A Monster is Attacking CAA!

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Postby Sparx00 » Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:45 am

Oh man... I am SO SORRY guys!!!!!!!!!! but I've been unbelieveably busy of late. I hope you guys can forgive me. ^^'

*Forces the Dragon into a mosh pit at an Anthrax concert, where the Dragon is bashed and pushed around by screaming Anthrax fans. He also is forced to go to the back room and inhale a lot of cigarette smoke.*
The dragon like the band and cigarette smoke
HP: 2,875,000

Let's be kind to dragons,after all Skeeve The Great has a pet dragon.
Dragon's are nice and kind and make excellent toasters!
btw:My latest intelligence reports indicate that the blob is actually the love child of Roy Mustang and Kim Manning!
the dragon is thouched by ML's speech
HP: 2,880,000

O'.o oh ho!! being a brat about your whoopin, eh dragon?

*goes mythbusters on the dragon and puts an obsurd amount of cigarette lighters and cans of biscuits in the dragons mouth, causing a tremendous explosion of biscuit dough and lighter fluid*

i just love the smell of biscuits and lighter fluid in the afternoon...
Biscuit dough and lighter fluid is one of the dragon's fav treats
HP: 2,900,000

*Summons Bobobo-bobo(continue) to use his FIST OF THE NOSE HAIR!*

*maniac laughter*
The dragon does not enjoy this
HP: 2,800,000 MASSIVE DAMAGE! ( bounus on the bobobo thing :thumb: )

*builds a gigantic lego fortress around the Dragon and coats it with water-poof deck coating, then proceeds to fill the fortress with tangerine flavored kool-aid and nitro-glycerin.*

Stand back, Y'all!

*sets up a flaming tennis-ball cannon and begins a barrage on the fortress*
*waits for the flaming tennis balls to ignite the glycerin*
There is a small boom heard, the dragon climbs out of the fort, It seems that the dragon drank more then half of the juice. Dragon takes a step and the cool aid shoots from it's nose.

Summons the Sky Servent and sends the blue dragon in an uncontrollable vortex that spins the dragon around and smashes him to the ground. Soon after I call for lightning with my sword and strike the dragon with it, sending a limitless amount of volts through it's body.
The blue dragon absorbs the volts and becomes bootsed in HP
HP: 2,800,000

Time for something new.....

*Danderson accomplishes Shadow-clone-jitusu, turning himself into 100 sonic clones. The clones circle the dragon and charge, spinning towards it with high-voltage energy*

*after attack.....* Ok, lets tag-team....I'll launch someone at the dragon if they have an attack they can perform once they collide with him.....
Dragon is somewhat hurt
HP: 2,760,000

Mommy, CephasWhite stole my sword

On a more serious note, Tag-teams with Danderson, and performs what I call "The Wildfire Punch"(CopyRight 2008), a burning punch that toasts the dragon inside out.
Dragon feels warm inside. O_O
HP: 2,600,000

*I also tag Danderson and help K_F_M by doing a vertical spin attack with my sword against the dragon*
The dragon thinks it a paper cut and panics
HP: 2,500,000 MASSIVE DAMAGE!!!

Bah! That paint didn't dry fast enough! Time for more extreme measures.

*covers the dragon in gold painter's tape*


*gives him a potion which restores precisely 8,675,309 HP*
A catchy tune come to the dragon's mind when he drinks the potion :D
HP:11,175,309 UPGRADE!!! (Dragon is now gold)

*feeds the dragon a dragon sized portion of bad curry, then puts an "out of order" sign on the doors of the restrooms"
Dragon: "Yikes! >_<"
HP: 11,100,000 MASSIVE DAMAGE!!!

*ties a Earth Mark IX "Gatebuster" nuclear bomb enhanced with naqahdriah to the dragons tail*

Bomb is rigged to blow in three posts.
Dragon: "Double yikes! O_O"
HP: 11,100,000

Cinema-ryu cinematic swordfighting! Final Cut Technique!

Letterbox -> dramatic close-up -> lens flare -> bullet time (katana time) + iaijutsu draw-cut!

Dragon goes through a dramatic dieing shot, and then realises that the wound is real
HP: 11,000,000 MASSIVE DAMAGE!!!

