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Postby MasterDias » Thu May 03, 2007 4:23 pm

Poor Wobbuffet...

But, really though, from my past experience with the series, legendaries tended to make the game a cakewalk when you got them, even if some of them are annoying to catch...although, compared to most RPGs, the series is pretty easy to begin with.

I might pick this up this summer, although I never did get Ruby or Sapphire.
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Postby Etoh*the*Greato » Thu May 03, 2007 4:25 pm

ikimasu wrote:I bought pearl, since most people got Diamond. This is the first Pokemon game I've playing since the original Red and Blue, so and the addiction is making a full-force comeback.

I played Red, Yellow, and then Silver, but I've not touched a Pokemon game seriously since like... 2001. It's a trip. I picked up pearl as well (because I liked Dialga's look) and I'm enjoying it. Got the Chimchar for my original choice. At first I wasn't nuts about any of the choices. I picked him because, hey, fire, why not? Yeah, then after picking him I saw his last evolution.

Can you say drop dead buttkickingly awesome? 'Cause I'm totally saying it.
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Postby Nate » Thu May 03, 2007 4:26 pm

everdred12a wrote:The list I posted is the official Pokemon League banned uber list. I don't think the banning on Wynaut/Wobuffet has anything to do with that, though, since most of the other lists I found said that they allow Wobuffet as long as it's not used with Leftovers.

If you can link me to the site, that'd be neat.

And actually, that IS the reason Wobuffet is banned...see, if Wobuffet has Leftovers, that heals it more than Struggle can do damage-wise. So in the earlier games (before Shadow Tag was tweaked), if two opponents sent out two Wobuffets with Leftovers, it was an unwinnable battle, since all that could be used is Struggle, and Leftovers would restore it back to full health afterwards.

That's why I'm saying, since Shadow Tag was tweaked so that two Wobuffets would still allow switching, Wobuffet with Leftovers should no longer be banned. But it's up to them, so if they don't amend the rules (though I don't see why they wouldn't), it's still banned I guess.

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Postby everdred12a » Thu May 03, 2007 4:34 pm

Nate wrote:If you can link me to the site, that'd be neat.

And actually, that IS the reason Wobuffet is banned...see, if Wobuffet has Leftovers, that heals it more than Struggle can do damage-wise. So in the earlier games (before Shadow Tag was tweaked), if two opponents sent out two Wobuffets with Leftovers, it was an unwinnable battle, since all that could be used is Struggle, and Leftovers would restore it back to full health afterwards.

That's why I'm saying, since Shadow Tag was tweaked so that two Wobuffets would still allow switching, Wobuffet with Leftovers should no longer be banned. But it's up to them, so if they don't amend the rules (though I don't see why they wouldn't), it's still banned I guess.

Gah, misread the dude's post on that forum. It's HIS official Pokemon League whatever crap. But yeah, I suppose Wobuffet could be allowed. But like you, I'm opposed to the use of ubers.

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Postby Nate » Thu May 03, 2007 4:44 pm

I think I should probably explain the difference between Legendaries and Ubers, though. Legendaries are rare, and strong, but not ridiculously strong. Legendaries are simply "one only" Pokemon. Ubers are the ones that are tied to the storyline, or the "after the game" Pokemon. Their stats are insanely high, and they're usually high level.

Most legendaries aren't frowned upon to use in battle, but ubers are. As far as I know, only the ones I mentioned earlier are ubers (except Wobuffet). Mew, Jirachi, Celebi, and Manaphy don't qualify as ubers because their base stats aren't that high. I wish I could show you the base stat info but unfortunately serebii.net has been down hard lately since Diamond and Pearl came out. -.-

EDIT: Okay! After being on serebii.net for a while, I've noticed what is apparently the "cutoff" for the "uber" classification.

Lower tier legendaries, like Mew, Jirachi, Darkrai, Cresselia, etc., have a base stat total of 600. Since I have not seen any battling rules that would prohibit Pokemon with a base stat total of 600 (except Mew, but I think that's more due to its moveset than its stats), I would say 600 is the "limit" for acceptable Pokemon. However, ubers seem to have for the most part base stat totals of 670-680 (except for Arceus, which has a base stat total of 720!). This seems to be the reason for their banning, i.e. a perfectly trained Pokemon with IV and EV values would still be no match for an untrained uber.

For the record, Manaphy hatches at level 1...so it's not like it starts out at level 50 or 70 or anything.

