CAA Art School: First July Session: Water in GIMP

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CAA Art School: First July Session: Water in GIMP

Postby SnoringFrog » Wed Jun 20, 2007 10:27 am

Hey, I'm SnoringFrog, this tutorial will be showing you how to create water when using GIMP, a free image editing program. If you don't already have it, you can find it at . And there's also a stick topic about it in the tutorial section here. For you Photoshop users, I don't think that this will work but I don't know my way aroudn PS very well. So, if it works, great, but I hihgly doubt it will, sorry. But you can always download GIMP for free if you need this, or PM me and I'm more than willing to whip something like this up for you if you'll just give me soem dimensions.

If you've got any questions, just post 'em here and I'll answer them as best I can, or, if you've got any questions about the CAA art school ((how to get involved, what it is, etc.)) you can view that thread here:


This is my first tut, so I hope I did well for ya'll!
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Postby soul alive » Thu Jun 21, 2007 8:21 am

Whoa! That was quick! Thanks so much, Frog. The tutorial looks great.


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Postby Kuro-Mizu » Sat Jun 23, 2007 10:22 pm

Looks awesome snoring frog! I need to do mine now...
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Postby skylender » Wed Jul 11, 2007 11:39 am

Oh thank god! i've been looking everywhere for a water tutorial!
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