2007 was an excellent year. Sure, some projects crashed & burned, some vows were broken, some horrible words were uttered out, some hearts were broken and some moments resulted in close-to-nervous breakdowns but there were an equal (if not more) share of crazy cool madness, thrilling adventures, beautiful moments of peace, exciting moments of revelations and a lot of genuine good old laughter.
God has been good and faithful.
I know He will be too this 2008. It's my hope that in 2008, I will continue to journey towards making myself a better person and bringing blessings to others along the way. God help us all with what we have in mind because there are many things that just can't work without His grace or assistance. I definitely need His help since most of my goals require serious behavioral and mentality change. Habits must be broken or developed.
- Obtain more head knowledge in DOE & Advanced Statistics and languages, Japanese & Mandarin
- Develop a passion to pray, providing support in church activities, evangelize
- Complete more comic projects, keep KingdomCome going strong and encourage other writers/artists
- Establish a comprehensive financial plan
God help me do this, be with me when I fail.