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Postby Felix » Fri May 18, 2007 5:14 pm

Doesn't seem like Ubers ruin anything. It's difficult to catch them, after all, and you're rewarded by having the rest of your travels be a bit easier. It's not like it's cheating or anything to use a legendary pokemon in the one-player game to help get through. People can play the game however they want, so if you don't want to use Ubers, then don't.

And... uh...
Oh, I'm sorta starting to train a team, but I haven't been playing too much, so who knows if it will ever be fighting ready. My two main trainers right now are Oddish and Rotom.
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Postby Nate » Fri May 18, 2007 6:36 pm

everdred12a wrote:Ubers make a big difference, and I advocate against the use of them at all. Ruins the game.

I didn't spend four days and 123 Ultra Balls trying to catch Azelf to not use it against the Elite Four.

I'd say my challenge in catching the blasted thing earns me the right to use it against the boss fight.

Besides, I could level up any non-uber to level 100 and probably cream the Elite Four that way too. So really, what's the difference? It's just spending tons of time trying to make the final fight easier in a different way.

I also played Pokemon Ranger for 80 hours to get the Manaphy Egg mission, it's not like the game says "Here's a Manaphy Egg!" the second you turn on the game. I earned the right to use those Pokemon, it's no different than EV training a Pokemon for 80 battles to get its stats perfect to use against the Elite Four.

But hey, if you don't wanna use 'em, that's fine. :p

I've put my Diamond playing on hold for a bit so I can go back through the GBA games and do some Pal Park transfers, but I'm always open for battling or trading.

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Postby Felix » Fri May 18, 2007 8:06 pm

Ah, I spent a few days trying to catch Azelf, but I finally just gave up and killed him because I wanted to get the national dex and I figured I probably wouldn't even use him much. I did catch Uxie though, and she's pretty fun to use.
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Postby indyrocker » Sun May 20, 2007 9:11 pm

funny i got the natinal dex without cetchin him I got the other two tho. Tho for now I'm working on getting all the starters from fire red and attempting to find a female evee so that i can start my evee evalution army other than that I should probably up my ghost and psycic teams.
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Postby everdred12a » Sun May 20, 2007 11:13 pm

Nate wrote:I didn't spend four days and 123 Ultra Balls trying to catch Azelf to not use it against the Elite Four.

I'd say my challenge in catching the blasted thing earns me the right to use it against the boss fight.

Besides, I could level up any non-uber to level 100 and probably cream the Elite Four that way too. So really, what's the difference? It's just spending tons of time trying to make the final fight easier in a different way.

I also played Pokemon Ranger for 80 hours to get the Manaphy Egg mission, it's not like the game says "Here's a Manaphy Egg!" the second you turn on the game. I earned the right to use those Pokemon, it's no different than EV training a Pokemon for 80 battles to get its stats perfect to use against the Elite Four.

But hey, if you don't wanna use 'em, that's fine. :p

I've put my Diamond playing on hold for a bit so I can go back through the GBA games and do some Pal Park transfers, but I'm always open for battling or trading.

You mean Mesprit? Azelf... was kinda easy. He didn't run or anything. I caught all three of those pokemon.... in three hours? Something like that. Didn't even use the Master ball.

The reason I advocate against the use of ubers... is because they remove all the challenge from the game. Sure, they're not necessarily easy to get, but it's just not as fun to have an uber go in and clean out a battle with little to no effort.

Secondly, do I plan on EV training? Yes. Do I ever EV train to play through the story mode? No. Too time consuming, and not worth the effort.

(and yeah, when an uber's base stats with no EV training is higher than a pokemon WITH EV training's base stats, then it IS different than EV training)

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Postby Nate » Sun May 20, 2007 11:57 pm

everdred12a wrote:You mean Mesprit? Azelf... was kinda easy. He didn't run or anything.

Nope, Mesprit was actually not that hard, oddly, even though it was a runner. Caught it in about three hours.

Azelf was a nightmare, having such high special attack (and Nasty Plot) that it was able to easily KO all of my Pokemon, even Dialga, in two hits. Uproar being a special type attack really hurt.

Though it probably is to my detriment that I didn't try to put it to sleep; even so, using 123 Dusk Balls (and even some Ultra Balls in there) and four days is what it took to catch the bugger.

Uxie was pretty easy to catch too, actually.

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Postby everdred12a » Mon May 21, 2007 10:26 am

That's kinda weird. I'm not saying it's not true, but it's still kinda weird. Empoleon didn't have a tough time against Azelf because of its Steel type, which cuts Normal damage. Still though, I didn't give him any statuses either. Guess it's just luck.

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Postby Nate » Mon May 21, 2007 10:56 am

everdred12a wrote:Empoleon didn't have a tough time against Azelf because of its Steel type, which cuts Normal damage. Still though, I didn't give him any statuses either. Guess it's just luck.

I used Dialga (also Steel type) but after using Nasty Plot two times Azelf's Special Attack was so through the room that both his normal and psychic attacks did major damage to Dialga despite not being very effective.