This is just a post to help ich1990's attack and to ask CephasWhite to give back my sword T_T
The dragon pittys K_F_M and goes back to fighting

*whaps Mathgrant over the head with a gigantic mallet, then pulls off the dragon's gold tape so that he spins around like the woman getting spun around by the magistrate by her obi.*

The dragon becomes dizzy @_@
(Dragon is no longer gold at this time.)

*gives Bible to blob and dragon* Here's your guide to life. ^_^
The dragon Thanks Sanji, reads the bible, runs to the CAA prayer room, gets saved, and goes back to destroying things.
HP: 10,990,000

*pokes the dragon with a sharp stick* o.o
Dragon: "OW!! That hurt more then the last one!!!!"
HP: 10,930,000 MAGGIVE DAMAGE!!!

*Forces the dragon to submit to Haruhi Suzumiya, and her ribbon.*
The dragon submits, even tho' he doesn't know who he/she is.
HP: 10,930,000

Causes the Dragon to have a head cold, Strep Throat, A Stomich Virus, and Athletes Foot all at once.
The dragon becoems sick, but gets well unbelivably fast.
Dragon HP: 9,999,999
UPGRADE!!! (dragon is now invulnerable to all attacks except one.)

The dragon seems like it can not be beaten now, but all of a sudden, Sparx comes out of a near by cave with a bag in his hand. "Hey guys! you won't believe what happend! I..... You guys still haven't defeated the dragon yet? Well I got something that will kill it in one blow!" Sparx reaches in his bag and pulls out the most dreaded weapon in the whole world.... A TONBERRY KNIFE!!! As a bead of sweat appers on the dragon's forehead, sparx slowly walks towards the dragon. Hours pass........ Then all of a sudden......"doink"..........
The dragon falls over with a mighty thud, shaking most of the threads in CAA. The dragon's spirt comes out of the body, The dragon explans that he didn't want to hurt anyone, but he was being controlled by another being. The dragon thanks everyone for releasing him, and flys up to heaven

On a side note, I had to stop it early because I'm STILL busy. |:|
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Thu Feb 28, 2008 5:19 pm

Ahh, all is peaceful again! :3

Shall we let it continue to be peaceful for a time, have someone else create a monster, or shall I conjure up one of my own special creations...? :evil:
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:10 pm

I have one. I'll post it here soon as I make it more epic.
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:34 pm

A'right! Kung_Fu_Master officially has dibs on the first of 3 monster slots! I may release one myself in the near future... :evil:
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Thu Feb 28, 2008 7:05 pm

OKay. Let the epicness begin

ZIRCON- HP: 3,000,000(Copyright2008)
The land of CAA has been peacful since the attack of the Blue Dragon but a new evil is about to strike. Out of no where the sky grew dark and the earth began to shake and crack. From the largest crack a gaint skeletal hand reached up and pulled its self from the pit it came from.

But what is it you as is it, Bones that have come to seek revenge, demon from the deepest part of heck, some idiot's idea of a monster. No. His name is Zircon.

(I'd put a drawing of him on but my scaner is X_X. He looks like a skeletal verson of Ridley from Metroid.)
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Thu Feb 28, 2008 7:22 pm

XDD No fair!

*Loads up my semi-automatic Potato Cannon and fires multiple rounds of sharpened potatoes at this new threat*
~Ridley [color="Green"] ;)
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Thu Feb 28, 2008 7:25 pm

Don't worry Ridley, You'll get to see the drawing sunday.
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Postby Sakaki Onsei » Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:28 pm

*Looks at the monster's name, then proceeds to take a jeweller's laser and start cutting Zircon until he becomes a Zircon stone, which he sets in a big ring-type thing, and has the Incredible Hulk wear it while saying "Ooooh, SHiny!"
Hiyakawa Sayaka (my character from my writing) wrote:God has given me a gift, that I really don't know what to do with. I guess, all I can do is put it in his hands, keep my hands inside the car, and expect to end up destroying parts of Tokyo with my perfectly good guitar.

Revelation 1:10-11: I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like the sound of a trumpet, saying, [color="Red"]"Write in a book what you see, and send it to the seven churches to Ephesus and to Smyrna, and to Pergamum and to Theyatira, and at Sardis, and to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea."[/color]
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Postby Sparx00 » Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:04 pm

Alright! back in action!

