I love this post - thanks ~darkelfgirl~.
1. My inspiration comes mostly from the Bible and several specific anime series (especially tragic ones). The Bible is now my favorite book to read, literary or otherwise. It's wierd - I never thought it would be. Oh well.
2. I usually write in a populated area. Because I feel that I must write, I often find myself isolated, which makes me feel lonely sometimes (though I've been feeling better recently). Therefore, I feel the need to write in places like libraries, restaurants, malls, etc. This also gives me ideas for dialogue occasionally.
On the other hand, when I get into a rhythm or a thought comes to mind I can write anywhere, anytime. Though my freehand writing (i.e. not on a computer) is almost exclusively in a populated place.
BTW- Whoa, you can come up with inspiration by looking at a drop of water! I only wish I could have that much insight. In fact, I think I'll pray for it right now.