And yeah, it's just luck. My brother threw a Pokeball at Rayquaza once, full health, no statuses, and caught it first try. It's all in the catch equation.

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Postby everdred12a » Mon May 21, 2007 12:41 pm

I don't think I've seen the catch equation; I mean it's clear that it's all based off of odds and whatnot, but do you happen to have it, or a link to it?

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Postby Nate » Mon May 21, 2007 12:50 pm

Catch = PokeballEffect (((( 4 * Max HP - 2 * HP ) * Catch Rate ) / Max HP ) + Status + 1 ) / 256

The only thing you can't determine as far as the game goes are Max HP and current HP, but everything else can be figured out.

Frozen and Sleep give a value of 10 for status, Poison, Paralysis, and Burn give a value of 5.

Here's the link where you can also find the value for "PokeballEffect" in the equation:


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Postby ffluneth15 » Mon May 28, 2007 12:58 pm

ok then people do like pokemon here.i have a story like that.ok once on emraled i ran out of pokeballs on rayquaza i used a nestball on him at full heatlh(my pokemon were being barrowed by a guy who only used bug and grass types on the elite four yes i know stupid)and caugt it.
ummmm is that a trick question? :sweat:
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Postby AsianBlossom » Wed May 30, 2007 10:55 am

I got Pearl because my younger brother (who has not posted on here in like, forever) got Diamond. We wanted to be able to trade each other for the ones we couldn't get in our own games.

Also, Pearl is my birthstone.

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Postby Rocketshipper » Wed May 30, 2007 11:20 pm

Some of the stuff you guys have been saying about the elite 4 and champion is a little scary ^^. In the last three games I was able to beat the elites and champions with a team of six in the mid to high 40s range, without much of a problem (although Wobuffet was one of those 6 in both GSC and RSE ^^). Are the DP elites harder than the old games?

I bought diamond just the other day. The store had both, but I went with Diamond because I was getting tired of looking at Parukia for some reason, lol. I'm going to start it in a few days. I plan to choose a Naetle/Turtwig as my starter.

Ubers make a big difference, and I advocate against the use of them at all. Ruins the game.

I agree somewhat. I used legendaries for RBY and GSC, and when I played RSE I decided not to use them. I thought it was more satisfying to win without using the legendaries, especially since no one on the TV show ever catches them. I'll still catch them if I can, and if the Elites turn out to be as strong as they sound here I might be forced to use them, but I'll try to use a non-legend team for this game too.

I am wondering what I'll catch this time, from the new non-legends, though. When I played GSC and RSE I had a general idea of what Pokemon I wanted on my main team and aimed to catch them. This time around though about the only new pokemon I KNOW I want is Dorapion; a lot of the new gen pokemon are rather unappealing. I also don't want to end up with a team of old gen pokemon, what's the fun of playing the new game if your not going to make a new gen team ^^? (the only old Gen Pokemon I'd want is Wobuffet, because he rules!!)
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Postby ffluneth15 » Thu May 31, 2007 7:26 am

i like dimound because its my birthstone and i would be good at it via luck.
ummmm is that a trick question? :sweat:
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Postby indyrocker » Sat Jun 02, 2007 8:40 am

Ive found that in most of the pokemon games if you dont want to rely on alot of items without paying alot of attention to type (besides having a good ice type for those blasted dragons) 60 is a good lvl to be at however i hardly ever get anything up that high before facing the final 4 so i try and raise a team with at least one fighting(the bain of all dark types), ice (really usefull for just about everything but mostly for the dragons) and either a strong psycic or ghost type for all non dark types. That type list has faired me well for I think 4 games now. I remeber using blazicin and just duble kicking the entire first trainer of the elite 4 now that was funny.
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Postby Etoh*the*Greato » Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:33 pm

Bleh. Alright, so in the normal multiplayer field is there any way to change what your sprite is? I'm a freakin' bug catcher.
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Postby Peregrine » Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:49 pm

You can change your sprite by talking to a guy in the pokecenter of orobrough city, I think.
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Postby Rocketshipper » Mon Jun 04, 2007 8:53 pm

I started playing the otherday. I've earned 1 badge so far, right now I'm camped out around the that windmill area before Eterna forest, waiting until friday so I can catch a drifloon/fuwante (I'm also going to hunt honey tree Pokemon). I've got 7 Pokemon so far, my starter (Turtwig), a Staravia, a Luxio, a Budew, a Shellos, and a Patchirisu on my team, and a Zubat that I caught for a free heal ball and then released. Not exactly a balanced team ^^.

I must say that I'm a little bit annoyed that there seem to be a relatively high number of new pokemon that you can't get until after beating the Elite 4 (I think it's 22). I guess it wouldn't be a big deal for people who catch them all anyway, or who spend lots of time battling with other people and stuff, but but for someone like me, who's probably just going to play through the storyline and that's it, it's dissapointing to have so many new Pokemon unavailible until the end of the game.
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Postby AsianBlossom » Sat Jun 09, 2007 6:59 am

I know what you mean. I wanted a few that I've had to get through trades only because I can't get at them due to the fact that either they're not available yet or you need a previous game cartrige. Two of these (and I have one already) are charmander and mawhile (sp?).

