Wait... What? (trying to find a Wii)

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Wait... What? (trying to find a Wii)

Postby Slater » Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:08 pm

Hmm, so now that the holiday season is less than 2 months away, I'm trying to get a leg up on the lines and get a Wii now. However, this seems to not be easy...

EBGames and Gamestop have stopped selling Wiis by themselves. Now, all they're selling are "bundles" worth over 400 dollars... Would be seen as a little pricy, but reasonable... however, I currently have no interest in the games that are packaged with that, and so it's not good for me.

The other close store to me is Game Krazy (I spelled it wrong on purpose; my keyboard is kinda homo and won't let me type in capitol e's, d's, or c's, as well as pound signs. Pattern is yes. Sollution is... none found). They sell Wiis at a much lower price of 250 ea.. Also, they give you a free video game rental from Hollywood Videos every month for one year; a 70+ dollar value. Pretty nice. But... they only get one Wii per week there; 2 if you're lucky (so the manager says). Stretched thin, and they say they have no info on when they get restocked on any particular item. Blast!

Anyone have any other good places to buy from? Websites are kewl, btw. don't (no capitol d, remember?) wanna have to drive to NYC (woa wtf... I guess I got a mulligan on that one) for it or anything.

O, btw, I got a 128 MB Sandisk card for $70 a while back. Is this good enough?
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Postby HiddenWoodchuck » Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:18 pm

Uhm, well I didn't have any trouble getting mine lol I just walked in the store, heard a dude mention they had some in the back and asked about it... this was back during the week of its release. I got it from Saturday Matinee which is now FYE here... kinda random, I didn't even know they had consoles, as they never have a display or anything, you have to ask...

I don't even use my sd card, there is no need for it, unless you want to put pictures or something on there... you don't need it for the games... though if you play gamecube games on there you need a gc memory card. I had a gamecube memory card left from before, so I just use that when I need it.
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Postby Alexander » Tue Oct 16, 2007 1:14 am

Keep an eye for stockers online, make a schedule, and get ready to camp out 4 hours before the store opens.

I had to do that to get my Wii. I was at Target at 3:00 AM in the middle of January. I waited until 7:00 for the doors to open.

That's also the only time I witnessed a Wii. I have yet to see one again in stock so far.

If not that, there's always Ebay.
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Postby jayquam » Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:07 pm

I have seen a few at Walmart
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Postby ilikegir33 » Sun Oct 21, 2007 1:00 pm

jayquam wrote:I have seen a few at Walmart

Me too. Our family's getting a Wii pretty quick here.
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Postby KBMaster » Mon Oct 22, 2007 10:45 am

My sister got ours at gamestop; try asking them when the next shipment is. Call them every day if you have to, like my sister did, so you can bask in all the amazing wii glory that is... the wii.
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