Esoteric wrote:I'll be getting one when the price drops significantly or 'Shadow of the Colosus 2' comes out. Whichever comes first....
Mithrandir wrote:Price isn't as big an issue for me as it appears to be with some people, so I don't really have a major bone to pick with Sony.
See this one post from NeoGAF where a user did a screenshot comparison of Uncharted with Indiana Jones, Tomb Raider, Gears of War, etc. While some of the shot comparisons are a stretch, a lot of them are quite interesting... quite telling where some of Uncharted's inspiration comes from.Bobtheduck wrote:I had NO interest in Uncharted until after SGD because I wrote it off as a Tomb Raider with a guy, but the more I see of it, the more impressed I am... I will be getting this game at launch.
Omega Amen wrote:Speaking as someone who has a "real job," while it is far easier for me to purchase a PS3, the amount of free time I have to play video games has been reduced dramatically. Enjoy your free time before you get into the "real world."
First, if you are playing PS2/PS1 games on the PS3, make sure you have firmware version 1.8 installed since it supports upscaling and smooth filtering of PS2/PS1 games. The upscaling and filtering will help to take lower resolution games like PS2 games at 480i resolution and match the native resolution of the plasma HD screen and reduce a good deal of the pixelation. It won't look as good as a PS3 game, of course, but you should see some noticeable improvement.Tenshi no Ai wrote:One thing I find a little... needing help with. Maybe a download will come out for it soon. My TV supports HD and is just a regular boxed tube TV. If youtry and play games that are formatted for those, full screen TVs, and then try and play it on a huge wide screen, the graphics stretch out and pixalate. God of War 2 on a big plasma wasn't as great as we'd thought. Is there a download that corrects it or does it just like a ton of configuration?
Omega Amen wrote:Speaking as someone who has a "real job," while it is far easier for me to purchase a PS3, the amount of free time I have to play video games has been reduced dramatically. Enjoy your free time before you get into the "real world."
Mithrandir wrote:I was unaware that the PS3 supported 1080p. Is there a major visual difference between the interlaced and progressive scan modes?
While I think this game in its genre is the most technically sound in gameplay, I do see several issues that I cannot ignore especially when compared to its competitors. Thus, I cannot say it is flawless. Maybe I would write a review to elaborate on that.Bobtheduck wrote:The standout of this group is, by far, Ninja Gaiden. This is a remake of the best game on the Xbox 1, and it is by far the most beautiful thing out on the system right now. No pop-in, no visible clipping, no slowdowns except between sections... This game is downright flawless. It's hack and slash, but so versatile, it is really unfair to be compared with ANY other hack and slash game... Running up walls is so fun, and pulling off combos is very satisfying.
Resistance really starts to shine in the latter half of the game in every aspect, in my opinion. Let us just say I like it when it snows.Bobtheduck wrote:Next up on the list is resistance... Ok... This game is good-looking, too... It doesn't look as good as NGS, but it is the first game I've ever played that had a texture that looked good inches from the camera... I know it's really geeky to say something like this, but I loved staring at the soldier's helmets... The nets on the helmets always looked clean, no matter how far you were from them... Other textures suffered from the normal closeup problems.
Yes, you can change controls in the full game, though I never felt the need. The controls made sense to me, considering what L2 and R2 were used for... but to each his own, I suppose.Bobtheduck wrote:Plus, while I'm sure this is changable on the full version, the controls leave a bit to be desired... Why is the fire button on R1, instead of on R2 like EVERY OTHER FPS GAME?
Yep. Take cover, assess the situation, and utilize your weapons to their fullest capabilities. If you rush in for glory, you will be a corpse.Bobtheduck wrote:If you try to rush it on this game, you'll die. Plain and simple.
The Bullseye is my bread and butter in the single player campaign. Actually, the Auger could really make you vulnerable in a few situations and give you a false sense of security....Bobtheduck wrote:One thing I really DO like about this game, though, is the Auger... Shooting through walls and shields is my new favorite thing to do... Not quite as awesome as the hammer of dawn, but it's pretty high up the list of favorite weapons... I'd venture to say the Auger could make multiplayer a bit unbalanced... Sort of like the rocket launcher on Halo, the auger is the ultimate weapon in Resistance.
It shows Insomniac really deserves to be considered a top-tier developer. Also, they have improved upon their engine and now using it for R&D: Tools of Destruction, and they will be making a Resistance sequel... and that will look phenomenal.Bobtheduck wrote:Insomniac made BANK on this game, when people said that couldn't be done on the PS3... not only taht, but the game was RUSHED to hit the system at launch... They only had a year with the dev kits... One year...
Forget Blast Factor. Get Super Stardust HD. That game is awesome if you want a shoot-em-up.Bobtheduck wrote:Blast Factor is sort of like a much faster version of asteroids, I think... Not much to it.
That game was originally developed for the PS2.... So... yeah. Giant Enemy Crab FTL.Bobtheduck wrote:Finally, Genji... It's crap...
so it's obvious Genji was just a pathetic launch title and I'll leave it at that.
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