This is a test to see if it works...

*gives Zircon a potion the refills 200 HP, and throws in a phoenix down as well.*
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Postby Kaligraphic » Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:49 pm

*Summons the Swedish Chef to bork Zircon up real good.*
The cake used to be a lie like you, but then it took a portal to the deception core.
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Postby Danderson » Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:20 am

*Summons Gandolf the White, who stands between the monster and the CAA* You SHALL NOT PASS!!!! *Gandolf strikes the ground with his staff, causing an earthquake to render the monster off balance*
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Postby Sakaki Onsei » Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:01 am

*Forces Zircon to listen to William Hung.*
Hiyakawa Sayaka (my character from my writing) wrote:God has given me a gift, that I really don't know what to do with. I guess, all I can do is put it in his hands, keep my hands inside the car, and expect to end up destroying parts of Tokyo with my perfectly good guitar.

Revelation 1:10-11: I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like the sound of a trumpet, saying, [color="Red"]"Write in a book what you see, and send it to the seven churches to Ephesus and to Smyrna, and to Pergamum and to Theyatira, and at Sardis, and to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea."[/color]
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Postby mitsuki lover » Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:28 am

Tells Zircon he can't exist because he doesn't have a shadow.
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:29 pm

Kung_Fu_Master (post: 1203330) wrote:Don't worry Ridley, You'll get to see the drawing sunday.
That's not what I was saying no fair about.. YOU MADE IT LOOK LIKE ME!! XD

*Kicks Zircon with steel-toed boots*
~Ridley [color="Green"] ;)
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Sat Mar 01, 2008 12:27 pm

*Loads up my semi-automatic Potato Cannon and fires multiple rounds of sharpened potatoes at this new threat

*O.o That hurt*

ZIRCON HP: 2,999,000
*Looks at the monster's name, then proceeds to take a jeweler’s laser and start cutting Zircon until he becomes a Zircon stone, which he sets in a big ring-type thing, and has the Incredible Hulk wear it while saying "Ooooh, SHiny!

*Zircon is hit by the laser but that’s about it*

ZIRCON HP: 2,998,000
*gives Zircon a potion the refills 200 HP, and throws in a phoenix down as well.*

*Drinks potion and likes it but the phoenix hurts o.O*

ZIRCON HP: 2,997,200
*Summons the Swedish Chef to bork Zircon up real good.*

*Tasty. He eats the chef as well*

ZIRCON HP: 3,287,000
*Summons Gandalf the White, who stands between the monster and the CAA* You SHALL NOT PASS!!!! *Gandalf strikes the ground with his staff, causing an earthquake to render the monster off balance*

*Zircon is too big to be effected by such things*

ZIRCON HP: 3,287,000
*Forces Zircon to listen to William Hung.*

*NO, not William Hung. Zircon likes William Hung *evil smile*

ZIRCON HP: 3,287,000
Tells Zircon he can't exist because he doesn't have a shadow.

*So, Zircon came from the lowest part of heck. He doesn’t need a shadow*

ZIRCON HP: 3,287,000
*Kicks Zircon with steel-toed boots*

*MY Shin o.O*

ZIRCON HP: 3,000,000
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Postby Yeshua-Knight » Sat Mar 01, 2008 3:24 pm

*teleports zircon to a debate featuring barack obama and hillary clinton*

ha ha....three way dance...
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Sat Mar 01, 2008 7:59 pm

*Uses BONE HAMMER on Zircon*

The BONE HAMMER is special in that, when striking a hard, organic structure (e.g. Bone) of at least 4.3999~ microns thick, it sends shock waves capable of splintering said organic structure throughout any area thicker than 4.3999~ microns.