Also, is anyone else shocked by most of the trades? I mean, I was looking for a pichu, and all these people wanted impossible Pokemon like a level 9 and under beautifly (???) or a level 100 Dialga or Palkia (oh, come on!!!). Fortunately, I was able to get a pichu by offering a remoraid. Hopefully that wasn't too ridiculous of a trade that someone figured "ah! something not ridiculous!!" and snatched it up about two hours after I posted it.

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Postby everdred12a » Sat Jun 09, 2007 10:58 am

AsianBlossom wrote:impossible Pokemon like a level 9 and under beautifly (???) or a level 100 Dialga or Palkia

This is why the online trading sucks. It's full of unreasonable kids and people who have/want pokemon that were obtained by hacking the game. The person who posted earlier about the level 100 Lucario... that Lucario is most likely hacked.

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Postby Miso_Chan » Sat Jun 09, 2007 11:21 am

'kay, here's the story

my brother wanted diamond and I did too and we agreed that whoever had saved up enough money first got diamond, guess who won. now i'm stuck with pearl, and a pink poketch. it's too pink!!!!!!

aargh. oh well i'll deal with it, I feel like this :hits_self because its fun and all but its pink!

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Postby indyrocker » Sun Jun 10, 2007 10:06 pm

everdred12a wrote:This is why the online trading sucks. It's full of unreasonable kids and people who have/want pokemon that were obtained by hacking the game. The person who posted earlier about the level 100 Lucario... that Lucario is most likely hacked.
Probably but I suspected that since it said that it had aparently been met at lvl 100 and I havent heard of a "glitch" in dimond or pearl that is like the one in red and blue.
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Postby AsianBlossom » Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:18 am

Miso_Chan wrote:'kay, here's the story

my brother wanted diamond and I did too and we agreed that whoever had saved up enough money first got diamond, guess who won. now i'm stuck with pearl, and a pink poketch. it's too pink!!!!!!

aargh. oh well i'll deal with it, I feel like this :hits_self because its fun and all but its pink!

Well, I can understand how you feel about Pearl, but the reason you're Poketch is pink is not at all because you're playing Pearl...it's because you're a girl. If you would've picked the guy, then your Poketch would've been blue regardless of what game you were playing. Just thought I'd let you know.

But it's not so bad; you get some Pokemon your brother can't get in his game. Serebii.net has a list of which Pokemon are exclusive to what game. Just go to the section on Diamond and Pearl (located on the left under "Video Games", and once you're on that page, look to the right for a list of sections, one entitled "DP Version Exclusives." Blue's my favorite color, but since my brother got Diamond I went with Pearl, just to be different.

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Postby everdred12a » Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:52 am

[quote="AsianBlossom"]But it's not so bad]
You also have to consider, though, catching them all doesn't matter in this game. The game gives you NOTHING for catching all 150 pokemon, to my knowledge.

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Postby Nate » Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:53 am

everdred12a wrote:You also have to consider, though, catching them all doesn't matter in this game. The game gives you NOTHING for catching all 150 pokemon, to my knowledge.

The National Dex. :p Which doesn't sound like much, but remember you can't catch Pokemon like Rotom or Giratina without it.

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Postby Debitt » Mon Jun 11, 2007 2:35 pm

But don't you just need to encounter all 150 to get the National Pokedex? :O

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Postby Felix » Mon Jun 11, 2007 5:27 pm

That's right, Nate. You don't have to catch all 150 pokemon to get the dex, only see them. What everdred means is that nothing happens when you catch all 150 pokemon in the Sinnoh dex.
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Postby Rocketshipper » Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:07 pm

game update: I've collected my second badge (is it just me, or is this game a LOT longer than all the other ones?) and now I'm on my way to Hearthome city, after my "brief" stop in the wayward cave to rescue that Kadabra girl. My team is now Grotle, Budew, Drifloon, Vespiquen, Shellos, and Bronzor.

I must say that I LOVE the team up segments so far. You get twice the experience from wild pokemon battles, and your partner heals you after every battle (at least with the first two team ups). They are awesome sections for leveling.

And why is it that every single pokemon game so far always has a fishermen who battles with 6 magikarp?? I hate magikarp!
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Postby Debitt » Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:22 pm

Rocketshipper wrote:And why is it that every single pokemon game so far always has a fishermen who battles with 6 magikarp?? I hate magikarp!

:lol: I fought that guy last night while I was on the phone with my friend.

Me: ...I...I just killed his fifth Magikarp.
Her: Isn't that the one that does nothing?
Me: Yeah.
Her: Watch, he'll send out something real scary next.
Me: ...no. It's another Magikarp. *headdesk*

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Postby Seppuku » Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:23 pm

Pearl cuase its prettier


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