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Postby Etoh*the*Greato » Thu May 03, 2007 5:01 pm

So, my quesiton is, is there any group where a 23 year old can play without fear of beating on little kids? Don't want some kid's parents complaining because the big nerd was participating.
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Postby everdred12a » Thu May 03, 2007 5:02 pm

Nate wrote:I think I should probably explain the difference between Legendaries and Ubers, though. Legendaries are rare, and strong, but not ridiculously strong. Legendaries are simply "one only" Pokemon. Ubers are the ones that are tied to the storyline, or the "after the game" Pokemon. Their stats are insanely high, and they're usually high level.

Most legendaries aren't frowned upon to use in battle, but ubers are. As far as I know, only the ones I mentioned earlier are ubers (except Wobuffet). Mew, Jirachi, Celebi, and Manaphy don't qualify as ubers because their base stats aren't that high. I wish I could show you the base stat info but unfortunately serebii.net has been down hard lately since Diamond and Pearl came out. -.-

It's not down :O I'm on it right now ;p It IS rather slow, though. Try a link two or three times, it'll load.

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Postby Peregrine » Fri May 04, 2007 4:09 pm

Just thought I'd post that I finallly can connect to the internet with my DS. Yay! My friend code is 0688 1841 8689
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Postby Felix » Fri May 04, 2007 5:09 pm

I tried to beat the Elite Four and the Champion with only 5 pokemon. One was level 52, one was 50, one was 49, one was 41, and one was 36. Needless to say, it didn't work out to well. I did get to the champion though, and killed about 4 of her 6 pokemon, but.. yeah, then I failed. So I need to train my pokemon more before I try again, but I'm sick of that cave in front of the pokemon stadium place.

Anyway, I'll add you next time I play, Peregrine
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Postby everdred12a » Sat May 05, 2007 3:41 pm

I just finished the Elite Four and Champion and got my National Pokedex... sometime in the next week or two I should have a party suitable to fight you guys with, so just hold on for awhile and I'll be set ;D

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Postby Felix » Tue May 08, 2007 8:36 pm

I'm having trouble beating the elite four and champion >.< I only really have 3 strong pokemon, and even they aren't quite strong enough to bear the Elite's pokemon. I've just been too lazy to really play hard and train my pokemon.
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Postby everdred12a » Tue May 08, 2007 10:42 pm

They don't need a lot of intensive training. I brought an Empoleon, a Sneasel, and a Pachirisu into the Elite 4, all three of them level 60. Pachirisu didn't do anything, and Sneasel didn't do much. My Empoleon ended up doing most of the work. If you can get your three pokemon to level 60, you should be okay, and that's not really all that difficult in Victory Road.

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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Tue May 08, 2007 11:20 pm

Thinking of the Elite 4, is it just like the other games? When I played FireRed, I didn't remember from my older games, that after the last cave, all my Pokemon were horribly underleveled to challenge them, yet when I tried leveling in the cave it...gave me little to no exp :/ I can't remember what the trick to leveling is around there^^ No, haven't gotten that far on Diamond/Pearl, but just for when I do... I think I got exp just from constantly battling the Elite to level, but that seems like SUCH a long time to do it to a team of 6 :/
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Postby indyrocker » Wed May 09, 2007 12:04 am

Well i got pearl because it was all they had left. If y'all want my freind code its 2019 6155 6655 i must say i am lovin the GTS ability the bast thing i have gotten so far is lvl 100 Lucario for a lvl 20 Roselia. I'm just happy it finaly started lisoning to me now. Oh yah Felix, Nate and Ikimasu I added you and what not. Right now I'm on the victory road with a lv 40 Torterra, lv 40 Inferape, lv 26 gengar (its my raiser for the moment), lv 46 Luxray, lv 47 Palkia, and a lv 100 Lucario.
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Postby everdred12a » Wed May 09, 2007 9:41 am

Tenshi no Ai wrote:I can't remember what the trick to leveling is around there^^

A problem a LOT of people seem to face when they get to that point. Lots of people tend to have underleveled pokemon going into the Elite Four (myself included, I just didn't want to bother going past 60). The thing is... I think that raising six pokemon is part of the problem. It kinda spreads the exp too thin. For example, pokemon need from about 800,000-1,500,000 experience to hit level 100. But, if you had spread that 1 million (using 1mil as an average) out over six different pokemon... that's only 166,667 exp per pokemon. That's... about level 55, depending on the pokemon. And uh, six level 55's isn't going to beat the Elite Four. Throughout my whole way through the game, I gained about 750,000 experience total over my three pokemon (this is even post-Elite 4).