~Ridley [color="Green"] ;)
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Postby Kaligraphic » Sat Mar 01, 2008 8:06 pm

*Uses advanced technology to create an anti-zircon, which, combined with the existing zircon, annihilates both of them in a large and dramatic explosion.
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Postby Danderson » Sat Mar 01, 2008 8:45 pm

Geez, this guy's tougher then I thought......*Transforms into Metal Sonic (It's not Sonics old nemis.....instead, think Metal Bowser), rolls into a ball and is loaded into the Sonic Cannon....which is aimed straight at the demon's vital organs*

Someone press the FIRE BUTTON!!!! NOW!!!!
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Postby Yeshua-Knight » Sun Mar 02, 2008 10:45 am

*presses the fire button*
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Postby mitsuki lover » Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:38 pm

Geez,I just thought of something Zircon is a DRAGON right?So all we need to do is call in Lina Inverse!!!
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Postby Yeshua-Knight » Tue Mar 04, 2008 9:18 am

um....no....we already killed the dragon *points to post where dragon's hp reached 0* and we've already started fighting a skeleton monster named zircon, come on man, keep up
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Postby Sparx00 » Tue Mar 04, 2008 9:34 am

Well, while you two are talking... *Calls Gear-shift the CAA wolf pack's transformer to attack Zircon* Ok guys, Tag team! I'll give you uys a power boot!
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Postby mitsuki lover » Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:13 am

I don't think anyone said what kind of monster Zircon was before.
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Postby Sparx00 » Thu Mar 06, 2008 9:38 am

K_F_M said that it was a Ridley skeleton.

Feel the wrath of my tonberry knife!!!!! *knife breaks* ˙_˙ ...........Aw dang.
*throws the knife handle at Zircon*
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Postby Yeshua-Knight » Thu Mar 06, 2008 10:21 am

*zaps zircon in the face with a bazooka...right in the eye hole no less, then proceeds to put on some good music, hoping that maybe zircon's dry bones will dance*
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Postby Sparx00 » Thu Mar 06, 2008 10:34 am

*plays Rocky music and beats on Zircon*
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Thu Mar 06, 2008 4:00 pm

*teleports zircon to a debate featuring barack obama and hillary clinton*

ha ha....three way dance...


ZIRCON HP: 2,999,000

*Uses BONE HAMMER on Zircon*

The BONE HAMMER is special in that, when striking a hard, organic structure (e.g. Bone) of at least 4.3999~ microns thick, it sends shock waves capable of splintering said organic structure throughout any area thicker than 4.3999~ microns.




*Uses advanced technology to create an anti-zircon, which, combined with the existing zircon, annihilates both of them in a large and dramatic explosion.

*That may of worked but ruled state that you can’t say you win (If you even did in that post)*

ZIRCON HP: 1,999,000

Geez, this guy's tougher then I thought......*Transforms into Metal Sonic (It's not Sonics old nemis.....instead, think Metal Bowser), rolls into a ball and is loaded into the Sonic Cannon....which is aimed straight at the demon's vital organs*

Someone press the FIRE BUTTON!!!! NOW!!!!
*presses the fire button*

*Zircon (because he’s a skeleton) doesn’t have organs*

ZIRCON HP: 1,999,000

Geez,I just thought of something Zircon is a DRAGON right?So all we need to do is call in Lina Inverse!!!

*No, he’s not a dragon, he’s a skeletal humanoid tertodactal *

ZIRCON HP: 1,999,000
*Calls Gear-shift the CAA wolf pack's transformer to attack Zircon* Ok guys, Tag team! I'll give you uys a power boot

*Waits for someone to tag team*

ZIRCON HP: I think you know already
Feel the wrath of my tonberry knife!!!!! *knife breaks* ˙_˙ ...........Aw dang.
*throws the knife handle at Zircon*

*Great now I have a knife handle stuck in my eye*

ZIRCON HP: 1,998,900
*zaps zircon in the face with a bazooka...right in the eye hole no less, then proceeds to put on some good music, hoping that maybe zircon's dry bones will dance*

*O.o, but at least it got the handle out of his eye*

ZIRCON HP: 1,998,800
*plays Rocky music and beats on Zircon*

*That would work better if Rocky had six less movies*

ZIRCON HP: 1,993,000
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Postby Yeshua-Knight » Fri Mar 07, 2008 6:40 pm

*tapes a large sign saying "TROLL" to the one spot on zircon's back where he can't reach, no matter how hard he tries, then sends a pm to mith about a troll tormenting caa*
'nuff said
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Postby Sanji07 » Sun Mar 09, 2008 11:39 am

*asks blob to share Bible with Zircon* ^_^
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