I'm off from being grounded (Praise You, Jesus)
Haha, my Econ teacher was supposed to email me notes, so I got my laptop back so I could do my homework, but I checked and had 14 new emails--not a one from him. Whatever. So here I am.
I'm being kept on a strict restrictions leash - One Hour on the computer a day. For those of you that know me as a Chat regular, you know that didn't go well with me....
I've got to redeem myself, in order to gain more time.
Also, to go along with it, I can only use my laptop in the living room, unless using my tablet (Watch as I suddenly use my tablet a lot more!)
The only time I get free from this is weekends, in which I can be on whenever, only after finishing homework.
So this means my ministry time will be fallen too...I'll try to keep updated with the GLPT/GDPT, but it's going to be severely cut back.
Guess I should go get caught up, now. I've got 5 unread PMs atop several, several unread threads.
That sure teaches me a big lesson. Respect your parents, kids.