Anyway... the point of this whole deal was that a party of six pokemon isn't totally practical to beat the game with. In fact, you can only Battle Tower with three pokemon anyway. I'm going to raise a party of six, of course, so I can battle people who insist on using six, but to be honest, I'd rather battle three-on-three anyway.

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Postby Felix » Wed May 09, 2007 1:35 pm

everdred wrote:And uh, six level 55's isn't going to beat the Elite Four.

Well, I just beat the elite four and champion with a level 55, two level 52's, a level 43, a level 39, and a level 36, so I'm sure it's possible to beat them with six level 55's :p

So yeah, I beat them, relying heavily on hyper potions and revives of course.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Wed May 09, 2007 2:08 pm

Hm yeah I guess that's true. 6 IS nice however, to have a variation of different Poke-types to fight others. I remember when I first played Blue, I raised my Venusaur to lv 90ish eventually (soon enough 100... WITHOUGHT the Missingo glitch) and he alone was enough to beat the Elite 4 and Gary with razor leaf alone! Too bad when it came to fighting a friend, all my others sucked and were still down at less than lv 60 :/

I know legendaries are a nice addition to fight with^^ It's how I won battles in Red and Yellow etc... too bad in Fire Red I just went "meh" and got exp off them^^
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Postby everdred12a » Wed May 09, 2007 5:36 pm

Tenshi no Ai wrote:Hm yeah I guess that's true. 6 IS nice however, to have a variation of different Poke-types to fight others. I remember when I first played Blue, I raised my Venusaur to lv 90ish eventually (soon enough 100... WITHOUGHT the Missingo glitch) and he alone was enough to beat the Elite 4 and Gary with razor leaf alone! Too bad when it came to fighting a friend, all my others sucked and were still down at less than lv 60 :/

I know legendaries are a nice addition to fight with^^ It's how I won battles in Red and Yellow etc... too bad in Fire Red I just went "meh" and got exp off them^^

It IS theoretically possible, but not practical. Felix probably got by on the skin of his teeth, and you can't really compare Red/Blue/Yellow or Gold/Silver/Crystal to any of the other pokemon games. The mechanics between GSC and RSE changed dramatically.

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Postby MasterDias » Wed May 09, 2007 9:51 pm

everdred12a wrote:It IS theoretically possible, but not practical. Felix probably got by on the skin of his teeth, and you can't really compare Red/Blue/Yellow or Gold/Silver/Crystal to any of the other pokemon games. The mechanics between GSC and RSE changed dramatically.

Oh, out of curiosity, what mechanics are you referring to? Speaking as someone who has only played the first two generations, I was under the impression that the series hadn't gone through any major changes in gameplay.
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Postby everdred12a » Wed May 09, 2007 10:18 pm

MasterDias wrote:Oh, out of curiosity, what mechanics are you referring to? Speaking as someone who has only played the first two generations, I was under the impression that the series hadn't gone through any major changes in gameplay.

There's really only a couple of things that changed (I think). I never played anything from the GSC generation, so I'm not sure if Natures were introduced by then or not, but I'm fairly certain it was an addition from RSE. DP added Characteristics to the mix, as well, though I don't think Serebii.net has found out exactly what they do yet.

But what I was REALLY referring too was the RSE EV point cap. If you can recall ever using MissingNO to get a crapload of Rare Candies, then you will also possibly recall the whole rumor that Rare Candies lowered your stat growth. This is not true; what happened was your pokemon stopped getting EV's. EV's boost your pokemon's stats at level up based on which pokemon you fight during the course of that level. In RBY/GSC, there wasn't a cap on those stats, and you could actually make pokemon that had 999 (or close to it) in every stat if you were careful. But RSE introduced an EV ceiling of 510 points and a second ceiling that you could only add 255 EV points to an individual stat (~63 additional points into two different stats with one point left over for another stat).

So if you understood the gist of what I just said, it should be plain to see that it's impossible to really relate the RBY/GSC generations to the RSE and future generations of pokemon.

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Fri May 11, 2007 10:32 pm

My friend code: 4596 6108 5887

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Postby Nate » Fri May 11, 2007 11:41 pm

everdred12a wrote:And uh, six level 55's isn't going to beat the Elite Four.


