very stressed...

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very stressed...

Postby Slater » Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:17 pm

Well, I told you guys about my struggles in my linear algebra class... I was thinking about dropping the class, but my parents told me very strongly that I'm not allowed to drop or skip any classes, no matter what, after I told them my plans. Ok, fine.

So the midterm was coming up. I spent the three days before it doing two things; working 8 hour shifts (I had asked for those days off to do studying, but that request was denied) and studying any moment that I wasn't at work or sleeping. I worked my *** off trying to get this material down, and felt somewhat confident when the test came around. I did my best, felt good about the answers, and signed my name to the test saying that I hadn't given anything BUT my best in doing it.

For sure, I figured, I would pass that. I felt that I understood 5 of the 6 questions well enough to get at least a C on it.

And then the next class period came, and I got a look into her grading routines... a horrible, horrible look into how that works. She grades using an All-or-nothing scale; either you get each step in the problem right or you get the whole thing wrong.
And thus, after the curve (which "boosted" most of the class into the D+ range), I scored a whopping 19%. That's right, 19%

I am not used to this. Since the day I started Kindergarten, I had never gotten below a C on any test in any subject. I have never failed a thing. And then, all of a sudden... BOOM like that, the biggest F in the class... literally. She wrote all of our scores on the board, and mine shown out as the most extreme out-lier on the curve. As if that wasn't embarassing enough, she lectured us on how it looks like we aren't applying ourselves enough to the material...

Well, beat me with a cinderblock and call me Abraham Lincoln, I guess that putting all of my effort into that crap wasn't enough.

Seriously, I can't see any way to turn this situation around now. 19% on the midterm... That says something special. This is a math class; it says that I've failed to learn enough of the concepts to progress in my major.

I really don't know how to bring this up to my parents, or to my boss.

Oh yeah, did I mention? More people at my workplace quit, and I again am expected to pick up that slack. That's right; they want me to go from full-time to over-time!

By everything I stand for and believe in... As God is my witness, I've given everything I've got into all this crap in my life, and I'm drowning in it all. Everyone else above me has put expectations into what I need to do. I've tried to satisfy everyone, and now it feels like I can't satisfy anyone, because I am literally burnt out. My physical health has started to decline due to all of this stress... I don't know if I told anyone here, but I suffer from a hereditary disease of the stomach that gives me terrible acid reflux and (as a biproduct) gives me asthma attacks... Two primary things set all of that off: marinara sauce and stress... And I haven't been eating a lot of pizza lately so it's kinda hard to rule out the other. Also I have to deal with headaches, sore joints (mostly in my feet; we only get to sit for 30 minutes every 8 hours we work at Quiznos. That, and I blew my ankle out)

i dunno if I'm asking for prayer or if I'm asking for advice... Like seriously, I'm blind at this point... Screwed if I take path A, screwed if I take path B, etc... I don't wanna be in this situation any more, and I'm not sure which path would be the least painful to take out...
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Postby JediSonic » Wed Mar 21, 2007 10:01 am

Hey, man, that sounds rough! I dont have enough experience with jobs or college to offer much advice, except trust in God and we'll be praying for you.
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Postby Puguni » Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:26 pm

That's extremely tough. There's nothing much I can do now but pray vehemently for you; this is not easy. I hope very much that God can give you repose; for now, all I can say is, try to endure and think positive. :>
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Postby heero yuy 95 » Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:53 pm

Awww, man, I despise algebra. Dude, i totally know how you feel. It's been my scholastic achille's heel for as long as i can remeber. Just hang in there, man. This is but a setback. Beleive in God's ability to pull you through this as well as your own. You're above those vile numbers and formulas. Hang in there.

Hey, man, btw, here's a quote i found.

"By perseverance, study, and eternal desire, any man can become great."
-George S. Patton
'listen to me, Grel, these constant failures have been causing me to lose face, and if you keep it up i shan't spare yours!" -Khyron the Destroyer

"why throw away your life so recklessly!"
"that's a question you should be asking yourself, megatron."
-transformers the movie

^ My Manga!!! Check it out!
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Thu Mar 22, 2007 8:18 am

Oy... I can't imagine how tough that would be... working part time on weekeneds and taking classes was bad enough for me :/ I'll be praying....
神 は、 その 独り 子 を お与え に なった ほど に 世 お愛 された。
独り 子 を 信じる 者 が 一人 も滅 ひない で, 永遠 の 命 お得る ため で ある。

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Postby Slater » Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:00 am


update: school got the notice out to teachers late this year, it seems... well, they didn't get it out at all, the students in my classes just have big mouths

We have Caesar Chavez Day (we celebrate him for fighting for Mexican American Civil Rights and other stuff that people here would find controversial) next Friday.

So my homework schedule typically looks like... this:
Monday: Nothing due
Tuesday: Nothing due
Wednesday: Physics and Discrete Mathematics stuff due
Thursday: EM Lab pre-work formal due
Friday: Linear Algebra and Computer Engineering stuff due

however, my Lin. Algebra and Computer Engineering class teachers decided that they'd rather have their homework turned in sooner than later, so it's due by wednesday next week.

And then there's a special large-scale project due on thursday for my other computer class... so it looks like this for next week:

monday: nothing due
tuesday: nothing due
wednesday: Linear Algebra, Computer Engineering, Discrete Mathematics, and EM Physics all due
thursday: EML and project due
friday: off

furthermore, I am scheduled to work from today to wednesday night at Quiznos, 6-10 hour days with only tuesday off...

Like srsly... pray for some weird time-space flux thing, cause I need at least twice the time I have to get all of this done if I work without breaks...
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