(This was also posted on my LJ)
It was pretty amazing to see a lot of the Caucasian kids in school (and the media) say how he "made no sense" and wasn't "coherent", thus being signs of Paranoia Schizophrenia.
I see no signs of Schizophrenia (Paranoia, that's another story). It's hard to live a life where your parents are immigrants in the U.S.A. It's hard to be forced to study all the time while your parents work over 12 hours a day working at some dry cleaner, or a beauty store, or a liquor store downtown, seeing them break their backs for their children so their children could be "Rich Doctors" and succeed in life. Me working at a Liquor store for a year at the age of 16 every Saturday for 13 hours in the poorest part of Baltimore City was bad enough. My dad had to do it 6-7 times a week. By the same token you see a lot of rich people and rich kids driving their cars that their mothers bought them and you ask "Why do they get all these nice presents from their parents, and I get nothing?"
"You had everything you wanted. Your Mercedes wasn’t enough, you brats. Your golden necklaces weren’t enough, you snobs. Your trust fund wasn’t enough. Your vodka and Cognac weren’t enough. All your debaucheries weren’t enough. Those weren’t enough to fulfill your hedonistic needs. You had everything."
He shares my thoughts; he shares my feelings, 100% dead on. I go to a private catholic school full of rich kids. Why did my mom put me in here? She thought I could get an excellent education, if I went to public school instead, we might not have to face the possibility of bankruptcy, and my mom's breaking her back trying to make income. I hate seeing kids here living their hedonistic ways, doing whatever crap they so desire, playing their guitars, drinking their beers, driving their fancy cars, all that stuff. I hate being in the same environment as them.
It's hard to go to school every day having to face "Asian" remarks. Despite what you may experience, I get them every single day. Many times a day in fact. In school, work, whatever.
Our man, Seung-Hui Cho, was said to have been picked on a LOT as a child. I recall one of his classmates saying how in Gradeschool, his teacher threatened to fail him if he didn't read something. All the kids laughed, and told him to go back to China and whatever.
Saying "Go back to your country" is one of the most offensive things; ever. I hate it whenever somebody says that. That and pretending to make nonsensical "Asian Gibberish". Besides, the only ones who are "allowed" to say that are the Native Americans.
Lets face it, White people don't understand the crap I have to deal with every single day. And they probably never will understand to the extent which I do. Joking or not, I hate it; we all hate it. It can get to the point were we even hate talking about our own nationality, in fear of ignorant remarks by other people.
Basically, what I'm saying is that the reason why what he says makes 100% perfect sense to me and not to some other people (not saying all of those of the majority don't understand. I'm sure many do) is simply because I'm an Asian-American like him. I'm a minority like him.