I beg to differ. I just now beat the Elite Four with all level 47/48 Pokemon. I didn't even struggle either. Well, except against that Bronzong. That thing was a nightmare. XD

I just think people aren't using the right TYPES and that's why they think they need high-leveled Pokemon. You know what Pokemon I used most during the whole battle?

Torterra: came in at level 48. Knew Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Earthquake. Holding Soft Sand.

Manaphy: came in at level 48. Knew Tail Glow, Acid Armor, Water Pulse, and Brine. Holding Leftovers.

Skuntank: came in at level 47. Knew Memento, Toxic, Flamethrower, and Night Slash. Holding Dread Plate.

That's it. These three did pretty much everything. I never even sent out my Luxray...okay, wait, I sent it out, ONCE, against Beautifly, and never touched it again (it was level 47). I used Dialga, ONCE, against the Champion's Garchomp (it was level 47).

Maybe six level 55's won't beat the Elite Four, but six level 47/48's sure as heck can.

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Postby Jack Bond » Tue May 15, 2007 10:19 pm

Okay. I don't know if this was addressed, but the main pokemon of Diamond IS Dialga...

I chose Diamond...
Palkia looks cool... I got him in my Diamond pokedex... I'm 3 pokemon sightings away from getting the new sections of the battle islands, and a national pokedex...


ROFL NATE! Those Bronzor pokemon are a snap for me! They're weak to fire types and my original starter was an infernape! I also have a backup infernape too ^^

Yus that's right...
I have all three starter pokemon and an extra infernape. ^^ I feel so proud and well doing in my game ^^
Now... I just gotta get it back from my friends house in Arizona! D:!
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Postby Nate » Tue May 15, 2007 11:25 pm

Jack Bond wrote:ROFL NATE! Those Bronzor pokemon are a snap for me! They're weak to fire types and my original starter was an infernape! I also have a backup infernape too ^^

The Elite Four's Bronzong knows Earthquake.

Fire types are weak to ground moves.

It won't be a snap. :p

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Postby Okami » Wed May 16, 2007 3:25 am

I'm going to be getting Diamond. I haven't a single dollar right now....so I'm forging for all the money I can get my hands on. I'm going to buy 2 Headsets (one for a friend *shhh, tis an early B-day present* and one for me) and Diamond..coming down to about $65. I'm going to get everything in about a month, June 23 or so, so I know I'll have money left over to catch up on some manga ^^U That's $20 every-other weekend from allowances, end-of-the-year Grade Money; and whatever I'll have from trading a bunch of old Gamecude/DS/GBA and my GBA/charger. I'll have enough -^_^-

Aww snaps! I gotta get going >.< I lost track of the time and now I'm going to be late for the bus!! Gaaah! Where are my clothes??? *starts scrambling around her room, gathering everything for the day*
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Postby Kisa » Wed May 16, 2007 6:56 am

My bro just got Pearl and I'm gonna get Diamond just so we both ahve one. Before this I have Red and Silver... the others never really interested me...
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Postby Jack Bond » Wed May 16, 2007 7:57 am

Nate wrote:The Elite Four's Bronzong knows Earthquake.

Fire types are weak to ground moves.

It won't be a snap. :p

Okay, it won't be a snap if it attacks me, but the one time I fought it, I killed it in 1 move.

BTW Nate, I beat my enemies by not giving them a/much chance to attack me.
If they get enough attacks in, I'm doomed.
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Postby everdred12a » Wed May 16, 2007 2:36 pm

Nate wrote:That's it. These three did pretty much everything. I never even sent out my Luxray...okay, wait, I sent it out, ONCE, against Beautifly, and never touched it again (it was level 47). I used Dialga, ONCE, against the Champion's Garchomp (it was level 47).

Maybe six level 55's won't beat the Elite Four, but six level 47/48's sure as heck can.

You also have to factor in the use of two ubers. That does make a difference.

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed May 16, 2007 5:46 pm

everdred12a wrote:You also have to factor in the use of two ubers. That does make a difference.

I don't think it makes that big of a difference. He said he barely used them.
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Postby everdred12a » Wed May 16, 2007 6:01 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:I don't think it makes that big of a difference. He said he barely used them.

He listed the Manaphy in his main three. And yeah, I think ubers DO make a difference. Considering from experience, a Kyogre at level 55 can and did beat the elite four alone, whereas most level 55's can't. Ubers make a big difference, and I advocate against the use of them at all. Ruins the game.

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