrote:lawlz

Awww, I already know lawlz :P

Ooh, I have something to add ^ ^ I love potatoes ^ ^
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Postby USSRGirl » Thu Mar 13, 2008 2:29 pm

Tsukuyomi (post: 1207061) wrote:
Ooh, I have something to add ^ ^ I love potatoes ^ ^

With a violent passion apparently. XD

Oooh, Rio avvie, Chibi? Bwahahahaha! Yessss... add yourself to the ranks of Blachi fans!

Name: Temulin
Age: Temporal immortal
Height: 5 stinkin' 0. (5'1 with platformed commie boots)
*A litte about yourself*
Favorite Color: Silver/Aquamarine/Black
Favorite Movie: Spirited Away/LOTR/Final Fantasy Advent Children/Narnia
Favorite Book (no...not manga book): That Hideous Strength
Favorite Anime: Spirited Away, Advent Children, Spiral (with the exception of the hideous ending, or lack there of), Ruroni Kenshin.
Favorite Disney character: Uh... does Jack Skellington count?
Favorite Role Play character: Moley
Favorite Store: Marukai!
If you had one day to do anything you wanted what would you do: Take over the world.
Do have a pet: Just one buddha - er - cat right now.
What are their name(s): Tifa
+This or That+
Choclate or Fruity: Chocolate
XD or >.<: o.O;;
Triangle or Heart: Hexametapolyoctogon
Japan or New Zeland (only thing I could think of): Japan
Fish or Dog: Dog. I have a bad history of murdering fish within the hour of purchase.
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Thu Mar 13, 2008 2:57 pm

USSRGirl (post: 1207095) wrote:With a violent passion apparently. XD

Hahaha, indeed ^_^ I take it Temmy remembers my little rant last time :P That was only because I was in.. rant mode :P I was actually looking at seasoned potato recipes last night ^ ^ Potatoes are quite the change from the usual Asian foodins we usually eat ^_^
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Postby USSRGirl » Thu Mar 13, 2008 3:00 pm

XD Yes. It made me hide under my desk for the next three days. :p

Oooh, that reminds me of this Chinese food place that had potato lo mein. It was good! Lo mein with potatoes!
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:01 pm

Name: Ridley
Age: 17
Height: 6'3"

-About yourself-
Favorite Color: Lime Green
Favorite Movie: Oh, gosh... I gotta pick one?! @_@ How 'bout... Star Wars episode IV: A New Hope.
Favorite Book (no...not manga book): Eragon... I think...
Favorite Anime: Fullmetal Alchemist
Favorite Looney Toons character: Mavrin Martian :P
Favorite Role Play character: Uh... like as in the forum RPs we have here? Well, I've only just started in the whole RP business, so I'll say... Ross Farrcry, the new one I haven't introduced yet as of this writing.
Favorite Store: Books-A-Million. Or Waldenbooks/Borders.
If you had one day to do anything you wanted what would you do: I would embark on a 24-hour quest of teamwork and survival. War Games, my friend, Live Action War Games. :evil:
Do have a pet: i haz a dawg. :D
What are their name(s): Bubba

-This or That-
Chocolate or Fruity: Fruity
XD or >.<: >.<
Triangle or Heart: Triangle
Japan or New Zealand (only thing I could think of): Japan
Fish or Dog: Dogfish
~Ridley [color="Green"] ;)
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Postby CrimsonRyu17 » Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:43 pm

Name: Crimmy or Crim
Age: I'd much rather you guess.
Height: 5'8"
*A litte about yourself*
Favorite Color: Red. Blood red.
Favorite Movie: Dragonheart.
Favorite Book: House by Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker.
Favorite Anime: Death Note LOL
Favorite Disney character: Scar from The Lion King.
Favorite Role Play character: Uh...
Favorite Store: Best Buy!
If you had one day to do anything you wanted what would you do: Go to the beach with my buddies and hang out.
Do have a pet: A Budgie.
What are their name(s): Frosty.
+This or That+
Chocolate or Fruity: Fruity Gheys.
XD or >.<: >D
Triangle or Heart: Triangles are pointy!
Japan or New Zealand: Japan. The Land of the Rising Insanity.
Fish or Dog: Fish. Fish don't bark and hurt my ears.
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